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H3H3Productions |OT| Reppin' the Naysh \//\

I saw the archive post of hers on facebook and I can't blame her with friends like those that refuse to call out the complete bullshit
lmao fucking dying at these fb comments.



I'm not a fan of people using the term SJW loosely either, but I don't think I have any other name for someone like her. She went full, delusional warrior mode at the drop of a hat.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
I think it feels off because the title is clickbait nonsense and it's framed as a crazy feminist doing something which plays to that shitty audience on YouTube rather than one crazy woman doing something. Nothing in the video had anything to do with feminism other than the crazy person being a woman claiming she was sexually assaulted, which last I checked is *not* feminism.

Yeah this is how I feel. Feels like really bad pandering to his audience.
H3h3 makes fun of extreme situations.
Not all feminists or women or people who feel harassed are like this woman, but then also not all people who like to pick up women are like the creepy pick up artists, not all people who have unusual sexual interests are attracted to amusement park rides, not all videogame fans are like the crazy PAC man guy.

Most adults know that and can differentiate between criticism of the extreme and the actions of regular people who might identify with that group.

If you think someone is immune to criticism just because they said harassment or the criticism could relate to social justice you're wrong.
Any ideal or paradigm of society taken to its extreme can be twisted to be harmful or shameful.

Plus they tend to highlight "cringe" videos which this was definitely one. The dude who did the creepy make out videos and Starbucks thing was just as socially awkward and inept as this lady was being. And possibly as desparate for attention.


Plus they tend to highlight "cringe" videos which this was definitely one. The dude who did the creepy make out videos and Starbucks thing was just as socially awkward and inept as this lady was being. And possibly as desparate for attention.

jesus christ, that guy was next level cringe. i couldn't imagine myself wanting attention that badly.


The most shocking thing about that video was that she uploaded it. She genuinely thought she looked something other than batshit fucking insane.
The most shocking thing about that video was that she uploaded it. She genuinely thought she looked something other than batshit fucking insane.

That's kind of the biggest problem with most cringey videos that channels like H3H3 talk about: The idea that the person recorded it and thought "Yeah, this is good enough to upload on youtube." The dude making those creepy kiss videos look at the stuff he makes and goes "Yeah, I nailed it. This totally wasn't a creepy flop at all."

It's super fucked up.


Okay, I'm lost. Always thought "warrior" was meant to be the insult?

it's been used ironically, unironically, as a positive, and as a negative. Especially when attached to a myriad of other things online to try and drum up support for, or disregard entirely the various social and political stances people take.

I forget where exactly (i think youtube), but I distinctly recall someone calling someone else a Keurig warrior for liking them too much, and I couldn't tell if they were being facetious or not.

i shoulda took a screenshot


The term SJW perfectly fits her, that term was made for people like her, same with that cab lady who went on a SJW rant on that cab driver. Also those facebook comments, "agents of "WhiteSupremacistPatriachy" lol.


I don't think I've ever seen Ethan lose his cool like that. He seemed like he was actually really pissed. That's the thing that stood out to me the most. It all just felt kind of bizarre when I was watching it. I kept waiting for them to reveal that they were being ironic. It felt very hateful/angry in a way that I've never seen an H3H3 video be.


I don't think I've ever seen Ethan lose his cool like that. He seemed like he was actually really pissed. That's the thing that stood out to me the most. It all just felt kind of bizarre when I was watching it. I kept waiting for them to reveal that they were being ironic. It felt very hateful/angry in a way that I've never seen an H3H3 video be.

seems more like frustration than hate


I don't think I've ever seen Ethan lose his cool like that. He seemed like he was actually really pissed. That's the thing that stood out to me the most. It all just felt kind of bizarre when I was watching it. I kept waiting for them to reveal that they were being ironic. It felt very hateful/angry in a way that I've never seen an H3H3 video be.

He just seemed disappointed by Youtube's incompetence. Don't think he lost his cool or was pissed at any point during the video, much less hateful/angry.


Holy shit. Hugh Mungus is so bad it works. Damn near spilled my coke seeing that man's deadpanned expression when he said that.

Definitely using that name in my next book.
New video was great. Stuff like the 200 shirt challenge and whatnot is cool but this reminds me of some of my favorite old H3H3 vids.

