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H1Z1 Early Access |OT| You've got red on you.




Well pushed my luck in one of the towns. Was just chilling on roof of building and got ambushed by 4 guys. LOL.


1200 weight backpack
.308 rifle, with ammo

Plus a bunch of water, random stuff.

Guy who killed me said hello in Proximity Chat, and maybe if i hand answered I would have lived. However, when you have a sleeping wife on couch and 5 month old in chair sleeping on floor I can't justify waking them to save myself by initiating a chat.

Oh well, that's life for the 38 Y/O Gamer/Father

Ingame Name: Luedi


anyone know where fertilizer tends to spawn at reasonably often? Only place I have found is by the lake in cabins but haven't seen any in 2 days
I keep on getting KOSed before I even have a chance to do anything! >.<

That's the problem with these types of games. They will say that they don't know you well enough to trust you, but how do they expect to get to know you when the first thing they do is put a bullet/arrow in your head?

It's a vicious circle.
I don't trust you enough to let you do anything.


gotta be sneaky and very cautious. obviously you will die and die alot, but you can live for a while as long as you just dont just walk up to things like you got weapons. be sneaking! lol

Yea I usually am. I just happen to have back luck when exiting a house or building lol.

That's the problem with these types of games. They will say that they don't know you well enough to trust you, but how do they expect to get to know you when the first thing they do is put a bullet/arrow in your head?

It's a vicious circle.

Indeed. Some just shot while they are still asking the question lol.


i always look around through the windows before i exit and listen to hear footsteps. i mean sometimes your screwed, but thats what this game is about. especiallly if you get into the business buildings in the city. fun stuff.


i always look around through the windows before i exit and listen to hear footsteps. i mean sometimes your screwed, but thats what this game is about. especiallly if you get into the business buildings in the city. fun stuff.

Risk vs reward usually. Why I love these games.

Edit: Just got a 40mb patch, wonder what it did.
First time I ever started getting some good loot, I don't KOS so I was looting houses at some resort where two guys showed up, seemed harmless and we ignored each other. Then one guy comes in a room and sees me with a crowbar, runs away and his buddy comes back and they shotgun me in the face and say "this is not what we usually do but we really need that crowbar"

They could've just asked me and I'd give it to them because I had no choice and didn't want to die and lose some of my other stuff, but nope.

So apparently crowbars are super rare to find? That's what they were saying.


So last night I killed 2 guys building a base near the church on Damnation and looted all there stuff untill I saw their friends charging in and I logged. Hopped on tonight and their build is getting nice. Noone around and a MASSIVE loot stash mound upstairs in the bedroom kinda under a matress and bed. Ate/drank/medicated left my trash and fully armed up with AR, rifle and pistol buncha goodies and took all I could carry including battery and sparkplugs for their truck outside. Hauled ass as far as I could get before my lame but flipped the truck but ejected safely. Dug a loot hole far out and ran straight back with only a spear, bow and berries to fill up again. As soon as I got near the house someone started calling me a MFer and screaming... I think HE MAD BRO... LOL retrieved my loot, gotta set up a safe holding spot before I go back in the morning and see where they moved it.

Sadly I didn't have a proper backpack just a 300 satchel and all the other clothing slot items. I gotta youtube or google it, I can't figure out how the heck to use the backpack frame with the satchel unlees you have to make a 2nd satchel and drag that to discovery. :/


First time I ever started getting some good loot, I don't KOS so I was looting houses at some resort where two guys showed up, seemed harmless and we ignored each other. Then one guy comes in a room and sees me with a crowbar, runs away and his buddy comes back and they shotgun me in the face and say "this is not what we usually do but we really need that crowbar"

They could've just asked me and I'd give it to them because I had no choice and didn't want to die and lose some of my other stuff, but nope.

So apparently crowbars are super rare to find? That's what they were saying.

Stupidly rare. And since they are the only way to get metal when metal doesn't bother to spawn. Having one out will get you killed very fast


First time I ever started getting some good loot, I don't KOS so I was looting houses at some resort where two guys showed up, seemed harmless and we ignored each other. Then one guy comes in a room and sees me with a crowbar, runs away and his buddy comes back and they shotgun me in the face and say "this is not what we usually do but we really need that crowbar"

They could've just asked me and I'd give it to them because I had no choice and didn't want to die and lose some of my other stuff, but nope.

