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Halo estimates now up to 10 million units, with 5 million in November


Doubling the first one :O :O

Fans throng for first crack at new game "Halo 2"
Tue Nov 9, 2004 04:19 AM ET
By Ben Berkowitz

LOS ANGELES, Nov 9 (Reuters) - It takes a special kind of person to stay up all night and stand in a line nearly 250 people long just to buy a video game -- but for rabid fans of the first "Halo" on the Xbox video game console, it was well worth the wait to buy the new "Halo 2".

"It's just addicting," said Brady O'Connell, 22, a college student who joined hundreds of others late Monday night -- and early Tuesday morning -- at the L.A. pedestrian mall Universal CityWalk for the West Coast launch of the new "Halo."

Over the next three days, in eight languages and 27 countries, Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O: Quote, Profile, Research) will release its most important program of 2004 -- not a new version of Windows or Office, but the epic tale of super-soldier "Master Chief" defending the Earth from a mysterious alien force.

Analysts expect Microsoft could sell as many as 10 million units of "Halo 2," and fans across America were all too happy to help.

"I just wanted to make sure I would get the game," said Mark Rodriguez, 21, an insurance agent who arrived at the Electronics Boutique (ELBO.O: Quote, Profile, Research) store at CityWalk at 10:30 a.m. Monday, a full 13-1/2 hours before the launch.

Rodriguez played the original "Halo" for "about two years, eight hours a day, like a regular job."

The crowd that joined him to wait for the gam

e was mostly young men in their teens and 20s, though a handful of toddlers and more than a few adults also took spots in the line. The store had at least 180 copies of the game on shelves, with hundreds more said to be in inventory.

But even before the game went on sale on the west coast, fans were already hard at work fighting the evil alien Covenant. Cam Ferroni, general manager of Microsoft's Xbox Live online game service, said Live broke its one-day record for most concurrent users in the hours after the first "Halo 2" releases worldwide.


While fans queued for a shot at the game, the development team from Bungie Studios celebrated the end of three years of development work at a party in Seattle.

"Pride" was how Bungie Studio Manager Pete Parsons described his emotions in the hours leading up to the game's launch. A core team of 65 worked on the project, helped by 8,000 Microsoft employees worldwide who helped test it.

"We spend all of our time making the game we want to make and hoping people will like it a lot," Parsons said.

People certainly liked the last thing he did -- the original "Halo," released around the Xbox launch in late 2001, sold more than 5 million copies.

With 1.5 million pre-orders at about $50 each, "Halo 2" is almost certain to generate bigger sales than the movie "The Incredibles," which made $70.7 million at the box office over the past weekend in the biggest three-day opening Walt Disney Co. (DIS.N: Quote, Profile, Research) has ever had.

More than 7,000 stores planned to open their doors seconds after midnight on Tuesday to sell the game.

"I'd say 60 percent penetration on the console is a good number, so you're looking at 10 million copies worldwide," said Michael Pachter, a games industry analyst at Wedbush Morgan Securities, estimating about half would be sold this month.

Microsoft makes a loss on each Xbox it sells, leaving it to make up the shortfall with software sales. A five million-unit game, even at wholesale prices, can mean hundreds of millions of dollars' revenue.

"It's definitely one of the biggest games of this generation of hardware," said Jeff Gerstmann, senior editor of gaming Web site GameSpot.com. "It doesn't get too much bigger than 'Halo 2.'"

GameSpot gave the game a 9.4 rating out of 10. "Overall, it's one of the very best action games available," the review said.

Deku Tree

Someone should keep track of the names of all these analysts and each of their individual predictions so that we can compare them to reality later on.


Inflated numbers to me.
When's the press with Halo 2 selling more copies that Xbox worldwide userbase? :lol :)


Impressive numbers.... that means at least 55-60% of all Xbox-owners is getting Halo2? At least by the end of 2004.

How does that compare to other games, Super Mario Bros on NES, GTA on PS2 etc.?
10 Millions on a 15-17 millions userbase? Such a tie ratio is very unlikely, but 5-6 millions until the end of this generation sounds right.


Man, even CNN mentioned Halo 2, except it was in a Wall Street analysis segment.

I think Halo 2 coming from MS is giving the game a little more visibility than would get at any other company except maybe Sony.


on the 15th floor
That's completely ludicrous. No game has ever had that kind of tie ratio on a mature platform, and likely never will.