She's a somewhat known BLM protester in Seattle. She was there protesting a new police station being built, referred to as "the bunker." She walked upon an interview and got heavily triggered because the local news was interviewing someone in favor of the bunker (yer boy Hugh). Despite the fact that they had actually interviewed people with different points of view previously. The rest is fairly evident from the footage.
Oh ok so she's not only fucking crazy she's also an outspoken racist?

You mean the one guy who called him creepy? Is that the amount you were referring to?

It was two people in a row calling him creepy. I agree it's not a large amount but it's not just one guy, especially since it seems to be a relatively small group of people that post in this thread (though admittedly I am very new to h3h3 and could be wrong about that).

Holy shit the amount of people in here saying the guy was creepy is weird af.
He did literally nothing wrong. Saying Hugh Mungus is not anywhere near creepy or weird. Same as saying something like Mike Hunt, he didn't wanna give his name so he provided a stupid one, I've done it before as a joke when asked for my name, who cares.
Calling himself Mike Hunt would have actually been even worse. Mike Hunt is a play on 'my cunt' and not only would that have served to (if even possible, horrific as it may be to imagine) enrage her even more, the term 'cunt' is usually viewed as like the worst swear word of them all and you can bet your bottom dollar this insane woman would have taken it to be him calling her a cunt.

Mike Hunt, Seymore Buttz, Ivana Tinkle, etc, those are all "dirty joke" names (as lame as they may be). Hugh Mungus is about as innocent a fake name as you could ever come up with.


Hugh Mungus is about as innocent a fake name as you could ever come up with.

I think there's a chance he was gonna use the name Hugh Mungus as a set up to a joke, but he never got to tell the joke because she got offended instantly.

Or the more likely scenario is he didn't want to give his real name as she was going around yelling at people for their names, shoving the camera in their faces, and he just came up with Hugh Mungus on the spot.

Should have pretended to be the WCW wrestler Hugh Morrus.

I'd sell for Hugh Mungus
I think there's a chance he was gonna use the name Hugh Mungus as a set up to a joke, but he never got to tell the joke because she got offended instantly.

Or the more likely scenario is he didn't want to give his real name as she was going around yelling at people for their names, shoving the camera in their faces, and he just came up with Hugh Mungus on the spot.

I'd sell for Hugh Mungus
Since she was going around screaming at people and shoving a camera in their face I'm inclined to believe it's that he just wanted to give a fake name and that was the one he came up with first. The way he delivers it he even pauses between the words to set that it's Hugh Mungus and not Humongous and later on he gestures to his body to further hammer the fact that he himself is humongous and he wasn't setting up another joke beyond the Hugh Mungus first/last name. The other two she screeches at for names (the guards) don't even respond to her after seeing what a commotion she's causing.

Being a BLM activist doesn't make you a racist.

I actually read it as she was a protester of BLM, not with BLM. Though given her conduct in the video I wouldn't be surprised if it's the former. But you're right, I shouldn't just jump to that. I did phrase it as a question though so hopefully Echos will come back and clarify. Rereading it though I can totally see it as "she's a BLM supporter and was there protesting a new police station because fuck the police/police brutality" so my bad on that one. Context, WordAssassin, context.
She's a BLM supporter and not a racist from anything I've read. Although labeling the kid Hugh as a "token person of color" because he had a different perspective on the bunker is decidedly uncool. Not that anything else she did in the video was cool anyway.
She's a BLM supporter and not a racist from anything I've read. Although labeling the kid Hugh as a "token person of color" because he had a different perspective on the bunker is decidedly uncool. Not that anything else she did in the video was cool anyway.

Ah ok, thanks for the clarification. Not a racist but still a total fuckin wacko.


A Good Citizen
I'm not a fan of people using the term SJW loosely either, but I don't think I have any other name for someone like her. She went full, delusional warrior mode at the drop of a hat.
Yeah, this is the type of person that SJW was originally meant for, before the alt-right appropriated it to mean anyone to the left of Hitler.

Red Frost

Considering the crew Ethan rolls with (Frank, the Sleepycabin guys, Shoeonhead), it's not exactly surprising that he would unironically use "SJW".
Damn, I'm a newer fan of H3H3, and I agree the lady was batshit and deserved to get dunked on, but when Ethan panders to the kinds of people who unironically use SJW, I almost wanna hit that unsubscribe button and retroactively take back my view lol.

The reason why I like H3H3 is because for all the lowbrow jokes they throw out, they are also mostly rational and levelheaded people who make fun of all sides. Ethan a lame for going for the really stupid and played out terminology and jokes that video smh.

Be better than that shit fam.


