Cross posting from the HCS thread since what I mentioned would legitimately get me excited to play some halo 5 again.I downloaded Halo 5 on my Xbox, once again.
After many months without playing this game, it's still a big disappointment. There really is nothing I truly like with this game.
I played a "Classic" game, thanks to the game browser, and it was enjoyable, but the AIM and the lack of magnetism (not bullet magnetism, aim magnetism) make it so hard (for me) to enjoy this game.
Now I'm back on the MCC, and For Honor, and I'm still having a blast how fun and cool the old Halo games, even Halo 4 tbh.
I can now tell for sure that if Halo 6 is somehow the same game as Halo 5, well, the Halo saga will continue without me (not a big lose haha).
Plus, I'm sad seeing Dan Ayoub leaving 343, it was one of the only that could bring me hope for the Halo Franchise (alongside Tom French).
If this is true I might reinstall and play a little bit to see how it feels. Also, if it is true that Halo 6 won't be mentioned at E3, the best thing 343 can do is reveal a free map pack bonanza at e3 with a crap load of new dev made maps. I'm doing wishful thinking but it would be nice. A whole bunch of actual btb maps and a new fresh injection of good 4v4 maps. That along with the return of oddball and king of the hill would be pretty sick. Alas, I'm dreaming :*(
I think he's just talking about how much lighter the aim assist is compared to past games.Cross posting from the HCS thread since what I mentioned would legitimately get me excited to play some halo 5 again.
If this is true I might reinstall and play a little bit to see how it feels.
I think he's just talking about how much lighter the aim assist is compared to past games.
And I think that's one of the things a lot of players, competitive and casual alike, wanted. Sorry that you're struggling, Juan.
Maybe, just maybe, all these fuck ups will move us back to mlg where we belong![]()
I get that. Not because of the aim assist, just the very competitive-tuned nature of the game in general. It can be exhausting to play for an extended amount of time:Oh actually, I'm not struggling that much, I'm still 1st or 2nd in a game with a decent ratio, it's just that it asks me to concentrate to much, and I'm not having fun.
I don't know for other players, but I played Halo because it was an excellent middle ground between easy-to-access-but-competitive kind of game, while Halo 5 doesn't seem to fit that role anymore.
It's a bug. Supposed to be fixed soon.Plus, I don't really understand what an heavy AIM means. Maybe that's why I don't feel it right.
it's time for MS to seperate H6 multiplayer and make it free to play also form a new studio that handles it and release it on pc(steam)
Let 343 do single player
I get that. Not because of the aim assist, just the very competitive-tuned nature of the game in general. It can be exhausting to play for an extended amount of time:
What? No. If anything, 343 has a solid mp but needs work on sp.
My work around with some of Halo 5's aiming issues:
No matter what horizontal/vertical sensitivity you have, diagonal movement of the crosshair is oddly heavy in comparison to up/down movement. I found that using the elite controller app to change the "default" right stick setting to "aggressive" makes that issue go away...
So now I'm at 1 horizontal, 2/3 vertical, 4 acceleration, 0 deadzones, and "aggressive" right stick is what finally gets rid of much of the wonky heavy feeling.
Now my stick movements are snappy and I'm a lot more consistent and top fragging more frequently.
When strafe+jump+thrust happens so frequently, having a slow/heavy diagonal drag of your crosshair is the death of you, especially in close range.
My work around with some of Halo 5's aiming issues:
No matter what horizontal/vertical sensitivity you have, diagonal movement of the crosshair is oddly heavy in comparison to up/down movement. I found that using the elite controller app to change the "default" right stick setting to "aggressive" makes that issue go away...
So now I'm at 1 horizontal, 2/3 vertical, 4 acceleration, 0 deadzones, and "aggressive" right stick is what finally gets rid of much of the wonky heavy feeling.
Now my stick movements are snappy and I'm a lot more consistent and top fragging more frequently.
When strafe+jump+thrust happens so frequently, having a slow/heavy diagonal drag of your crosshair is the death of you, especially in close range.
Had no idea "aggresive" and other elite settings was a thing. I'll check it out.
Please have a new elite revision fixing the shitty bumper build quality at e3.
Cool.. I'll have to give that a try.
Let me know if it works!
Would never happen.If it was up to me H5 would of been F2P at the one year mark.
Felt a little too jumpy aiming diagonally for me still.
Got my first snipetalaneous medal finally. Feels good.
Launching a very feature incomplete game is one of the reasons Halo 5 is so down. Had it launched the way we have it now, with full customs browsers, forge and file share, more than just a handful of maps, it would have done better. Every playlist was ranked only. BTB was cut for Warzone and yet Warzone launched with just 3 maps. Arena had shit like Orion and Pegasus early forge in heavy rotation. Hardly anything beyond CTF, Strongholds or Slayer in terms of game modes. In terms of campaign, no checkpoints, no scoring, no theatre, no weekly commendations or XP gains. So unless you wanted to play mp with others, you couldn't do anything on your own really. No split screen for customs even.