CrimsonSkies said:
Uh oh! This could be the biggest franchise is gaming to date if they handle it right.



i dont see why people keep forgetting GAMES SELL SYSTEMS. sweet jesus. you guys act as if the game has to be sold to the existing userbase and thats it. i could see an extra million systems sold in the US alone just because of halo 2.


Banstick Emeritus
sonycowboy said:
"I just wanted to make sure I would get the game," said Mark Rodriguez, 21, an insurance agent who arrived at the Electronics Boutique (ELBO.O: Quote, Profile, Research) store at CityWalk at 10:30 a.m. Monday, a full 13-1/2 hours before the launch.

Rodriguez played the original "Halo" for "about two years, eight hours a day, like a regular job."
what the fuck :lol
GameSpot gave the game a 9.4 rating out of 10. "Overall, it's one of the very best action games available," the review said.
ruh roh
while another sold 200,000 units by daybreak Tuesday.

Wow. Just wow.

You've got to imagine that retailer has got to be either EB or Gamestop. They normally only have a ~10% market share in the VG space, however, combined, I'd have to believe they'll get at least half of the original shipments based on an oustanding preorder drives.

So, let's say it was EB with 20% of all sales and they sold 200k before daybreak. You've got to believe they'll push over 300k, probably closer to 400k by the end of the day.

At 400k, that would give 2.0 million for the day, which is Peter Moore's numbers.

Obviously, the guesstimates are very rough, but 2 million on one day has got the be the biggest opening of all time, well ahead of San Andreas.

And, if so, 3 million isn't only a guarantee, it's the absolute lowest total possible.
That's Peter Moore's guess at what Halo 2 will bring in today, not a confirmed number. But yeah, borghe loses that bet.


BeOnEdge said:
i dont see why people keep forgetting GAMES SELL SYSTEMS. sweet jesus. you guys act as if the game has to be sold to the existing userbase and thats it. i could see an extra million systems sold in the US alone just because of halo 2.

I see what your saying but how many people are going to buy Halo 2 when they dont even have the first one ?

95% of sales will come from Halo owners.
open_mouth_ said:
Halo 2 and Fable ownin' peeps sales estimates left and right... That's the power of the "X"!

Thanks for bringing the quality and tenor of this discussion back down to trollish levels. Your contribution of less than zero is duly noted.


sonycowboy said:
Thanks for bringing the quality and tenor of this discussion back down to trollish levels. Your contribution of less than zero is duly noted.

Just because you were one of the ones who got owned with a prediction on at least one of those two games, don't be sore.

This is a time for celebration!

*throws hands in air and does the shimmy*
Hitler Stole My Potato said:
And now, a blast from the not too distant past:

Borghe, you just lost that bet.

Yea, I love when Nintendo apologists try to downplay big Xbox releases and get owned.


DSN2K said:
I see what your saying but how many people are going to buy Halo 2 when they dont even have the first one ?

95% of sales will come from Halo owners.
If I'm buying an xbox for the 1st time then Halo2 is the game I'm going to get.
More kick ass quotes from that lovable doubter, borghe:

The article is ambiguous to say the least.. Microsoft says presales when talking about GAT:VC but then slips back to pre-orders when talking about Halo 2...

So definitively, Wind Waker still holds the record until someone comes forth and officially says that Halo 2 had more customer pre-orders.

The difference is that WW's 600K were actual customer reservations. How many customer reservations does Halo 2 have? That number seems to be unstated from the looks of it.

IMHO 3 million is unlikely for the end of the year. It will probably sell like 2 million through christmas and get another million over the next year. I predict it's LTD will end up just over 3M

2M for the holidays (which many are agreeing with) and then 1M next year, and that's INCLUDING January to August where even the biggest holiday titles with legs only sell 40-60K per month.

again, agreed.. I would seriously almost say that games like Sonic 2 and Mortal Kombat 1 & 2 were more "hyped" than Halo.. It took almost over an hour to get into the door to get Sonic 2 on release day at one of the local Babbages here.


DSN2K said:
I see what your saying but how many people are going to buy Halo 2 when they dont even have the first one ?

