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Hair loss :(




Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Many men over estimate how bad their hair loss is as it comes upon them suddenly, and going for never losing hair to seeing a little loss in the shower can be jarring.

Give it time, try to reduce stress in your life, and just live better. If the hair loss continues just go see a doctor. Just know that most people don't give a shit. It's a given that most men experience hair loss after 30 - no big deal. If it bothers you too much there are options like hair plugs and the like.

All that said, I feel for you man. I hope it gets better or better yet stops entirely for you.


Gold Member
Finasteride pills. It will preserve your hair and probably thicken it up a bit. I used it for a while, but gave up and started buzzing my head.


I have a somewhat high hairline but thick hair. I remember being a freshman in HS and my group of 5 friends always teasing me that I would be bald by 25 etc. I'm 41 and the only person in our group that still has a full head of hair lmao. Everyone else is either completely bald or thinning badly. Now I get to fuck with them until we die. :)
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Many men over estimate how bad their hair loss is as it comes upon them suddenly, and going for never losing hair to seeing a little loss in the shower can be jarring.

Give it time, try to reduce stress in your life, and just live better. If the hair loss continues just go see a doctor. Just know that most people don't give a shit. It's a given that most men experience hair loss after 30 - no big deal. If it bothers you too much there are options like hair plugs and the like.

All that said, I feel for you man. I hope it gets better or better yet stops entirely for you.

Oh boy, I don't think quitting work and throwing the missus out is an option.
& I don't think.electric prices are going to drop anytime soon :p


Depends on the fellow. Finasteride, I started at 26 (I'm 36 now), and initially and taking it once a day every day I had a decrease in libido which is the biggest thing most people notice. It can make you a bit more cranky/less patient/more aggressive and if anyone is depressed I'd say it could tilt the scales into further depression, if you're paranoid, the same thing.

These weren't too bad for me and aren't for most people that don't have a pre-existing tendency for any of those. After a few months you adjust and function just the same as before, the side effects effectively gone. Regardless, as I said I prefer to function with a bit less finasteride than what's prescribed if you just want to maintain. For the first month to an year you probably can't avoid normal dosage (1 mg per day). Some people like to buy proscar, which is for same substance (but with 5 times the dosage with 5 mg and that way they can take a bigger dosage. I don't recommend it, but doable.

Minox/Rogaine, I never used, but it can hit skin fairness, you can get acne, some rashes kinda as if it was abrasive. It's also supposed to have a specific smell, and you have to sleep with it applied. A bit unpractical.

Finasteride will do that for most people.

If I started at 22 or something, I would have all my hair. Thing is at first you don't notice you're thinning because all your hair is there, just experiencing minification (hair width getting smaller)

You can still lose some, as it only decreases in 70% what causes male pattern hair loss (it's DHT), but it should be enough to keep everything, yes.

Most people taking finasteride stagnate or almost stagnate. In my case it 100% stagnates.
I think Finasteride is something I'm genuinely going to have to look into, I'm not really too keen on the idea off taking tablets long term though.

I think I'll check out the DHT shampoos though, assuming that has no side effects.

Anyway thank you for all the replies everyone, I'm going to look at a bunch off options.

Worst case scenarios:
I shave it and grow a beard to compensate.
I buy a hat.
I check out these Finasteride.
I pray to the gods that DHT shampoos help.
I become Vegeta.



Can confirm. I started balding at age 20. I spent years of my life living in constant anxiety with low self-confidence until I finally shaved my head at the beginning of this year. I have never felt better about myself and wish I had done it sooner.

I accidentally got my hair shaved off some years ago, it was a translation error that I just wanted a little cut off but she ran the clippers right through through middle of my head so I was commited to it. I looked like an absoulute basass in the mirror, not a look I wanted but was still cool as fuck until it grew back.


Thread is missing the Norwood stages. What stage be ye GAF? What stage would you say "fuck it" and shave it all?

I've been a 2-2.5 since my early 30s. Currently 39 and inching towards a 3 now. I think 4-4.5 would be my breaking point.


Stage 1: There are no signs of a receding hairline or bald spots in stage 1. It is often called the control stage, identified by a full head of hair.

Stage 2: Slight recession of the hair line can start to be seen around the temples. The initial signs of hair loss become apparent in this stage.

Stage 3: The first signs of significant hair loss or clinical balding are seen in this stage. The hairline recedes further into a U, M, or V shape. In this stage, the crown also starts to thin. In some cases, the crown may already have given way to a bald spot on the scalp (vertex).

Stage 4: Hair loss continues to progress more severely with little to no hair on the vertex. A strip of hair now separates the two areas of hair loss and connects to the hair on the sides of the head.

