Ok but which Forge? H4's?It's probably just forge on the 6 remade maps.
Ok but which Forge? H4's?It's probably just forge on the 6 remade maps.
Do the floating rocks move?
Do we have a final list of remastered maps?
When can we see more footage?
Campaign footage?
Tashi, anything you can say about the Elite's shields and their lack of "pop"? Will that be intensified before release?It's still in development so I'm not sure what rock behavior will be when it ships. I can assure you that the map right now is stunning and am honestly shocked that looks this good and it's not even finished. We'll be revealing more about the other recreated maps in the coming months! IGN just did a Cairo Station play with Frank & Dan. I'm sure you'll be able to see it on YouTube soon.
I really hope you're wrong.
Hey guys, I just reserved the official collection OT. If anyone wants to collaborate, let me know! Though honestly if Ghaleon decides to come out of Halo retirement for it or something, I'd give it up.
I only saw the trailers and the Ascension gameplay. The white text on screen. Lol
I got it already boo
i'm really confused with the whole original multiplayer as well as a new multiplayer engine for the xbox one deal, can someone clear this up for me?
Fixed. I can't wait to start up customs again!Lets bring back the dong parties boys and girls
Do we have a confirmation that weapons in h5 are customizable now? At least in the CGI Trailer theres a BR with doubled clipsize and no scope
So how does the matchmaking work? I kind of hope it isnt what i think it is, where you're put into a voting lobby, where you can vote for like, a Halo 2, or Halo 3, or Halo 4.
If I want to play Halo 2 matchmaking, and people vote for Halo 3, that is extremely lame. Not only that, but every single game you'd have to adjust to the button layouts for each game.
Do we have a confirmation that weapons in h5 are customizable now? At least in the CGI Trailer theres a BR with doubled clipsize and no scope
So how does the matchmaking work? I kind of hope it isnt what i think it is, where you're put into a voting lobby, where you can vote for like, a Halo 2, or Halo 3, or Halo 4.
If I want to play Halo 2 matchmaking, and people vote for Halo 3, that is extremely lame. Not only that, but every single game you'd have to adjust to the button layouts for each game.
It's not a BR if the clip size is double that of the BR.
I thought we were over this?
It's not a BR if the clip size is double that of the BR.
I thought we were over this?
So Since we will have MP from all 4 games we have to get Gaf customs going again regularly. There is no reason we can't now.
It looks exactly like a BR
I know its two different spartans here, but both have no visiors on their BR
It's not a BR if the clip size is double that of the BR.
I thought we were over this?
I wonder if they will do map packs or do some form of monetization.Halo 2 Forge is mindblowing. The entire goddamn collection is.
I don't think it's a BR, and I think you're jumping to conclusions.
So the IGN walkthrough of H2A was on the stream right? There's no VOD version yet?
Fixed. I can't wait to start up customs again!
I don't think it's a BR, and I think you're jumping to conclusions.
Not assuming anything:You know you two are both basing your assumptions on the same amount of information, right?
What I am saying is that we shouldn't jump to conclusions based on a few snippets of video.The ammo counter says "72." So unless 343 has more than doubled the ammo in the BR's magazine, you guys are jumping to conclusions in a spectacularly wrongful manner.
Indeed, and there was another weapon on the key art which looked exactly like a BR and had a reflex sight on it.Look exactly like a BR to me, but who knows
Frankly, I don't care what the population distribution looks like as long as I can play Halo CE MP online in it's original form.
I fully expect most players to be on Halo 3 and Halo 2, and only older core Halo gamers playing CE. It's going to be way too fast and difficult for modern Halo gamers to devote a lot of time to it.
I don't need to know exactly what it is to say that I think some people are jumping to conclusions because we have limited information. Everyone should wait for more information. That could be a BR. Who knows. But speculating about customizable weapons and worrying based on very, very, very small portions of a short teaser seems rather silly to me.so what we do know is that we don't know what it is, but the other person is wrong.
got it.
I don't think it's a BR, and I think you're jumping to conclusions.
It had 60 rounds in a clip.Yeah, didn't the AR in Halo CE have 72 rounds per clip?
Second one looks yucky. Vault and sliding is alright, I guess, but whenever I see jet flares coming out the back of a Spartan I cringe. Just stop, 343.Vault:
Smash (Jetpack?):
In the H5 Concept Art we also saw the new guy carrying the H5 BR with a visor. So how can this not be a sign for customization?