95% of sales will come from Halo owners.

i dont have the first one. :lol weirdest thing i saw last night while out and this makes PAs last comic so true, there were so many damn college kids there. I could see word of mouth working very well and selling systems as well as copies of both halo 1 and 2.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Nothing really weird about that - you'd expect that segment of interested customers to be out for a midnight store opening. They're the ones most likely to be up, most likely to have the means and most likely to have a shitload of free time to fritter away for this type of thing.


being watched
Elios83 said:
Inflated numbers to me.
When's the press with Halo 2 selling more copies that Xbox worldwide userbase? :lol :)

But dude...you gotta remember...what if *your* copy gets scratched? It's safe to buy two copies....
BeOnEdge said:
i dont have the first one. :lol weirdest thing i saw last night while out and this makes PAs last comic so true, there were so many damn college kids there. I could see word of mouth working very well and selling systems as well as copies of both halo 1 and 2.

I'd be interested to know how many "kids" (read < 17) were in lines and got this game. I only ask the question, because of three factors.

1) In my experience, most game employees turn out to be huge Xbots and have plenty of disparaging words for the other systems. (This is simply my personal experience, but Microsoft seems to have won the hearts and minds of the game store employees).

2) The store employees WILL NOT sell GTA:SA to kids at all. They won't let an adult that's not related to them buy the game if they know it's for a kid. I've seen this at least a dozen times. I know that this agrees with their corporate policy, but I wonder if they enforce it more for GTA than any other game.

IMO, I think Halo 2 won't get anywhere near the same warning from game employees to both kids and/or parents. Part of this is fair, as GTA is clearly not meant for children at all. I certainly wouldn't let my kid play it.
But dude...you gotta remember...what if *your* copy gets scratched? It's safe to buy two copies....

I've seen EB & Gamestop reallllllly pressuring people for their new warranty on games ($3). And you should hear the way they try to pressure the Halo 2 buyers.

"This is absolutely the game you don't want to get scratched. It would be the worst. Consider how much you're going to play it. And older systems will cause the disc to wobble, which can cause the scratches. I'm just saying"


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
sonycowboy said:
I've seen EB & Gamestop reallllllly pressuring people for their new warranty on games ($3). And you should hear the way they try to pressure the Halo 2 buyers.

"This is absolutely the game you don't want to get scratched. It would be the worst. Consider how much you're going to play it. And older systems will cause the disc to wobble, which can cause the scratches. I'm just saying"

So these $3 warranties are the new:


How long does this "warranty" last anyway? And what specifically does it cover during that time period?
DarienA said:
So these $3 warranties are the new:


How long does this "warranty" last anyway? And what specifically does it cover during that time period?

One year. And I've heard differing things. In store, I've heard them say it will cover anything and everything. Scratches, cracks, whatever.

However, on this board, I've heard it doesn't cover user mistreatement (ie cracking the cd)


As for the warranties, they're taking a page out of Best Buy's shitty book. Even if 10% of buyers purchase a $3 warranty for their games, that's essentially pure profit in the pocket of these companies. Games don't break that often and when they do, most people will probably have lost their receipts or won't care enough to bother with the exchange.

f*** these companies and their milking ways.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
The indicators that Halo 2 would far exceed sales of the original and, along with the Xbox itself, would grow userbase disproportionately faster than was standard for its cycle have always been obvious.

Growth of the original Halo base never plateaued, so it was clear that the true extent of its popularity had yet to be realized. This is owed to the type of game it is -- a 2+ multiplayer title that breeds competition through well balanced and varied play mechanics, weapons, and maps. It's this generation's GoldenEye: the kind of game that people continue to compete in for years and bring in lots of new challengers to play with/against along the way. By contrast, a chapter in a series like GTA won't grow so steadily because its challenge eventually comes to an end and doesn't foster the competitiveness to continue lasting.

Also, Microsoft has brought Xbox to the critical point of becoming a mass market choice for videogaming like PlayStation. Earlier, a consumer would have had to make the conscious decison to go with an 'alternative' if they were buying an Xbox, but the perception of the system now is becoming that it's an equally acceptable product and investment. The Xbox will see non-typical growth now for this part of a console cycle as the mass market start to catch up on what they've been missing.


10 million in the US alone?! Or includeing Europe? If its just US then their expecting 100% of the xbox owners to buy it!?
Axsider said:
GTA:SA estimates now up to over 15 million units!
Halo 2 DOOMED!!!!

Have you been sleeping. The GTA:SA estimates are 25 million, by the exact same analyst who pegged Halo 2 at 10 million.
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