How many games do you play that are high-def ports of games over a decade old, running two graphics engines side by side and incorporating an online model hammered on top of a system mechanic never meant to handle it in the first place?
How many games do you play that are high-def ports of games over a decade old, running two graphics engines side by side and incorporating an online model hammered on top of a system mechanic never meant to handle it in the first place?
Eh, but even in Reach the co-op networking was pretty bad lag wise and it wasn't really like that with Halo 3 or ODST.
Not sure if this was posted yet, but a terminal translator and 12 (not available yet) terminal has been uncovered.
Just type in "wakeupjohn"
I understand both sides of the argument, but to the average person who picked this up, none of the above matters. If it really is as bad as people say it is, it should have just been left out.
Wouldn't bother me if they cut it for 4 either (they won't!), Reach's was pretty much unplayable in any enjoyable fashion if you weren't host as well.
Nah, I remember doing some weeklies together in co-op, was fine for us.Wouldn't bother me if they cut it for 4 either (they won't!), Reach's was pretty much unplayable in any enjoyable fashion if you weren't host as well.
Nah, I remember doing some weeklies together in co-op, was fine for us.
Which song is it?There's a note off in the remastered version of "A Walk in the Woods"... It sounds really off.
Why is waypoint so blurry now?
Please, please, 343 Industries, find a way to bring Halo CE multiplayer to Xbox LIVE.
Glad I'm not the only one. I'll play with it when I get home. I'm currently at 1080p.
I'm pretty sure that this will never, ever happen. Never ever.
I am so happy they included co-op play online. Even with the latency-induced input lag (which sucks), and the fact that for the first time in the series, it affected look controls, I still had a fucking blast playing this online with my friends.
Please, please, 343 Industries, find a way to bring Halo CE multiplayer to Xbox LIVE.
Waypoint looks blurry and low-res to me. What gives?
It has to be at least 300ms of input lag. I completely understand why it's there, but it's completely inexcusable that this game was released with this kind of lag and no word from 343/MS about the lag. Some people are apparently not affected by input lag as much as my friends and I, because it's really not fun. We take turns on who hosts and who has to be the lagged one, and it's a relief to get to play without the lag.
I'm seriously disappointed and I think this problem is excessive enough that it deserves some kind of response.
Edit: I would not have purchased this game had I known that online co-op (literally the only reason I bought it, to play with my friend who I used to play on the couch with and now we live in different states) was completely fucked. So for me I would have rather this feature not been included than been included and completely broken. Also, I'm not picking on your Hirednoobs, it was just the last post about the input lag.
Glasslands spoiler I read last night:Miranda Keyes is Halsey's daughter? The hell?
Glasslands spoiler I read last night:Miranda Keyes is Halsey's daughter? The hell?
wwm0nkey is everywhere!
Pretty much. He also said the same thing about this:so, thats basically a yes (but we are not allowed to talk about it yet, since our marketing team wont let us)
Is it really worse than the input lag in Reach, 3, and ODST firefight?
k, after letting it sit with me for a bit, I can finally give my verdict on how CE gameplay encounters match up with the rest of the series....
I'll give Halo 3 props for having really well designed encounters as well as the best vehicular segments in the series. It really struck me how lacking the vehicular missions are in CE. Mainly due to no marine support in the latter levels.
I did however, like the open feeling of CE's huge levels. No other Halo game managed to recreate this open world feeling in the levels. I loved fighting on a bridge, going through the corridors, and then getting put on the ground fight and seeing the bridge you were just on. Then the actual play space was HUGE. Hell, even the Library is huge and feels open despite being really linear.
Reach tried this with Winter Contingency which is a throw away level and New Alexandria which was actually pretty good. But they didn't quite nail the open feeling the large CE levels had.
Also, I feel CE has the best gunplay and infantry combat out of the entire series. The weapon sandbox is perfect, and the way the levels are designed with power weapon supplies and the risk/reward element of carrying something like a rocket launcher with you through the level instead of being given an entire armory before encounters like the other games did. I believe Ghaleon mentioned this as well.
I was playing through the library and actually having fun, despite me thinking the flood levels in the other Halo's were fairly lack luster. CE definitely has the best flood by far. If flood is in Halo 4, I hope they take inspirational from CE. Shit felt like a level right out of Serious Sam. Constant running, gunning, reloading, desperate grenades, jumps, strafes. switching weapons, scavenging for weapons..... loved it.
Halo 4 could also use more unique campaign "gameplay elements" (I guess I could call them that.) Things like the disabling the phase pulse generators and having your shields removed, or blasting the vent cores in The Maw. None of this PRESS BUTTON TO DISABLE THE AA GUN/OPEN DOOR/WIN THE GAME. I want some cool "set pieces" where lets say there is a gauntlet run at one point, but it's through an EMP field, disabling your shields as you run through. Maybe a segment that's in the dark, requiring the flashlight. Have cool mini-objectives like the vent cores. Makes me wonder why things like this weren't utilized in the other Halo games.
My connection can run co-op in every single other game I try just fine, there is absolutely no excuse for Halo CEA's co-op to require anything more. Look on the 343 forums, everyone is having this issue. Don't put co-op play over xbox live on the back of the box if it doesn't run properly.
Is it really worse than the input lag in Reach, 3, and ODST firefight?
Glasslands is definitely a good read if you're interested in the universe, but it helps a lot to have read Ghosts of Onyx (also First Strike, but this isn't as important) first.So Grasslands is worth picking up?
Glasslands is definitely a good read if you're interested in the universe, but it helps a lot to have read Ghosts of Onyx (also First Strike, but this isn't as important) first.
So Grasslands is worth picking up?
Which song is it?
I'm not sure what it's called on the soundtrack; I haven't picked it up yet. I was just playing through AotCR and it plays in the final 2 rooms if you don't grab the Banshee.
I am the internet! lolwwm0nkey is everywhere!
ODST's Firefight?
I just figured out the back button works on the main menu.
What is the name of the planet near installation 4?
Dat internet fame. Straight up Bossin'.I am the internet! lol
I was also apparently on MTV for a Kinect thing at E3, they had me sign something so they could use the interview on their show, a few days latter some friends said they saw me on MTV for the Kinect thing.
I just figured out the back button works on the main menu.
What is the name of the planet near installation 4?
I just figured out the back button works on the main menu.
What is the name of the planet near installation 4?
Dat internet fame. Straight up Bossin'.
Wasn't the first time and won't be the last.Frankie lied and betrayed our trust? =(lol
What is the name of the mouse shadow on the second moon?
Halo 3, ODST and Reach all had input lag when playing offhost in coop/firefight.
No idea why.
What is the name of the mouse shadow on the second moon?