Nope, you guys just drown everything in fucking guacamole insteadthat's like living in a state sponsored by Taco Bell.
#blessedwestcoast #realfood
Avocado in general. I never really ate much of it until I moved out to California lol. I mean some fresh avocado can be really good on stuff for sure, but I got kinda tired of it.Nope, you guys just drown everything in fucking guacamole instead
Soprano clan always on top.
Future Trunks > Teen Gohan > Vegeta > Piccolo > Goku >> Shitty Trunks > Adult Gohan
The Wire>The Sopranos
Dragon Ball Budokai 3 > Any Dragon Ball Tenkaichi game
Escape from New York > The Thing > Halloween > Big Trouble in Little China
This all checks out.Taxi Driver > Goodfellas > Raging Bull > The King of Comedy
Shit his 00's films don't compare. They are still cool though.
The Wire>The Sopranos
Escape from New York > The Thing > Halloween > Big Trouble in Little China
The Thing > Prince of Darkness > Big Trouble In Little China > Halloween > Escape From NY > In The Mouth of Madness > Escape From LA (yeah I said it) > Assault on Precinct 13 > They Live > Starman > Vampires > The Fog > Christine > Ghosts of Mars > Dark Star
Oh I put Do The Right Thing at 1 and 25th Hour at 2.
The Thing > Prince of Darkness > Big Trouble In Little China > Halloween > Escape From NY > In The Mouth of Madness > Escape From LA (yeah I said it) > Assault on Precinct 13 > They Live > Starman > Vampires > The Fog > Christine > Ghosts of Mars > Dark Star
Ghosts of Mars is way too low. It's garbage but It's go Michael Ironside, Ice Cube and motherfucking 90s fox Natasha Henstridge so that shit needs to be above, or at level with Assault on Precinct 13.
Also Escape from LA is garbage. Full on garbage with very little redeeming qualities. I knew that when I was like 9 the first time I saw it and that's still the case. Ghosts of Mars is the better and more competent film by leaps and bounds.
Big Trouble in Little China is great but maybe a little high especially with how you recognize the god body that is Prince of Darkness. Underrated as hell and in a weird way, probably Carpenter's most subtle and subdued film.
Ghosts of Mars is totally in the wrong place, you're right. I don't know why I put it below The Fog and Christine which are both kinda dull. Cube, 90s Natasha Henstridge, and gotdamn Pam Grier in a Carpenter siege framework should not be that low.
And I recognize that Escape From LA is garbage, but it's so stupid it's amazing. And not in a modern ironic self aware way, but genuine great terribleness.
Big Trouble is just a lot of fun, I don't know what else to say about that one. And yeah prince of Darkness is incredibly underrated. I've grown to like it more and more every time i watch it.
My bad too idk why I thought Michael Ironside was in Ghosts but yes! Pam Grier!
The Way of the Samurai is found in death. Meditation on inevitable death should be performed daily. Every day when one's body and mind are at peace, one should meditate upon being ripped apart by arrows, rifles, spears, and swords. Being carried away by surging waves. Being thrown into the midst of a great fire. Being struck by lightning, being shaken to death by a great earthquake. Falling from thousand-foot cliffs, dying of disease, or committing seppuku at the death of one's master. And every day, without fail, one should consider himself as dead. This is the substance of the Way of the Samurai.
You're thinking of Starship Troopers right? I was Googling Ironside like waitaminute what
Dope. Still think this thing is taking way too long to come out considering it is Jay Rock.
Sorry but Jay Rock is so boring 💤
Preach.Sorry but Jay Rock is so boring 💤
Fjordson's av > Your av
That Nirvana thread bums me out
One day white America and the rest of the world will at least appreciate Hip-hop in some form
The Thing > Prince of Darkness > Big Trouble In Little China > Halloween > Escape From NY > In The Mouth of Madness > Escape From LA (yeah I said it) > Assault on Precinct 13 > They Live > Starman > Vampires > The Fog > Christine > Ghosts of Mars > Dark Star
That Nirvana thread bums me out
One day white America and the rest of the world will at least appreciate Hip-hop in some form
That Nirvana thread bums me out
One day white America and the rest of the world will at least appreciate Hip-hop in some form
That Nirvana thread bums me out
One day white America and the rest of the world will at least appreciate Hip-hop in some form
Album sales wish, Hip-Hop/R&B lagged pretty far behind Rock(14% to 33% respectively in 2014). Song downloads its third behind Rock and Pop, too
but streaming tho
Rush Hour 2 > 1 > 3