Stage 5: The receding hairline and the bald spot on the crown grow significantly larger. Compared to the strip of hair in stage 4, the hair between the two balding areas is much thinner.

Stage 6: The balding areas on the forefront and crown join together with no strip of hair connecting them. In this stage, a person is mostly bald, although there may be hair still on the sides of the head.

Stage 7: Hair loss is the most severe at stage 7. At this stage, only a thin band of hair encircles the sides of the head. Whatever hair is left may be sparse or very fine.
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Gold Member
Acceptance is the only true way forward, my friend. Dread it, run from it, your bald scalp arrives all the same.

The only thing worse than being bald is losing your hair while being in denial and thinking everything will be okay. It generally won't be okay in terms of hair growth, it won't get better unless you opt for very drastic measures and even then it's only delaying the inevitable. So embrace it and pick a hairstyle accordingly.

Going bald is infinitely worse than being bald.


Losing the genetic lottery, getting my mums height when every man in my family's height starts with 6.

Winning the genetic lottery, solid thick hair genes with very little grey even after 40. My bros... not so much.


Gold Member
I'm gonna tell gaf a secret, do you know what stop hairs from endlessly falling down?

the floor


Oh man, I'm 32 and my hair is receding pretty damn bad now. 😭

Fellow GAF members losing their hair, what did you do?

Anything to prevent hair loss? You always see these things advertised like keeps etc, but I get the feeling it is just a scam, but the desperation to not lose my hair completely sucks.

Getting me down a bit, I am thinking off just shaving it all off short, wearing a hat & admitting defeat :(
Get a hair transplant, probably the only things that works. Otherwise channel your inner Bruce Willis:


You could see decades ago his hair was receding already. Don't be like pitiful guys in their 40s handing on to a few strands of hair, just go alpha male:


Winter John

Sensible people will tell you to accept reality and shave it off now op. Don't listen to those fools. An industrial stapler and some pubes are what you need


Acceptance is the only true way forward, my friend. Dread it, run from it, your bald scalp arrives all the same.

The only thing worse than being bald is losing your hair while being in denial and thinking everything will be okay. It generally won't be okay in terms of hair growth, it won't get better unless you opt for very drastic measures and even then it's only delaying the inevitable. So embrace it and pick a hairstyle accordingly.

Going bald is infinitely worse than being bald.
Just not true.

Finasteride and dutasteride can really stop further hair loss. Generics can be had quite cheaply. Minoxidal sees regrowth in lots of people. And there's transplants for a more long term option.

Now, if someone wants to just go with it, or shave it all off, all the power to them. Some of us do like having our hair though.


My entire family has male pattern baldness. My two brothers who are 4 and 8 years younger than me have lost their hair.

I have still retained my hair.

But I'm the only one in my family who regularly goes to the gym, eats relatively healthy (odd cheat here and there). I take vitamin D3, a multivitamin, ALA, Saw Palmetto (weak DHT blocker), Omega 3, and Biotin.
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Yeah thats 100% true, the topical route you're going to have to do it everyday forever which sucks. Once you stop the gains are gonna be lost.

Im trying it now, if its actually effective ill have to figure out how to just work it into m daily routine until Im old enough I dont care anymore.

Im with you the hair transplants are probably the most real and permanent fix. I did that too haha. But yeah that shit was pricey!
You should take oral finasteride - it's much more effective than topical finasteride.
when i started losing my hair it really fucked with my confidence. i hated it.

that was about 16 years ago... and now, i don't give a fuck about. it's gone, it's natural, it's completely normal, and there's fuck all i can do about it so ain't worth the stress or worry. even if i was rich enough to get hair transplants FUCK that shit.

i will admit it's a pain in the ass having to shave my head so often but i'm a lazy cheap bastard so i do it myself. i thought about going to a shop to get them to shave it but am i fuck paying someone to shave my head lol i'll do it myself....whenever i can be bothered. i actually considered growing my hair lol. some people can rock it but i don't think i can so ended up shaving it lol.

also some girls are really into bald guys so there's that ;)

honestly man i really don't give a shit about it anymore. i get it's a tough thing to go through and it will fuck with your head but you'll get used to it. it'll take time but you'll get there.

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I was thin and receding in my late 20s. I started buzzing it short and now just shave it bald. I look younger with a shaved head than I did with hair in my late 30s now.


Gold Member
Mine started going at the age of 37 and to be honest didn't bother me to much, because from the age of 20 onwards I would routinely shave my head with clippers to a number one length so I wasn't that upset. Now I just shave my head with a razor twice a week and get on with life. 😎


Buzz short until you need to shave. It will always be the more attractive option.

Never fall for any medication or preventative. Not only do you not know long term effects but they are all designed to just milk you dry and keep you thinking that there is something wrong with you. Its essentially an idiot tax for people with zero self esteem.


