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Halo Infinite Season 2 preview

Clap Reaction GIF

That's really all there is to it. The population is such that you never have trouble finding a game.
Really speaks to the benefit of crossplay. There's so many old PC and Console games that have a small community that I'm sure would love to be able just to play a match even if it's PC vs. Console.


Gold Member
I bought the first season pass and was all-in on this game. Then I realized the playlists weren't great and there were hardly any maps. My own mistake for not doing my due diligence but goddamn this has to be the fewest maps in any Halo release to date, right? And oddly 343 is "aware" people are very frustrated with the game but apparently not prioritizing new map development.

If I had a dedicated Team Slayer playlist and about three-six new and good maps I would have dumped 100+ hours into this already. KoTH sucks. Nobody likes Landgrab. They're obligated to add them as a legacy staple but, Jesus, those modes are for esports or dedicated teams and not average players who are playing with randoms.

Was pumped for the campaign too until I realized it was FarCry Lite with no sweet transitions to stuff like snow/jungle areas from previous games.

That all said, the actual gameplay is so fucking tight I'd love to return if they give some love to new maps or campaign DLC (it better be free). I thought Halo 5's campaign was horseshit but its MP was some of the best work 343 has ever done and they nailed carrying it over to Infinite. Just, god, why can't I choose to play Slayer like every other Halo game and try to carry my team instead of being saddled with 3 randos with no mics in objective based games?


So expecting a finished product like we had for the majority of a franchise is now "impatient" and "entitled"?

Yes, you both are warriors. Trying ever so desperately to defend a painfully unfinished, insulting product such as this because its on your favorite plastic box/company. It has been stated before, but folks like you are the reason why we are getting trash like Halo Infinite.

You were told before play and purchase that it was a live service, F2P game that would get better with time. Why are you heckling innocent bystanders because you didn’t care to read?

What you’re weirdly ranting about ‘warring’ is really a maturity thing. It’s a fucking game. If it falls short of your expectations, uninstall it and move on until the package is robust enough for you. This childish toxicity and hyperbolic outbursts serve nothing, and are as useless as your assertion that a few folks on the forums are the reason why 343i didn’t have as much content at launch for a F2P game as they did for earlier Halo MPs.

One of the first things you learn as a grownup is that people are allowed to have different opinions. Calling others ‘warriors’ because they aren’t joining you to foam at the mouth with rage is just hilarious.


If I had a dedicated Team Slayer playlist and about three-six new and good maps I would have dumped 100+ hours into this already

Yeah, not only the map selection is very limited, and from those I really enjoy only three - Street, Recharge and Live Fire, I can play on those all day long, but the rest is just bad, with Launch Site and Behemot being absolutely terrible, not only there are vehicles which completely destroy all the 4v4 gameplay, but they're way too big and too open for that awful base AR that lacks accuracy at just 5-7m range let alone 30-50...

I cannot fight the feeling all the maps have been designed for BR and Grapple Shot, which obviously you don't have since it's an arena shooter. Bringing back loadouts would do the game such a justice, there are so many amazing weapons and equipment combos that elevate the gameplay up to eleven, but <90% of the time you just run with nothing, dull pistol, worthless AR, and no equipment at all, so no wonder people got bored and left the game, with 50 maps nothing would change.


You were told before play and purchase that it was a live service, F2P game that would get better with time. Why are you heckling innocent bystanders because you didn’t care to read?

What you’re weirdly ranting about ‘warring’ is really a maturity thing. It’s a fucking game. If it falls short of your expectations, uninstall it and move on until the package is robust enough for you. This childish toxicity and hyperbolic outbursts serve nothing, and are as useless as your assertion that a few folks on the forums are the reason why 343i didn’t have as much content at launch for a F2P game as they did for earlier Halo MPs.

One of the first things you learn as a grownup is that people are allowed to have different opinions. Calling others ‘warriors’ because they aren’t joining you to foam at the mouth with rage is just hilarious.
That poster called me a warrior for defending particular elements of Infinite's campaign. So reasoned discussion may not be possible.

However I don't think Infinite being a free to play game is relevant to the point that individuals are expecting something to be worth their ongoing time. I suspect in most cases the people complaining would prefer paying up front to waiting indefinitely for even a moderately complete product (say, Halo 5 on launch).

I also think that if Infinite had followed Halo 5's update pace, the barebones launch would not have been such an issue, and the overall reception would have been a lot more positive.

As it is it feels like we are getting the worst of both worlds. We receive a barebones product, which is then given content updates that would have been unsatisfactory even in a "boxed" product. (Two new maps in what will now be a year, and some new game mode variants).
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Dr. Claus

You were told before play and purchase that it was a live service, F2P game that would get better with time. Why are you heckling innocent bystanders because you didn’t care to read?
I am able to read very well. The game was made F2P as an excuse to push this low effort, low quality release. I am not “heckling” anyone. I am calling out known console warriors, people who spend most of their time rabidly defending a company (which is exactly what you do) and promoting the anti-consumer practices we have been seeing more and more over the years.

What you’re weirdly ranting about ‘warring’ is really a maturity thing. It’s a fucking game. If it falls short of your expectations, uninstall it and move on until the package is robust enough for you. This childish toxicity and hyperbolic outbursts serve nothing, and are as useless as your assertion that a few folks on the forums are the reason why 343i didn’t have as much content at launch for a F2P game as they did for earlier Halo MPs.
You are on a video game forum, which has spent more than two decades dedicated to discussions about video games. If you are honestly surprised and think it is immature that a long time fan of a particular gaming franchise wants to see it do better, to see it succeed instead of being relegated to low effort, anticonsumer releases then you are more of a lost cause than I initially believed.

One of the first things you learn as a grownup is that people are allowed to have different opinions. Calling others ‘warriors’ because they aren’t joining you to foam at the mouth with rage is just hilarious.
Don’t worry, Ozriel. Maybe some day daddy Microsoft will actually notice your existence. Keep up the good fight, warrior!
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You were told before play and purchase that it was a live service, F2P game that would get better with time. Why are you heckling innocent bystanders because you didn’t care to read?

What you’re weirdly ranting about ‘warring’ is really a maturity thing. It’s a fucking game. If it falls short of your expectations, uninstall it and move on until the package is robust enough for you. This childish toxicity and hyperbolic outbursts serve nothing, and are as useless as your assertion that a few folks on the forums are the reason why 343i didn’t have as much content at launch for a F2P game as they did for earlier Halo MPs.

One of the first things you learn as a grownup is that people are allowed to have different opinions. Calling others ‘warriors’ because they aren’t joining you to foam at the mouth with rage is just hilarious.
Dude you are coming off like a condescending prick. Innocent bystander? You're the one who engaged with fans who are unhappy with the game. On a forum about discussing games.

If you enjoy the game then that's great. You're being called a warrior because you're fighting so hard to tell other people they're wrong for not liking what 343 is offering.


So… is this still Neogafs 2021 GOTY?
I can understand it was voted GOTY based on the premise of what the game was supposed to be but as time goes by it seems less and less like the game a lot of people voted for.
It didn’t get worse. What people voted for is still there. You don’t vote for a game because of what it might add in the future. The campaign alone has a lot more content alone then most other big games
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Some of these armor sets make Spartans looks kinda chunky, but maybe it's just the camera, as they say it adds ten pounds.
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