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'Hail Trump!': White Nationalists Salute the President Elect

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This is not correct, maybe you should try to differentiate it a bit on this point. Its more the xenophobic aspect that carries these kind of movements (at least in ger). These movements are full with different people and different needs. They sure are receptive to basic solutions on difficult problems, maybe. But to say they are all nazis and anti semite is not right and doesnt help.

Ah the defending has begun, just like yesterday someone voting for Geert Wilders yet bad mouthing trump supporters.

IT IS THE SAME THING! No Left leaner in Europe is pro Religious right, including Islam. But the extreme right successfully can frame it like that, due to them telling people "not to generalize". The same tactics that are applied in the USA are applied in Europe. Generalize get someone on the left to go "Hey now, not all Saudis are bad..." and then scream "SEE SEE WHAT I MEAN!" on the top of your lungs.

These MOVEMENTS are started by NAZIS, look it up, do your research. You'll find many skinheads or "former skinheads" at the head or start of these organisations. Tailored to the region or country they are designed to become popular in. If you choose them as your bed fellows you SIMPLY can not be a friend of mine. PERIOD.

The battle lines simply have been drawn, weather you are a Saudi Arabian Prince that kills women for showing a leg or a gay torturing red neck from Montana.... You are not my friend, you will never be my friend, and guess what? Your constant threat of "if you don't comply with the people there will be war!?"... I'm taking you up on that. I'm tired of that threat, start your war then. Because the argument of violence if they don't get their ways is tiresome.

Disclaimer: The "you" in this text is not a reply to the poster, but the "you" is aimed as if one was speaking to a member of the Alt Reich.
Ah the defending has begun, just like yesterday someone voting for Geert Wilders yet bad mouthing trump supporters.

IT IS THE SAME THING! No Left leaner in Europe is pro Religious right, including Islam. But the extreme right successfully can frame it like that, due to them telling people "not to generalize". The same tactics that are applied in the USA are applied in Europe. Generalize get someone on the left to go "Hey now, not all Saudis are bad..." and then scream "SEE SEE WHAT I MEAN!" on the top of your lungs.

These MOVEMENTS are started by NAZIS, look it up, do your research. You'll find many skinheads or "former skinheads" at the head or start of these organisations. Tailored to the region or country they are designed to become popular in. If you choose them as your bed fellows you SIMPLY can not be a friend of mine. PERIOD.

The battle lines simply have been drawn, weather you are a Saudi Arabian Prince that kills women for showing a leg or a gay torturing red neck from Montana.... You are not my friend, you will never be my friend, and guess what? Your constant threat of "if you don't comply with the people there will be war!?"... I'm taking you up on that. I'm tired of that threat, start your war then. Because the argument of violence if they don't get their ways is tiresome.

Disclaimer: The "you" in this text is not a reply to the poster, but the "you" is aimed as if one was speaking to a member of the Alt Reich.

I didnt want to defend any kind of hatred behaviour. But when you say everyone in these marches is an anti semitic national socialist, then its just wrong. Hell, most of them doesnt even know a jewish or arabic fellow. Many of them are just dissatisfied, un- or wrong informed, some maybe dumb, some just assholes.

Of course the core of them (or maybe most) is what you described and theyre thankful to have that many lemmings behind them.

Politicians like Wilders, Orban etc. are dangerous, thats for sure.

As you can see, im in the same boat as you.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I think "alt-right" for a while didn't refer just to formal neo-nazis. It also represented the ambiguous gaggle of young internet idiots who wanted an identity to encapsulate the 4chan-derived culture they participate in online. A lot of them aligned with the modern republican party just because it wasn't the left, with all the people they hated: liberal women, gays, people of color, etc. Basically everyone who called them a bunch of homophobic, racist, misogynist pricks and/or dared to ask for some variety in video game protagonists. (They love Milo because he puts on a show of being a self-loathing gay man, the best kind of gay man.)

I've been under the impression that part of the origin for the "alt" before "right" is that these people aren't really into the evangelical religious angle that has taken over mainstream republicanism, even if Bannon makes pretenses of being a Christian Crusader.