So apparently crowbars are super rare to find? That's what they were saying.

never show the crowbar unless you are using it. i always walk around with my bow and ill switch it as needed, but if people see you with a helmet, a backpack, crowbar, you are pretty much KOS


First time I ever started getting some good loot, I don't KOS so I was looting houses at some resort where two guys showed up, seemed harmless and we ignored each other. Then one guy comes in a room and sees me with a crowbar, runs away and his buddy comes back and they shotgun me in the face and say "this is not what we usually do but we really need that crowbar"

They could've just asked me and I'd give it to them because I had no choice and didn't want to die and lose some of my other stuff, but nope.

So apparently crowbars are super rare to find? That's what they were saying.

I think most people now would KOS for a crowbar unless they knew you a GAFer. I'd keep that hidden always just like people with backpacks.

LOL I got someone with a crowbar tactic earlier. I had just spawned near a garage and a gear player runs in announces as friendly as do I but tells me to leave. I pretend to search a toolbox and say man I can't find anything but worthless crowbars in these toolboxes and run out the side door. He goes to search the box and quickly receives an arrow to the head. I was so proud.


Whice server does GAF play on?
Solace. Welcome :)

I stopped attacking people like a mad man. I've chosen to live the life a simple nomad. Nothing on my back besides berries and a bow. I've made a few friends along the way and a great deal of enemies. Those I've hurt, this is for you: I regret nothing! Muahahahaha!


To cut down on friendly fire between us or misidentification, I suggest using a simple word response system that we can change around if need be so we can identify friendlies outside of just talking on TS.

First person says "Flash" in proxy. Second person says "Thunder" as a response and jumps. This way the people aren't on TS don't have to be shot out of fear or people don't get tricked into thinking someone is from GAF just to get shot a little later.

Let me know what you guys think. With multiple voices trying to talk over each other on TS, I think we need a proxy chat method as well. I'm assuming I used the email trick correctly there...lol
My brother walked close to a black bear thinking that it wouldn't attack him, got mauled to death by the bear while we were in our car.

We proceeded to try and hit the bear with the car, and I got killed as a result.



To cut down on friendly fire between us or misidentification, I suggest using a simple word response system that we can change around if need be so we can identify friendlies outside of just talking on TS.

First person says "Flash" in proxy. Second person says "Thunder" as a response and jumps. This way the people aren't on TS don't have to be shot out of fear or people don't get tricked into thinking someone is from GAF just to get shot a little later.

Let me know what you guys think. With multiple voices trying to talk over each other on TS, I think we need a proxy chat method as well. I'm assuming I used the email trick correctly there...lol

Couldnt we just do the tag for the site? "Neogaf?" "Believe." then its all good.


Me and Jams logged off at the same area. I still have my shit from before, but I'm pretty much a walking target running out of bullets. Hope to regroup with more gaffers tomorrow.

To cut down on friendly fire between us or misidentification, I suggest using a simple word response system that we can change around if need be so we can identify friendlies outside of just talking on TS.

First person says "Flash" in proxy. Second person says "Thunder" as a response and jumps. This way the people aren't on TS don't have to be shot out of fear or people don't get tricked into thinking someone is from GAF just to get shot a little later.

Let me know what you guys think. With multiple voices trying to talk over each other on TS, I think we need a proxy chat method as well. I'm assuming I used the email trick correctly there...lol

You didn't use it correctly.

Couldnt we just do the tag for the site? "Neogaf?" "Believe." then its all good.

Too easy I think.


Me and Jams logged off at the same area. I still have my shit from before, but I'm pretty much a walking target running out of bullets. Hope to regroup with more gaffers tomorrow.

You didn't use it correctly.

Too easy I think.

Yeah probably so. Im gonna log on for abit to see if I can snag some supplies.


Couldnt we just do the tag for the site? "Neogaf?" "Believe." then its all good.

I think that's a little easy as well but we can switch it up from time to time to keep people guessing.

I just think anything like that would help a lot given recent incidents.


I'm too fucking goddamned nice in this game.

I gave up after that guy attacked us both. Now I'll only allow people to get close if I have nothing and offer help like those nice guys tonight, or I'll shoot on sight if they keep getting closer to me if I have some good loot. No more allowing players to get close enough to go all berserker with a melee weapon and kill me.

I still try to be nice, but now they'll obey my commands or face death. Makes me miss my firearms I had earlier.


I gave up after that guy attacked us both. Now I'll only allow people to get close if I have nothing and offer help like those nice guys tonight, or I'll shoot on sight if they keep getting closer to me if I have some good loot. No more allowing players to get close enough to go all berserker with a melee weapon and kill me.