Halo 6 better launch with more bells and whistles than any other Halo game previously otherwise it is pretty much over. The fact more Halo fans and Xbox fans would rather play CoD, Overwatch, R6 Siege, Battlefield, Destiny and other shooters over Halo on an Xbox console says it all. Yes the other games are multiplatform, but what does that say that THE console FPS that pretty much made Xbox is an also-ran in the category.
I could see future Halo titles having the MP part go free after a few years. We've already had a 'soft' version of this with Halo 3 and Reach and Games With Gold.
They did a similar thing with Uncharted 3 that I think worked out pretty good.
I could see future Halo titles having the MP part go free after a few years. We've already had a 'soft' version of this with Halo 3 and Reach and Games With Gold.
They did a similar thing with Uncharted 3 that I think worked out pretty good.
Would never happen.
Halo isn't some PC MOBA and this isn't how AAA games work. Microsoft would never give up revenue on game sales and there is absolutely no reason for Halo 5 to go F2P. The game over a year after launch still hovers around the top 20 most played games. You don't see Ubisoft turning The Division F2P or EA with Titanfall 2.
What 343 needed to do with Halo 5 and hopefully learned for Halo 6 is more consistent content drops with more substance. If you plan on supporting a game for 3 years, don't blow everything in the first 8 months. Look at Rainbow Six Siege. A game that released two months after Halo 5 that started slow and is now hovering around the top 5 most played games on Xbox One.
Halo needs to fully adapt to the GaaS model or it will continue to lag in players and interest after launch.
I would argue that not going f2p at some point is giving up revenue.
I wouldn't give the whole game away for free, but after a while Warzone + the HCS playlist would be free...
I'd rotate social playlists into the free game weekly.
People could then upgrade to the full game if they were to get hooked.
Would never happen.
Halo isn't some PC MOBA and this isn't how AAA games work. Microsoft would never give up revenue on game sales and there is absolutely no reason for Halo 5 to go F2P. The game over a year after launch still hovers around the top 20 most played games. You don't see Ubisoft turning The Division F2P or EA with Titanfall 2.
What 343 needed to do with Halo 5 and hopefully learned for Halo 6 is more consistent content drops with more substance. If you plan on supporting a game for 3 years, don't blow everything in the first 8 months. Look at Rainbow Six Siege. A game that released two months after Halo 5 that started slow and is now hovering around the top 5 most played games on Xbox One.
Halo needs to fully adapt to the GaaS model or it will continue to lag in players and interest after launch.
That can be accomplished with extreme price slashing during a deal or having one free weekend.
Word of mouth and good presence outside of the core audience is how you get new players hooked. Making part of the game F2P makes it look like Halo can't grow on its own and needs to be even more desperate to get new players.
Halo going f2p sounds like a defeatist idea. If you go f2p, WarZone ideas and vanity items will become a front and center focus, which sounds gross.
Game pass or MP only purchase package or just a price cut sounds better.
Any of those 3 ideas are 100% better than what they are doing right now, which is sitting at the table watching someone choke to death.
Dude the thing is, after 12 months the sales revenue has to be incredibly low. Game sales on console are super front loaded especially with a disappointing launch as H5. You are WAY better off making it f2p after a year and having a vibrant community with regular content, than milking the last cents with a dying playerbase which bleeds over into a bad ranking system, bad servers, lackluster/embarrassing tournament attendance and viewership etc.
Going F2P gives the impression that the game failed. Just look at Evolve. You want the gaming community to think Halo can be like Siege, Overwatch, and CoD, or like Evolve?
I mean, can't you buy Halo 5 for about $20?
And sitting in 22nd place on XBL is inspiring confidence in the franchise?
Halo 5 had a much bigger launch than RB6: Siege yet Siege has much better legs than Halo 5. Siege has a plan for all the years of support, Halo 5 blew its load in the first 8 months and relies on the community to add content while 343 does fucking nothing.
Going F2P gives the impression that the game failed. Just look at Evolve. You want the gaming community to think Halo can be like Siege, Overwatch, and CoD, or like Evolve?
So the Simms insults thing was from us, right?
Actually, since I have some insight from Ubisoft (some friends are working there), I can tell you this is false.
Siege had content planned for like 8 months after launch, since Ubisoft wasn't sure it would work and sell well.
Siege went way above Ubi's expectation in term of sales and player retention, so they made a quick move by announcing new content (GaaS ofc) and they dedicated much more ressources and budget to Siege than they originally planned.
Sure, Halo 5 blow up its content after a year, but to be honest, this wasn't even true add-on, it was more about giving the player what Halo 5 was missing as key features from past games, plus new maps of course, that were welcome.
I'm not sure 343 really planned Halo 5 as GaaS, but more as a game they should add content that was already in the work, and giving some maps as they knew, from past Halo games, that DLCs weren't a great plan if you want to be alive for this generation (again, a generation focusing on GaaS for most of the games).