Thread is missing the Norwood stages. What stage be ye GAF? What stage would you say "fuck it" and shave it all?

I've been a 2-2.5 since my early 30s. Currently 39 and inching towards a 3 now. I think 4-4.5 would be my breaking point.


Stage 1: There are no signs of a receding hairline or bald spots in stage 1. It is often called the control stage, identified by a full head of hair.

Stage 2: Slight recession of the hair line can start to be seen around the temples. The initial signs of hair loss become apparent in this stage.

Stage 3: The first signs of significant hair loss or clinical balding are seen in this stage. The hairline recedes further into a U, M, or V shape. In this stage, the crown also starts to thin. In some cases, the crown may already have given way to a bald spot on the scalp (vertex).

Stage 4: Hair loss continues to progress more severely with little to no hair on the vertex. A strip of hair now separates the two areas of hair loss and connects to the hair on the sides of the head.

Stage 5: The receding hairline and the bald spot on the crown grow significantly larger. Compared to the strip of hair in stage 4, the hair between the two balding areas is much thinner.

Stage 6: The balding areas on the forefront and crown join together with no strip of hair connecting them. In this stage, a person is mostly bald, although there may be hair still on the sides of the head.

Stage 7: Hair loss is the most severe at stage 7. At this stage, only a thin band of hair encircles the sides of the head. Whatever hair is left may be sparse or very fine.
2.5? My hairline receded from straight across to a telltale "M" shape when I was in my early 20s. I freaked out and was convinced I'd be bald by 25. Now I'm in my mid-30s and it hasn't gotten that much worse. It's definitely receded a little since then and maybe thinned some overall, but no one would consider me balding. I also have no crown thinning thank goodness. I'm going to keep an eye on it and maybe get a hair transplant in my 40s to restore the hairline.


Gold Member
You should take oral finasteride - it's much more effective than topical finasteride.
I might look into it... I went with the topical because I heard the side effects were less likely to show up. But I haven't noticed any side effects with the topical at all... so maybe oral might be a good switch if im not as susceptible to the downsides.
I've been using dutasteride since I was 30 (10 years ago) and rogaine for the last 2 years. I started using dutasteride with a full head of hair as I was thinking ahead and not bothered about side affects which there weren't. All my hair is still here so I have no real way of knowing if it works.

Saying that my brother and dad and grandad are bald so i'm inclined to think it is working.
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My entire family has male pattern baldness. My two brothers who are 4 and 8 years younger than me have lost their hair.

I have still retained my hair.

But I'm the only one in my family who regularly goes to the gym, eats relatively healthy (odd cheat here and there). I take vitamin D3, a multivitamin, ALA, Saw Palmetto (weak DHT blocker), Omega 3, and Biotin.
It's nothing to do with physical health (well, there is hair loss due to stress, but that's different).

That you use a DHT blocker may well be the reason. That or you won the genetic lottery.


I'm gonna tell gaf a secret, do you know what stop hairs from endlessly falling down?

the floor

My Sicilian girlfriend went bald after we broke up, she took it hard but she broke up with me, I was devastated. Made sure to pay respect to her parents when they came to collect her. She travailed all over the country for a cure, spent a fortune. Worked in Catatonia so earned fuck all.

Sicily doesn't pay well as you know, beautiful part of Italy though. Picking olives out their window ... I couldn't resist. Turtles on the road, I brought one home.

Got too big so gave it for free to a pet shop. Think I only paid 5 quid, went back and was for sale for 200. Owner couldn't believe his eyes.

Any say a turtle is slow never had one, they can be super fast when needed.


My Sicilian girlfriend went bald after we broke up, she took it hard but she broke up with me, I was devastated. Made sure to pay respect to her parents when they came to collect her. She travailed all over the country for a cure, spent a fortune. Worked in Catatonia so earned fuck all.

Sicily doesn't pay well as you know, beautiful part of Italy though. Picking olives out their window ... I couldn't resist. Turtles on the road, I brought one home.

Got too big so gave it for free to a pet shop. Think I only paid 5 quid, went back and was for sale for 200. Owner couldn't believe his eyes.

Any say a turtle is slow never had one, they can be super fast when needed.

Sorry meant Catania. Lived in Barca too. Wild times. People would bang pots and pans, was a jail across the road with sentry towers with armed guards. I thought it was an old folks home.

Dangerous place I lived, Etenca/Provenca.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Buzz it down to as close as you can get it. Don’t try to hang onto something thats actively trying to leave you.


I'd say just own it. You would be surprised how many women actually like bald men, especially shaved heads.

I'm 41 and still have some hair on the top of my head, but i just blade 1 my hair every couple of weeks. I actually like the way it looks, you can look a bit of a badass with blade 1 and some stubble lol.
I do feel for the people who lose their hair in their early 20's though, and some times even in their teens.