It is true though that people like this are ripe for being recruited by actual white supremacy organizations in order to take their "persecuted white heterosexual male" self-image to the next level. Some may even think it's part of the joke or the troll, but that doesn't mean they're not sympathetic to neo-nazi beliefs.
I think "alt-right" for a while didn't refer just to formal neo-nazis. It also represented the ambiguous gaggle of young internet idiots who wanted an identity to encapsulate the 4chan-derived culture they participate in online. A lot of them aligned with the modern republican party just because it wasn't the left, with all the people they hated: liberal women, gays, people of color, etc. Basically everyone who called them a bunch of homophobic, racist, misogynist pricks and/or dared to ask for some variety in video game protagonists. (They love Milo because he puts on a show of being a self-loathing gay man, the best kind of gay man.)

I've been under the impression that part of the origin for the "alt" before "right" is that these people aren't really into the evangelical religious angle that has taken over mainstream republicanism, even if Bannon makes pretenses of being a Christian Crusader.

It is true though that people like this are ripe for being recruited by actual white supremacy organizations in order to take their "persecuted white heterosexual male" self-image to the next level. Some may even think it's part of the joke or the troll, but that doesn't mean they're not sympathetic to neo-nazi beliefs.

That would be a very hard trolling. "Friendly ethnic cleanings". What a bunch of jokers.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Peaceful... ethnic cleansing?



Why are they called the alt right? Why not call them what they actually are?

Because calling them what they are could potentially turn off moderates. Spencer specifically created the term "alt-right" with the goal of making white supremacy mainstream.
I prefer the term 'literal nazis' instead of neo-nazis or white supremacists
Remind people of this when they ask questions about Trump, friends of Trump or people coming into his administration. They are, very often, literally Nazis by accepted definitions. I like Alt-Qaeda from the last page as something a little more light-hearted.

One fairly left internet media outlet refusing to use the term doesn't count for much, but yeah it's a start. "Racist" is a major accusation to level on someone which is why it looks extremely combative in print or conversation. Alt-right is a gentle way of saying someone is racist without having to say to their face that they're racist so they don't kill you. And there are still elements to, uh, "that movement which shall not be named" that aren't entirely square with racism for me, such as rampant misogyny and the endless crusade against the dreaded SJWs. To put it another way, you're less likely to ruin Thanksgiving if you ask questions of extended family about their "alt-right ideals" instead of asking them about their blatant racism.


I think "alt-right" for a while didn't refer just to formal neo-nazis. It also represented the ambiguous gaggle of young internet idiots who wanted an identity to encapsulate the 4chan-derived culture they participate in online. A lot of them aligned with the modern republican party just because it wasn't the left, with all the people they hated: liberal women, gays, people of color, etc. Basically everyone who called them a bunch of homophobic, racist, misogynist pricks and/or dared to ask for some variety in video game protagonists. (They love Milo because he puts on a show of being a self-loathing gay man, the best kind of gay man.)

I've been under the impression that part of the origin for the "alt" before "right" is that these people aren't really into the evangelical religious angle that has taken over mainstream republicanism, even if Bannon makes pretenses of being a Christian Crusader.

It is true though that people like this are ripe for being recruited by actual white supremacy organizations in order to take their "persecuted white heterosexual male" self-image to the next level. Some may even think it's part of the joke or the troll, but that doesn't mean they're not sympathetic to neo-nazi beliefs.

This is more or less correct. The alt in the name comes from them being against movement conservatism (the kind that has controlled the GOP since Reagan - evangelical, neocon, in favor of free trade), hence why they call Republicans cuckservatives. However, the term itself originally generated with Spencer as a way to rebrand white nationalism to make it sound more palatable, after which fascists started recruiting anyone reactionary so that they could influence them.

There are non fascists who use the term as well, like the "neoreactionaries" like Moldbug who are monarchists or techno futurists and stuff like that, but their defining characteristic is that they all hate liberalism, whether in the classical or modern sense, and want to go back to a time they imagine existed.


This kind of shit really just pisses me off. All the sacrifices people have gone through for the freedom we have and to see people use the nazi salute like that.
Jesus it's bad enough people are following a dude who promises to break America away from the shackles and makes it great again. But to do a fucking salute even close to the ones Nazi used without questioning it just a little bit means these people are just fucking white supremacist.

Gg America, we are fucked.


This dude is hilarious. This country was built on the backs of black people. The base of America is held up by black slaves. Fuck this guy and people who follow him.
i wonder how these neo-nazis would react if we played along and also show enthusiasm like they do

they want to feel like they're above us, and surely want us to feel uncomfortable

would it be better to just ignore their stupidity or counter-troll them? lol
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