From now on, we can be sure Halo 5 won't sell much copies, so going F2P would be a great move, because 343 could then having a truly GaaS plan for the next 2 years before Halo 6, since they should give content to people playing Warzone to get player retention and make people buy REQs.
This would give new content for people that don't pay, and maybe increasing the Halo 5's player base population a lot, maybe giving new players an incentive to look at HCS.
Giving the Halo 5 MP as a F2P would be a great move from 343. Or at least just the Warzone part, since it's what resolve around the REQs.
Evolve was in a very different position. You need to see the market from the marketing perspective, and Halo 5 MP as a F2P could not only benefit the game, but the players, MS, maybe even HCS with good streaming equipments.
H5 should have been on the Games with Gold. I mean they already make a shit ton of money from MT, they might as well.
Alright then, Halo 5 goes F2P. Why would anyone buy Halo 6 because they know that if the game fails, they'll get it for free? If Halo 5 goes F2P then Halo 6 would need to be F2P because it would make no sense for one game to be free with much more content and for the newest one to be $60 and would need to wait for it to catch up to the previous game's content amount.
Halo 5 is not designed to be F2P and barely has any of the features needed to be a game that incentivizes players coming back every day already.
Halo 5 going F2P offers absolutely nothing to non players coming to the game, offers zero value to current players as no new REQs or content are added and Warzone would be the only mode that gets advertised because Microsoft would need to make money.
There is absolutely no financial reasoning or success for MS to turn Halo 5 F2P. MS would never give up the revenue from game purchases in addition to REQ revenue.
As a side note, I will just say that I'm not trying to convince you, seems we're all talking about speculation and you're already have your mind about this topic.
First, you're making an acception here that isn't (really) true, and you're not putting yourself in the average player's shoes: making a game F2P doesn't mean it has failed, well advertised, it will only be see as a move to offer a new direction to go for some players, and casual player who don't play Halo already will only see one thing = "Oh, a new multiplayer game for free? From a AAA? Oh it's only a part of the game? Nevermind, still a free FPS game with great content!"
Halo 5 as F2P would only give the multiplayer part, hell, even maybe just the Warzone part, so a new game brings new thing like campaign, for people that may be interested by more than the F2P part, and other multiplayer stuff, as Arena multiplayer.
So yeah, having a new game which is not F2P doesn't interfere with an already established IP. You can still sell a new game with good argument and good production.
Why do you think people will buy Destiny 2? Since from what we saw, it could even be just a DLC from Destiny 1. People aren't looking to the past, they still want new thing, and if you tell people a new game with new content is coming soon, they will move on.![]()
Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links is a mobile game that I assume has periodic events and content drops to keep interest up. Halo 5 has the lowest form of F2P mechanics.Halo 5 already has borrowed feature from F2P, as daily free pack giveaway, MT related to consumable (Warzone weapons) and aesthetic (Armor given by Packs). Compare Halo 5 to Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links if you have some time, you will see they are really close.
As I already said, having a game being F2P means changing the way you are building content around this idea. So if MS/343 were thinking about offering Halo 5 MP as a F2P, it of course means having a strategy around this, meaning providing new content to push player to buy REQs.
So yeah, of course it means offering value to current players since they could have access to content build from the ground to appeal a F2P player, but they could get it for free if they want too, since you can have REQs using in-game currency.
I don't know if you have been around Reddit a few days ago, there was an article saying that MS already made much more money from the REQs than selling DLC for Halo. So be sure they would see it as a good place to earn some $$$.
About the HCS part, it really easy to figure how bringing more players to you game, even the free part of it, can brings more player to your tournament, or at least, just making people speaking about it. Do I have to really explain this?
I have zero idea how Halo 5 has sold as a whole (retail or digital) after 2015. What I do know however is that current interest in the game is still high enough to where it is still outperforming recent releases and even Microsoft's other TPS that just came out. You don't give it out for free.Do you think Halo 5 is still selling well? It's a real question I'm asking you. Do you think you can still make money from a game with poor rating from people's opinions? Or do you think letting people play you game as much as they want for free with good incentive to sell stuff with MT would be a lose?
The difference between letting people spending money on a free game versus having a 60$ wall in front of them is a game changer.
I don't think that is a good excuse. If Halo 6 fails in the same ways Halo 5 did, then that is on 343 for poor planning and failing to evolve the franchise. They have had years, multiple blunders, and a vast amount of examples to look to on how to proceed with Halo's post launch support.Edit: About the Ubisoft part, just think you're comparing a company having multiple studios for all kind of games, and sometimes studios working on a same game with more than 500 people, and a studio only working on a franchise, with limited time, budget, and a goal to bring a new game to Xbox to help Microsoft selling people Xbox (so not having the freedom to dedicated more than they can to create content).
Speaking about Ubisoft....