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halo 2 august 24th??? WTF???


supposedly there was a commercial on MTV that aired for halo 2. at the end it said "sooner than you think" can anyone confirm this? i hate MTV and i refuse to watch it. here are some fun facts too taken from TXB...

On the ninth of November, the most anticipated game in video game history will be released... or so they say. With the recent internet release of the Halo 2 Cinematic trailer, Bungie and Microsoft are trying to tell us something... http://www.ilovebees.com. Nobody knows for sure what this website means, but it obviously has to do with Halo 2. All that I can say is that Bungie is genius for doing this.

This is what comes to mind when I think about this website:

(Theory info)

In 3 days, network throttling will erode. Halo 2 is currently beta testing. In 3 days they will stop.

In 17 days this medium will metastasize. Halo 2 goes gold and is mass produced.

30:09:23:47:042 Halo 2 is released.

Read below to find out why.
Aug 24, 1995 Microsoft inflicts Windows 95 on an unsuspecting world.
Aug 24, 1456 Printing completed on the Gutenberg Bible.
Aug 24, 79 AD Mt. Vesuvius erupts for the first time, destroying Pompei.
Aug 24, 2004 Halo 2 is released

Nobody expected any of those events. All of which took place on August 24th of some year.

The game already has an ESRB rating. The ESRB only grades final copies. That means that the game is finished. Now to be completely honest, I did not buy into any of this stuff until I realized that Halo 2 already had an ESRB rating.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I'm glad I'm not a Halo fan, cause all this ilovebees talk would make me go crazy :p

If you checked the other thread, someone mentioned how someone hacked one of the Halo PC files and it contained some ASCII image thingy with the date Aug. 24th...


...i think the 24th will be the media blowout, giving us all the goods on multiplayer and such.

i highly, highly, highly doubt an early launch. just, no.


It wouldn't necessarily be dumb, releasing it BEFORE GTA: San Andreas, Gran Turismo 4, Metal Gear Solid 3, and Metroid Prime 2 are on the market to compete for the dollar. But I doubt it. Halo 2 is going to sell regardless. Phantom launch would just confuse people.

*Edit* - "Olimar isn't ready. He is..."


LIVE DEMO BITCH!!!! 1 level!!!! FREE to those with live and anyone else must pay to get LIVE or buy a game for LIVE trial. MS is GENIUS!!


Where does it indicate that this has to do with Halo 2? All I can tell is that it mentions the Win 95 launch as having taken place on August 24 and the fact that there are lots of 7s (like in 7ruth and Reconciliation). Where is this Halo 2-ilovebees.com connection being made?

Musashi Wins!

Maybe a demo, that would be nifty.

Doom looks great but I would buy 3 Halo's before it. Don't think it's going to be an issue though.
There's no way it'll release then. It'd be a Saturn flashback. Unprepared retailers = pissed off retailers.

Demo... maybe / hopefully
Info... most likely

Hournda said:
Where does it indicate that this has to do with Halo 2? All I can tell is that it mentions the Win 95 launch as having taken place on August 24 and the fact that there are lots of 7s (like in 7ruth and Reconciliation). Where is this Halo 2-ilovebees.com connection being made?

At the end of the Halo 2 theatre trailer "www.xbox.com" quickly changes to "www.ilovebees.com"


Gas Guzzler
BeOnEdge said:
The game already has an ESRB rating. The ESRB only grades final copies. That means that the game is finished. Now to be completely honest, I did not buy into any of this stuff until I realized that Halo 2 already had an ESRB rating.

This is interesting.


a downloadable, LIVE-enabled Halo 2 multiplayer demo would actually strain Microsoft's "capacity" MUCH more than the regular game. First off you'd have everyone downloading a 50 MB+ demo. Then we're talking about Microsoft somehow allowing executing code from the HD without a disc. Then you'd have the multiplayer servers, which would only add to the traffic caused by the downloading itself. Sure, they're be on seperate servers, but it would still be a mess, and probably end up wasting more bandwidth than November 9th.

I could go on and on. It's not gonna happen folks.


I guess this is like those creepy "Cortana letters" from pre-Halo 1. They're interesting to speculate over but what practical significance did they have? (I guess we'll find out the practical significance of this site in 29 days)


StrikerObi said:
There's no way it'll release then. It'd be a Saturn flashback. Unprepared retailers = pissed off retailers.

Demo... maybe / hopefully
Info... most likely

At the end of the Halo 2 theatre trailer "www.xbox.com" quickly changes to "www.ilovebees.com"

$400 console with lackluster games vs. $50 game that everyone wants. ???

