I have kept up with this thread since the very beginning, and I am still baffled at the people who are so adamantly proclaiming a butchered MP experience to be a good idea. If you are satisfied with a butchered MP experience, by all means, be happy about it. I am not happy about it.
Arguing over if the SP experience was more popular than the MP experience is also ridiculous, and it doesn't matter. They were both insanely popular, but we can hopefully all somewhat agree that the MP experience gave the game legs that kept it popular for many many years. I did read a thread where a guy said he played the campaign for over 2,000 hours... really? I'm not one to call bullshit very often, but you played Halo CE campaign for over 83 days straight? Really?
But yes, I am sore about the exclusion of the original MP experience. I loved being able to grenade the sniper/rockets to myself from across the map(Hang 'em High was my favorite map to do this). I loved being able to safe-fall to avoid fall damage from insane heights. I loved the walkspeed, jumping, the grenade physics, the backpack reloading... Everyone who is experienced with the MP of CE knows exactly what I mean here. But apparently a few posters in this thread find it absurd that we should expect this. Please, bitch at me some more for stating a very valid critique of the announced features of this game.