I'm surprised this is the video people want to take up a stance against Ethan saying "SJW" when I feel it's the most justified use of it being a negative I've ever seen online. She's making people who care about women/minority rights look terrible to everyone. Not only that, this is the first and only time he's said "SJW" in a video, at least to my knowledge. Under nearly any other situation, I might not of agreed with his use of it, but this video? sheeeeeeeeit

Seems strange how people are ready and eager for Ethan to take down people and stances they are opposed to, but once a video shifts towards their ideologies being in the crosshairs of judgement, even by osmosis, they decide that this is the video going too far.


People here being triggered by the video about a woman being triggered is quite funny. Ethan was very right to use the term SJW.


paid requisite penance
Personally I try to avoid using the word SJW, much like I don't use words like "feminazis". There are legitimately extreme feminists out there that are out for blood, no doubt, and you could say the word feminazi applies to that specific type of feminist and is in no way a condemnation of feminism as a whole. But when I hear someone say "feminazi", I always wonder if they're using it as a catch-all term to express their disdain for all feminists.

With SJW, I feel the same. When I hear it, I always wonder if the person who's saying it is criticizing a certain type of insufferable people who see social issues where there are none, or if they're hating on even the most legitimate fights for social justice. So I can see why people would be a bit surprised to hear Ethan use it.

That said, it's clear that he's using the word to describe a specific subset of crazy people, not people who fight for social justice in general, so he's still A-OK in my book.

Red Frost

Again, this is the type of person Ethan is friends with. I have no doubt that he shares more than a few of her views even if he'll very rarely voice them.


semen stains the mountaintops
Personally I try to avoid using the word SJW, much like I don't use words like "feminazis". There are legitimately extreme feminists out there that are out for blood, no doubt, and you could say the word feminazi applies to that specific type of feminist and is in no way a condemnation of feminism as a whole. But when I hear someone say "feminazi", I always wonder if they're using it as a catch-all term to express their disdain for all feminists.

With SJW, I feel the same. When I hear it, I always wonder if the person who's saying it is criticizing a certain type of insufferable people who see social issues where there are none, or if they're hating on even the most legitimate fights for social justice. So I can see why people would be a bit surprised to hear Ethan use it.

That said, it's clear that he's using the word to describe a specific subset of crazy people, not people who fight for social justice in general, so he's still A-OK in my book.
Yup, agreed completely.

Ethan is using the term like it used to be used before the alt-right nuts started calling everyone an SJW and cuck.


Again, this is the type of person Ethan is friends with. I have no doubt that he shares more than a few of her views even if he'll very rarely voice them.

being friendly with someone on twitter means you share world views with them?

you do know that Filthy Frank is a parody of the internet, right?

Red Frost

being friendly with someone on twitter means you share world views with them?

Sure, but he's commented positively on her videos before that many people here would see as viciously "anti-SJW" and anti-feminist.

I agree with you, being friends with someone that doesn't share your political views is good, but I've seen a lot of posters on GAF shit on people for merely associating with others (AVGN with AOS being a big one) and claim they're complicit in those views. Ethan being friends with a gamergator isn't much different, other than the fact he actually does have some sort of internet politics going on in his videos and has made it clear outside of his videos, whether on Twitter or other people's videos like Jon or Psychicpebbles that he's far closer to the "anti-sjw" side.


other than the fact he actually does have some sort of internet politics going on in his videos and has made it clear outside of his videos, whether on Twitter or other people's videos like Jon or Psychicpebbles that he's far closer to the "anti-sjw" side.

see, for talk like this I'd like to see the receipts.


That Hugh Mongous video is probably the cringeist thing I have ever seen. The guy just repeats himself over and over again as he can't believe it.


see, for talk like this I'd like to see the receipts.
Eh. There's tons of cringe "other side" content that could be used for reaction videos, but haven't seen or expect to see H3H3 ever making a video out of it. Do you?

Where's the bald dude with a crystal skull collection video?


Eh. There's tons of cringe "other side" content that could be used for reaction videos, but haven't seen or expect to see H3H3 ever making a video out of it. Do you?

Where's the bald dude with a crystal skull collection video?

It's pretty clear the only reason he did this Hugh Mungus video is because it was blowing up on Youtube and twitter.

And does Bold Guy not count?


Dont watch H3H3 anymore, but the GAF drama made me watch this video.

That woman is mentally ill. Hugh Mungus? Sexual harassment? Get real.
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