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
BuddyChrist83 said:
a downloadable, LIVE-enabled Halo 2 multiplayer demo would actually strain Microsoft's "capacity" MUCH more than the regular game. First off you'd have everyone downloading a 50 MB+ demo. Then we're talking about Microsoft somehow allowing executing code from the HD without a disc. Then you'd have the multiplayer servers, which would only add to the traffic caused by the downloading itself. Sure, they're be on seperate servers, but it would still be a mess, and probably end up wasting more bandwidth than November 9th.

BeOnEdge is now suffering a mental breakdown.

Li Mu Bai

Whether it releases in August or November, it will sell the same regardless. HUGE. Lose steam by November? Someone tell that to Halo please. It may actually be a wise move on MS's part, the lengthier the market availability=the more potential copies sold. (esp. if Halo's sales performance is a market indicator) Also if a non-backwards compatible Xenon launches holiday '05.


Why does it need to be a downloadable demo? They could ship it to retailers, and offer it as a preorder bonus.
Oh yeah...



Well I don't actually think they'll do it. The whole point of this thread is to speculate, so that I am. :)


Ha, I wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to pull a Passion of the Christ/Fahrenheit 9/11 and just generate a lot of speculation and buzz about the game before they release it. Smart marketing move.


Agent Dormer said:
BeOnEdge is now suffering a mental breakdown.

mental breakdown from what? i dont even own halo. i've just been following this whole "ilovebees" movement and felt maybe some would like to hear about the new findings. SOMETHING is gonna happen on august 24th. as far as downloading being too intense, PGR2 says otherwise. so do all the ubisoft downloads. I dont care what way the demo comes if there is one. i just think a LIVE download would be cool as hell. a big FU to pirates, a nice reward for those with LIVE and another way for MS to boost new LIVE subscribers.

Lil' Dice

Here's my crazy theory(taken from writings @ ilovebees.com):
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
(tries to stop thinking about it)

Time for some updates:

Aunt Margaret wants you to know how touched she is by the flood(the Flood!) of support we've gotten on this blog and via email. So touched that she wants to mix a new flavor of her honey in honor of you guys(new material for loyal Xbox customers)) — a black button(the Xbox controller's "black" button) sage variety, but I'm not sure she knows what to call it yet.

Warm fuzzies aside... the hijacked countdown has definitely gotten under Aunt M's skin. "Strong intrusive inclination" gives her the "heeby jeebies" (her words). She asked me if "the medium will metastasize" means that her computer is going to explode. I'm pretty sure it doesn't, but unfortunately for now, I don't have a more optimistic interpretation to offer her.

I hate that Aunt M is losing sleep over this.

Or that I am, for that matter. (checks timestamp. Sigh.)

I’d feel a lot more comfortable if I understood its motives better…

At least I now know from Marc (first of several) that the image glitches are caused by embedded texts of origins unknown. Not sure how they fit together.

I'm guessing from the some of the emails I've received that at least a handful of you are chewing on this problem in real-time somewhere...?(beta testers) Is there a channel I can direct other people to, so they can sync up with you?( additional XBL testers perhaps?!)

P.S. A lot of you have sent emails asking for personal information that might be relevant to the problems at I Love Bees. To be honest, I'm still figuring out how much I feel comfortable sharing at this point. I hope you can be patient with me.

In other wordds, people have been contacting either MS or Bungie about the connection between ilovebees.com and the Halo 2trailer; and they'll be informed of what's to come on August 24.


BeOnEdge said:
PGR2 says otherwise. so do all the ubisoft downloads. I dont care what way the demo comes if there is one. i just think a LIVE download would be cool as hell. a big FU to pirates, a nice reward for those with LIVE and another way for MS to boost new LIVE subscribers.

Those are all executed inside games though, and even then, only that level/car data is read from the hard drive - the game engine and everything else is off the disc. With Halo 2, you'd have a download far more sizable than any DLC, and the ENTIRE thing would have to be executed off the HD. That's technically possible, but I doubt MS would allow an even easier way for pirates to load self-executing code on the XB.

Pirates could still get the download too.


Ok... my take is this:

It could be something like a demo... but it wont be the full game. MS spents money on that theatrical trailer and it has November 9th all over it. Im sorry, but they can ONLY LOSE from releasing it early... they have nothing to gain from it.

J2 Cool

Bungie are geniuses and Halo 2 is the most anticipated game ever? Now this is not me hating on Xbox and Halo. I own and Xbox and Halo and plan to buy Halo 2. Its just not that high on my list of must have games. And I think Grand Theft Auto Vice City with the most reserved copies before its release should hold that title for now. For America anyway. Dragon Quest VII probably for Japan.

As far as media wise and the hyped given by magazines and such. I'd say its up there with MGS2 and quite a few other games. But for me anyway I think its simply a well designed fun game. Nothing Im gonna lose sleep over though.


StrikerObi said:
There's no way it'll release then. It'd be a Saturn flashback. Unprepared retailers = pissed off retailers.

What if theyre not unprepared retailers? I think it'll probably be a demo or something too though.
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