Campaign sword flying was never fixed AFAIK. Nor was anything else campaign-related tweaked or fixed. (IE the BR acts like pre-patch BR and so on)
Tombstone and Desolation were free after like, two months though. The only difference between them and the other Halo 2 DLC is they were made by Certain Affinity.
It was patched out, thats why if you want to swordfly in campaign atm you need the pre patch version.
Its funny since modders managed to port over those 2 maps to Halo 2 vista almost perfectly even though certain necessary tags could supposedly not be properly recreated with the gimped SDK.
IIRC, the modders hacked the xbox tags into the ported maps.
I'm anxious to see them, but I'm far more anxious to dive into original H2 Team Slayer.
I bet BigShow never expected he'd be having 1v1 pistols matches on Prisoner in 1080p and 60fps with dedicated servers literally what 5 months from now possibly?
Could be more optimal but 93 maps names where you only get a thumbnail once you select it would be worse.It's 2014 and in 1080p, yet you can only see 4 maps at a time.
It looks exactly like a BR
I know its two different spartans here, but both have no visiors on their BR
Guess we know who's trying to get hired at 343 next
I'll take what I can get. Team Jesus back again huh?
So will the multiplayer actually be like Halo this time around or...
*Drools at speculation*So this is probably going to end up bigger than I am anticipating, but w/e.
It's safe to assume that it is CEA included in the MCC, based on the art used. We also are being heavily led to believe that the CE portion will finally have the original MP. It didn't seem like the MP maps are getting a rehaul, and it would be pretty crappy if they didn't. Also, iirc, CE MP used lockstep, so are they redoing the CE MP engine to account for the changed netcode or are they using the crappy Gearbox 56k modem netcode?
So here's where the speculation that I hinted at earlier comes in. Unless I read and interpreted it wrong, there are 6 maps that are being redone for a Halo 4-esque engine that can get close to Halo 2 styled gameplay. My guess is that they are going to an incredibly tag heavy engine(cue Gabo's moistness). This will also be what the Halo 5 beta runs on. When the time rolls around for Guardians beta, you'll simply download new tags, new gametypes, and new maps. Within the gametypes, it controls potential player actions, therefore limiting what type of gameplay the player has access to(ex: a gametype has no sliding, but a double jump enabled). Think of it like a Megalo 2.0, but not as hackjob-like.
EDIT: Will Halo 2's skulls be in the same place or will they be relocated? Will Halo 2's skulls be fully incorporated into the game, like they were originally intended to be? Will they be the same skulls as Halo 2?
Will Halo 4's terminals be viewable in-game or will I have to go to Waypoint again?
Hopefully. It seems like it so farSo will the multiplayer actually be like Halo this time around or...
Will Halo 4's terminals be viewable in-game or will I have to go to Waypoint again?
This won the day for me. Sort of lost my fucking mind when catching up on the conference tonight. Surpassed my wildest expectations, and Halo 5 beta in December? All original MP's included? All the maps? $60?
based 343
8v8 KotH Chiron TL-34.
There are those who said this day.. etc. etc.
This won the day for me. Sort of lost my fucking mind when catching up on the conference tonight. Surpassed my wildest expectations, and Halo 5 beta in December? All original MP's included? All the maps? $60?
based 343
I hope we can make multiplayer playlists for HaloGAF custom game nights. It'll be great getting to finally force people to enjoy Chiron with me.
Above is classified as a Carbine (30 rounds) below is a assault rifle variant. They all have similar looks Until it's confirmed who knows what it is. Hopefully it's a assault rifle variant and not a BR (no ADS pls 343 you've come this far).
If it is a scopleless BR then hopefully it's just been integrated into the HUD which would make sense.
But Halo 2's Warlock, Beaver Creek, Elongation remain, and we can assume Halo 3 still has Last Resort, Blackout, Avalanche, and Heretic? Assuming Halo 4 still has The Pit and Ragnarok as well.
Why do they always have to be playing games with Halo 2's content
The probably just based in on the PC version.
Which makes is really weird that the button glitches are in, I thought those were patched out in that version (unless I'm wrong and that was just superbounces). Why go through the effort of adding those back in?
If you can't beat them, repackage and resell them.
I was willing to pay $60 just for Halo CE mp online.
Seriously. My only regret is the existence of the collection being leaked. While the breadth of content revealed was a surprise regardless, I would've probably shit myself had I not seen it coming at all.
Still, bravo 343. This is well beyond what I had expected.
For Halo: MCC, how will file sharing work? Ranks? Armor customization for every game mode? Will Halo 4's campaign finally have a theater mode?
So many questions, all unanswered.
Only superbouncing was fixed in PC. If superbouncing is somehow back in, then they explicitly added it back in (if H2A is based off the PC codebase)
I feel like it's going to be a bit awkward seeing Halo 5 gameplay before Halo: Master Chief Collection launches. It's bound to happen of course since Halo: MCC launches only a month before the Halo 5 beta, but still.So, any bets on which event this year we will see Halo 5 gameplay at(if at all)?
RTX in early July, Comic Con in late July, and PAX Prime in late August.
I don't know why, but I'm having a really hard time believing the Master Chief collection is going to work for some reason. Maybe I'm just being overly cynical after Halo 4's release and support (I loved CEA), but it just seems like there's still so much with it that could potentially go wrong.
I imagine since Halo 1's animations were locked at 30, the new version will have uncapped the animation FPS, or at least moved it up to 60fps.
We playing CE this Fall or what?
I'd be willing to take a bet it's exactly like running Halo PC @ 60FPS, with the 60fps "world" and the 30fps animations for everything else.
Hang 'em High rockets, my favorite lunch past time in school, 1v1. You down? Or 4v4, anyone else down?We playing CE this Fall or what?
I also hope to see much more of how it all works soon. I also hope they're making a lot of ViDoc's abiut this all. The development for this collection, for Halo 5 guardians. After today, I honestly don't even care about Destiny, all I'm thinking about is possibly playing Halo CE, 2, 3 and the Halo 5 beta by the end of the year.
You think they'll port over the 56k netcode too?
I think its pretty possible the animation, physics systems could be upgraded.
All that stuff feeds into how your game is replicated, no? if they upgrade the netcode, which I think is highly likely, the other systems seem like they'd have to get some attention too...
Only superbouncing was fixed in PC. If superbouncing is somehow back in, then they explicitly added it back in (if H2A is based off the PC codebase)