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Halo 3 midnight launch.


Gold Member
Incredible era in gaming. My photos from the midnight launch, shot on OG iPhone.



I remember driving up to get my copy at like 10minutes after midnight. Everyone was walking to their cars with their shiny new boxes. There was no line. I was in and out in probably 5 minutes.

In terms of Halo 3, I wasn't a huge fan. It was good, but probably my least favorite of the Bungie Halo games. Heresy!


This was gaming! Nothing done today comes remotely close! Gamers are a lost group now nothing excites them anymore and they certainly wouldn't wait for hours just to get a game! This was hardcore gaming at its best. For those gamers like me E3 was a second Christmas. Food, Drink and planning was a must! E3 meant planning days off from work. Phones were shut off and for a 24hr period we got to watch the future ahead. Now we get the Games Award show :(. I got the privilege to attend two E3's one in Atlanta Ga. and the other in LA... LA was more magical than the Atlanta Ga. show! Both provided a lifetime of experiences. You can't imagine the experience of that many games and accessories together under one roof. Heck back then they gave the product away on the Sunday (last day of the show) so, they didn't have to ship stuff home. It was a wonderful time to be a gamer.
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I remember when the Halo 3 hype thread here had over 4 million views, a record at that time, and there was a conceited effort by Playstation fans to get the Killzone 2 thread have even more views by refreshing it continuously.

Yes, they were as ridiculous back then as they are today :goog_sneaky:

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
5 minutes guys. oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god!!!!

Guys... i cant.. what if it gets less than 9.4 on gamespot? I wouldnt be able to deal with it. I would.. Guys... Please dont let them give it less than halo 2. Please dont.

Gertsmann. I love you. Dont do this. I know you thought it was fun, making the zelda fanboys mad, but you are better than this. there is more to this world than Tony Hawk 3(10) and the GTA ps2 series(9.6)!!! Please jeff. Please. I beg of you.

2 minutes. oh my gooooddddddd. guys I cant. Im gonna urinate on the floor. god help me. oh god. this is insane!!! this is the biggest moment of my life. I can't breathe. Please be good please be good. oh god ohh god.

Halo was 8 weapons, 2 types of grenades. 10 levels where you just go from point a to b to c. Halo had 4-5 different types of vehicles and a few more types of enemies. That was it.
That was Halo.

But so many don't understand. They don't understand that it's about the chanting monks. It's about being a supersoldier on a dying star, falling from grace with a carmina burena inspired soundtrack! That's what its about.

the... pink enemy palette. the bright colors and strange art designs. the mix of tactical only-two weapons, and frantic doom run and gun(the libary level)...

it all just colided together.

And when people ask me, why I love Halo so much, I just look at them. I just look at them, and I don't say a god damn word. Because they dont understand. They dont understand that its about the guy next to you(ai or co-op buddy).

Classic. I remember Shawn Elliot from GFW dramatically read this guys posts and it was funny as shit.
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PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I’ve been to midnight launches of all my consoles from N64 to PS4. Brilliant times.
Also been to quite a lot of midnight game launches. Back when you could get the game home and it didn’t require a day one patch.
I always booked the next day off and pulled an all nighter. Fun times.


Gold Member
It’s getting hard to remember the life I had before kids ruined it. My girlfriend (now wife) and I would go to all the big game release midnight events. I used to go to the movies after work and just be alone.

WTF has happened to me?!


I have these same nostalgic feelings for Halo 2 more than Halo 3. Mainly because my best friend was working at the old game shop Game Crazy and I volunteered to help them set up all their Xbox hardware for the pre-release Halo CE LAN party they were hosting from 7pm to midnight. Spent most of the day before helping them move everything around in the store and set up all the displays and networking, then hung out with the staff behind the counter that night making sure everything ran smoothly. We all had our copies of H2 reserved in the back.

Those were good times.

Cleaning up afterward, not so much.


My only midnight launch was the PS4 one... Spent almost 2 hours on that line... And it was nice :messenger_grinning:

GTAVI could be only physical at launch, so we could get our midnight lines again...
What is the deal with all this talk of "Midnight launches were the shit"...

Did I miss something?

I still go to Midnight launches:
  • Spiderman 2
  • Tears of The Kingdom
  • Ps5/XSX
  • Switch
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What is the deal with all this talk of "Midnight launches were the shit"...

Did I miss something?

I still go to Midnight launches:
  • Spiderman 2
  • Tears of The Kingdom
  • Ps5/XSX
  • Switch
Ahh yes, midnight releases these days are EPIC! My favorite part of the midnight launch mayhem of Spiderman 2 in this video is when he walks up to the empty looking GameStop and wonders if it's even open. 🤣

This is what we are talking about.

The 3:45 mark is cool when they show the Electronics Boutique employee open the outer doors of the mall and hundreds of people mob their way to the store.
It was glorious to be gaming in Australia back then and rush home to get your Halo on hours before any other country had access.

I miss those launches and community so much.

*also...bite me you Kiwi bastards getting first.
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Halo 2 and 3 were definitely the hypest midnight launches. Halo 2 especially since it was the first online Halo and i was so tired of playing stuff like Rainbow Six during the early days of Xbox Live.
They arent as popular aymore because everyone now pre orders to get some crap digital content.
Or maybe because people just don't need to get dressed and drive to the game shop at midnight anymore, they just pre-download it and play the game straight away without the need to even leave the house.

Also a point many miss here I feel is a lot of the shops that did midnight game launches aren't there anymore. My local GAME is long gone and merged into Sports Direct


Gold Member
I worked at a game store during the Halo 2 midnight launch. Before we started taking sales, my friend and coworker jumped onto the counter and yelled "Are you ready!?!?!?!?" to the crowd and people were going nuts. Halo hype back then was unmatched.


Was so fucking great. I did it at my local GameStop and played through campaign on heroic until finishing middle of September 25th. I don't think I will have a game experience like that again now that midnight launches with mega hype at retailers are dead.
Hopefully GTA6 have a midnight release, nothing like the feels of going to gamestop and then running to 7/11 to get a slurpee and snacks.


Gold Member
Midnight launches were quite a thing from 2007 to I wanna say 2013.

You can blame midnight-anything stopping after 2013 due to the Dark Knight Rises theater shooting. After that they stopped going midnight premieres of movies and moved everything to earlier in the evening.


You just had to remind me how "old" I already am, didn't you?
With every passing year and additional triple A game going down the drain, I can feel myself turn into a grumpy person more and more that just hates modern gaming and wishes back the old days.


In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
Just call my name
I'm yours to tame
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
I'm wide awake
I crave your taste all night long
'Til morning comes
I'm getting what is mine
You gon' get yours, oh no, ooh
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night, oh


Back when Microsoft actually cared about physical releases and their exclusives. All digital means this is likely never going to happen again. Sad times, I remember GTA Vs launch was crazy.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Back when Microsoft actually cared about physical releases and their exclusives. All digital means this is likely never going to happen again. Sad times, I remember GTA Vs launch was crazy.

GTAVI will probably have a crazy midnight launch too. But I mean its one of the biggest entertainment products ever so thats not saying much lol


GTAVI will probably have a crazy midnight launch too. But I mean its one of the biggest entertainment products ever so thats not saying much lol
Yeah I just hope Rockstar will have a physical release for GTA VI, considering their track record and how much profit they will get from it seems like a no brainer.
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