Yeah it happened to me again in Cranberry, only it was completely unprovoked and he got the luckiest headshot in the world. Good playing with you though.


Yeah it happened to me again in Cranberry, only it was completely unprovoked and he got the luckiest headshot in the world. Good playing with you though.

Yea, we'll have to meet up again soon and get our vengeance on the world.

H1Z1 turned me into a cynical bastard.


Had another nice little run with CRS, we had tons of food (cooked rabbit, cans, etc) and stacks of blackberry juice, met another guy who wanted to run with us, who I didn't really trust at first but they seemed decent. Then out of nowhere...sniper shot takes out CRS...then me...other guy got away after a couple missed shots. Sad. :( I also found a hunting knife from a loot sack.

Game really opens up when you've got a nice amount of recipes discovered.
Stupidly rare. And since they are the only way to get metal when metal doesn't bother to spawn. Having one out will get you killed very fast
Really? When I had a guy hanging out in Pleasantville I was finding crowbars pretty regularly.
I'm in asia right now. Will I be able to play with my m8s from the UK/Europe and have the game perform reasonably well? How bad does lag fuck your shit up? If it's pretty lenient when it comes to latency i might pick it up even tho early access is literally the worst shit in gaming.


So I slipped off the side of the damn / under it. Respawned and a wolf saw me. Now i'm holed up near a gas station with a backpack full of rotten chicken.


I just looted all of cranberry (nobody else was around) and got 3 cans of food and nothing else

Heh that may be because I went through just before. But I actually found more loot on zombies than in buildings. Hopefully that patch tomorrow or whatever time it is in America fixes shit.

Oh also, sorry if killed anyone on GAF who was at a little campsite just outside Cranberry. You and your friend stumbled upon me as I was cooking water and I couldn't risk it, not with my 160 shells, backpack, 1911, 60 meat and upgraded bow.

I'm in asia right now. Will I be able to play with my m8s from the UK/Europe and have the game perform reasonably well? How bad does lag fuck your shit up? If it's pretty lenient when it comes to latency i might pick it up even tho early access is literally the worst shit in gaming.

I'm in Australia and while the ping is most likely 200 or something I'm pleasantly surprised by performance.


I'm not going to say the server, etc. but man my group's base lol

We found a place way up north with 2 houses surrounded by a giant brick wall. It has a road leading up to it (it's all up on a hill) with a main gate and a small opening in the back. So we built a metal gate which fit perfectly over the main entrance and then barricaded the back with shacks. We now have 2 houses to our self, a large land with crops, metal shacks, etc. We fortified the entire back side of the wall with punji sticks so no one can run up from that side lol

It's like we have our own fort.


I'm not going to say the server, etc. but man my group's base lol

We found a place way up north with 2 houses surrounded by a giant brick wall. It has a road leading up to it (it's all up on a hill) with a main gate and a small opening in the back. So we built a metal gate which fit perfectly over the main entrance and then barricaded the back with shacks. We now have 2 houses to our self, a large land with crops, metal shacks, etc. We fortified the entire back side of the wall with punji sticks so no one can run up from that side lol

It's like we have our own fort.

you can destroy a metal gate in like a minute with a wrench, don't feel too safe


you can destroy a metal gate in like a minute with a wrench, don't feel too safe

We've taken that into account, we have some defense's in place. Thankfully we almost always have someone online, but ya we know it's not safe... wouldn't be fun if it was!
Im going to be hoping on Solace with a new character in about 10-15 minutes, anyone want to get together and stock up on loot?

Also, yeah.... does GAF have a base already set up in Solace?


I'm not going to say the server, etc. but man my group's base lol

We found a place way up north with 2 houses surrounded by a giant brick wall. It has a road leading up to it (it's all up on a hill) with a main gate and a small opening in the back. So we built a metal gate which fit perfectly over the main entrance and then barricaded the back with shacks. We now have 2 houses to our self, a large land with crops, metal shacks, etc. We fortified the entire back side of the wall with punji sticks so no one can run up from that side lol

It's like we have our own fort.

I thought punji sticks were only for zombies? I don't take any damage whenever I walk over them.


I found a zombie last night that was clearly a former player. He had all kinds of loot including car parts, weapons in various state of repair, a backpack, a first aid kit, a crowbar, scrap metal, the works. He also had a syringe filled with zombie blood. Awesome.

I got ambushed later and lost it all, but what a find.
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