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GVF-Hop l0† 13l La Soulja Nostra

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Bridging The Gap was dope back then, one of the few hiphop tracks that got some major airplay on the radio here back when it was still looked down on. Smooth beat, good vibe and the God Son spitting some fine bars (not if you grew up fatherless tho)
it says a lot about german radio tastes if bridging the gap was one of the first tracks that put rap through.

nah breh. that shit is garbage.

the corny blues to start it off

Nas senile father coming through with some wouldnt-give-you-a-single-dollar on the street for singing this hook

This corny ass high school musical video



it says a lot about german radio tastes if bridging the gap was one of the first tracks that put rap through.

nah breh. that shit is garbage.

the corny blues to start it off

Nas senile father coming through with some wouldnt-give-you-a-single-dollar on the street for singing this hook

This corny ass high school musical video


Eh, never said that the German radio was great; in fact it's garbage, but still has a gigantic audience and hearing rap music on the radio 10 years ago was a novelty (which is kinda crazy in hindsight since today it's by far the most popular genre these days)

Call it 'corny blues'; it represents his dad's genre and fits the theme of the song; and dunno why you hate on his pap doing the hook, it's neither exceptional nor as bad as you make it out to be. I'd take your critcisms more serious if it wasn't so full of hyperbole, lol

I like the song, I know it flopped and obviously didn't resonate well with a lot of people, but I prefer it much more than 'I Can' which has great numbers but was kinda 'eh' after the first listen

also it reminds me of some chick I absolutely wasn't interested in trying to get closer to me by gifting me that track on itunes because she thought I dig it

today is the exception to positivity in this thread

#positivity2015 died on the first January of this year though; I was one of very few trying to push the movement with smart concepts like +positivefridays, but getting through to you hateful motherfuckers is harder than jumping to the moon


I like Bridging The Gap. Cool rap blues track. But saying it's a great single is kind of lol worthy. Nas picks some bad singles...

I was not saying that it was a great single in the sense that it was a great commercial success or anything; I was thinking that from the songs he released as a single that Bridging The Gap is a track that I like more than a bunch of others music-wise.

When it comes to picking singles or other moves which are part of building himself as an artist, he failed several times; dunno if it's him or the people around him, or both.


i mean if what you like in singles is olu bin janitor doing his best muddy waters impression bigging up his son over a lazy sample and some garbage drums you can't be helped.

I Can is a whole new level of 'what the fuck were you thinking'. Because of the kids on the track and some of the lines it's obviously pitched to be an inspirational song to the youth. Not a bad idea, and it performed ok, some people seem to remember it. But let's delve a little deeper brehs. Ignoring the bad kids singing hook and Beethoven single for a black empowerment song, let's actually take a look at some of these bars.

Gnauseir said:
Be, B-Boys and girls, listen up
You can be anything in the world, in God we trust
An architect, doctor, maybe an actress
But nothing comes easy, it takes much practice
Like, I met a woman who's becoming a star
She was very beautiful, leaving people in awe
Singing songs, Lena Horne, but the younger version
Hung with the wrong person
Got her strung on that
Heroin, cocaine, sniffing up drugs, all in her nose
Could've died, so young, now, looks ugly and old

Instead of telling children about a successful example of an entertainer/scientist/entrepreneur, Nas takes the D.A.R.E. route talking about some random basehead no one gives a fuck about on his single. What's wrong with this guy?

Hnoos said:
Be, b-boys and girls, listen again
This is for grown-looking girls who's only 10
The ones who watch videos and do what they see
As cute as can be, up in the club with fake ID
Careful, 'fore you meet a man with HIV
You can host the TV like Oprah Winfrey
Whatever you decide, be careful, some men be
Rapists, so act your age, don't pretend to be

Tell young girls cautionary tales about getting raped by men and getting HIV on your single, brehs

If this is supposed to be inspirational or positive I'm not getting it. Affecting moral authority and illustrating boogeymen. And continuing with the first verse, setting the undertone of an abstinence arguments. Don't do drugs and sex kidz, because of course that'll A) stop you from attaining any of your goals and B) abstinence education works. This sort of attitude links to other stuff in his discography like Black Girl Lost, where he uses fear and anecdotes to shame women out of sex. #positivity

Pgnazzz said:
Money then became empowerment for Europeans
The Persian military invaded
They heard about the gold, the teachings and everything sacred
Africa was almost robbed naked
Slavery was money, so they began making slave ships
Egypt was the place that Alexander the Great went
He was so shocked at the mountains with black faces
Shot up they nose to impose what basically

I fux with this verse, I like some of the imagery and love the storytelling. It's really the only thing that saves this corny ass song. But even then, I still die laughing every time i hear this since he implies that Alexander the Great somehow had cannons to shoot off the Sphinx's nose. Kicking some random incense stand history pamplet 'facts' to the youth.

Overall, it's a garbage song full of cringeworthy lines and cornball shit, which is okay but imo the hook and beat are wack too. Yeah yeah you're a jay stan, you're a hater, blah blah blah. Song is corny af. Dare you to put that shit on in a public place tho.

On one hand I understand that Nas rarely chases big singles, and his career hasn't really been hurt by that. On the other hand when he does chase it we get...Summer On Smash, You Owe Me, You Won't See Me Tonight, etc.

Nas really fails at dumbing down. He wants to drown poppy production with verbosity and it comes off corny (just like Lupe). I think Daughters and Cherry Wine are good examples of him making good radio rap songs, but obviously those aren't hits - they barely got play. The Don is a dope dancehall club single to me but obviously people weren't checking for that in 2012.
i mean if what you like in singles is olu bin janitor doing his best muddy waters impression

Nas takes the D.A.R.E. route talking about some random basehead no one gives a fuck about on his single. What's wrong with this guy?

Alexander the Great somehow had cannons to shoot off the Sphinx's nose. Kicking some random incense stand history pamplet 'facts' to the youth.

^ when you are still not over Ether

This thread right now


Olu bin janitor lmao

Does anybody remember the name of that Chicago rapper who hit it big on the Internet a few months ago? He only released 2 tracks online and he's being all mysterious by not showing his identity and has a kinda shit name

I wanna listen again but I forgot the names of the tracks


Now see The Don, that was a great single. The best he's had since made you look. Hype, some good brag bars, a heavy beat. I dare say that shit slaps even.

Call me salty / ether etc etc (which i acknowledge as the goat diss btw) but i dare any one of you to take your phone and put on either song at a party*. Maybe even a friend's car**. Nobody trying to dance or nod their head to that shit. Have mans break OE bottles over your head 30 seconds in.


*outside of europe

**unless you're friends with Irish
Does anybody remember the name of that Chicago rapper who hit it big on the Internet a few months ago? He only released 2 tracks online and he's being all mysterious by not showing his identity and has a kinda shit name

I wanna listen again but I forgot the names of the tracks

I remember what you're talking about (it was a Soundcloud link right?), but I searched for about 5 minutes which is just about the maximum amount of time I'll give to an internet search before giving up, so yeah.

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