I used to be obsessed about losing my hair like 3-4 years ago at 26-27, I think I even uploaded pics to tressless and got told to fuck off, it was a weird phase really. Went to the dermatologist and everything and would use minoxodil on my temples (it actually worked wonders for my beard lol). Turns out I wasn't losing my hair at all and it was just paranoia because my bald friend kept teasing me about how I was going bald too "pie_tears_joy: I'm firmly in the norwood 1 camp.

Got no advice other than I know how it feels, GL op. A different friend of mine had a procedure done, it was around 10-12k and it gave him his hair back, he was receeding badly in the temples but still thick. Don't let it get too late.


Save your money and just shave it all off and own it. There is no magic solution to give you a full head of hair again.


It's really difficult look good being Eastern Asian and look good bald... so I'm doing Minoxidil/Finasteride combo.
Not regaining - actually I think I'm still losing - but at least slowed the process down quite a bit, almost to the level of zero sum.

Not sure if I'll ever get the hair transplant though. I'm already 50, so it's not really strange if I become partially bald or totally bald.


Watch moreplatesmoredates. He goes into detail into what exactly causes it and what you can do to restore it.
I presume the TL;DR is you need to block DHT.


This will save you from watching 20-30 minute youtube videos.
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I might look into it... I went with the topical because I heard the side effects were less likely to show up. But I haven't noticed any side effects with the topical at all... so maybe oral might be a good switch if im not as susceptible to the downsides.
You still have systemic exposure to topical finasteride however yes theoretically the side effects are lower. The benefits of oral finasteride are:
1. convenient
2. far cheaper
3. inhibits miniaturization of hair follicles

I would use the lowest effective dose to minimise adverse effects eg 0.25mg or 0.5mg every day

Nevertheless, I personally only use saw palmetto (only recently started 1 month) + topical ketaconazole shampoo as my 'DHT blockers'. I probably have a low level of DHT in my body anyway. I have virtually no body hair.


Try the short/buzzed close cut with a very short beard/stubble faded into the sides of the scalp. Try on a fitted suit with it. You'll realise how much of a badass motherfucker you can look.


Please don't try to do any weird solutions and just let it happen. I'm getting to the point of no return on my hair, which is fine. I have enough hair on my face to have some sort of twisted personal compensation. But I'll definitely be shaving my head at some point very shortly.
Oh man, I'm 32 and my hair is receding pretty damn bad now. 😭

Fellow GAF members losing their hair, what did you do?

Anything to prevent hair loss? You always see these things advertised like keeps etc, but I get the feeling it is just a scam, but the desperation to not lose my hair completely sucks.

Getting me down a bit, I am thinking off just shaving it all off short, wearing a hat & admitting defeat :(
You only have two options:

1. Rock a low haircut style or shave it completely - this option will save you so much money, time and stress.

2. Get a hair transplant and get on hair loss medications like finasteride - If your hair is already thin or receding hair loss the hair loss medication/supplements are barely going to do anything. But if you get a hair transplant your hair will regrow and the medications will help these hairs grow back fuller and stronger. If you take this route, just know that you will mostly need 2 hair transplants depending on how much hair you have loss also if your in the US you do not need to go to turkey. US hair clinics have gotten better and the prices have also gotten more reasonable plus its safer to get it done in the states than overseas in case you run into issues.

Also don't look at this as a "defeat" its just the normal part of the aging process, you can still have a happy life being bald.

Don't compare yourself to other people because guess what, You had a full head of hair at one point and your life still wasn't perfect right? Unless you make money from your looks its not really going to impact any area of your life being bald unless you continue to stress about it.


Yup. 35 and I got some serious widow peaks that come back half way across my head. Middle is thinned out pretty good and hair line has receeded.

Still good and thick around the sides and back.

Embrace it or wear a hat.


Hey, check out the reddit page called "tressless". You can actually do a lot to get your hair back, pretty easily, if you're one of the lucky ones. Believe it or not, Keeps is not a scam. What you want is minoxodil and finasteride.

Shaving your head is a totally fine option, but most people telling you it's "the way" aren't actually having to do it themselves. It's different when you have no choice. People don't understand that, because balding blindsides most. I mean, shaving your head is way better than rocking the "horseshoe" look, imho, so I can understand the advice from that perspective.

Again, shaving is totally cool, but it's not your only option. Just pursue whatever style you want to go with. Everyone likes to present themselves a certain way to an extent.
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I've been doing the buzzed or shaved thing for 25 years now, and it's great. Just order a pair of Remington clippers from Amazon, and every few weeks run it over your head without a guard on or with a short one. Or go all the way and shave it with a razor.
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