Prinz Eugn
Hoooollly shit, connections can still be an issue. Playing with a cross-country party is still somewhat harrowing.
Hoooollly shit, connections can still be an issue. Playing with a cross-country party is still somewhat harrowing.
This is basically my one major issue atm. I think everything plays very well, but the maps could really benefit from being less busy/foggy. There are spots on Truth where you really just can't see shit due to all the lighting and haze.
Any tuning during the beta or will we just get dev updates after it's done?
Yay that's one of my big issues as well.It is known.
Agreed with essentially all of this, good write-up. I like the way Empire plays with the various different visual cues, but I agree it can be hard to tell the difference between Pink and Tower in Truth because of the art direction. I have always loved how "clean" Halo 3 looked (seen in that picture you posted) and I hope they tone down some of the bloom and make it so the visuals don't hamper shooting or locating enemies which is occasionally the case currently.TAWPGUN's IMPRESSIONS
It is known.
Welp, there it is.
Can we have toggles for spartan abilities and sprint?
It is known.
Why am I still rank Silver, when I have better stats the most Onyx people in Matchmaking in H5?
I still have to rank through Gold I, II, and III to even get into Onyx I. How is anyone even at that rank yet?
Why am I still rank Silver, when I have better stats the most Onyx people in Matchmaking in H5?
I still have to rank through Gold I, II, and III to even get into Onyx I. How is anyone even at that rank yet?
You can start out at Onyx, or even semi-pro. It depends how well you do during your qualifying matches. W/L is what matters here, not KDA.
That seems kind of backwards to me. I still have better W/L then most Onyx players I've checked, (39 wins out of 50 matches), but because I did bad in my first 9 matches, I get stuck at rank Silver?
Probably because you're playing silver ranked people?
I don't understand what this is implying
ur bad
I like the two thrust idea, perhaps make it where you have a meter of thrust uses, separated into two sections to indicate energy to thrust.
So say you use two thrusts back to back, the 4 seconds it would normally take would charge one thrust use and an additional 4 secs would charge the second thrust use, meaning 8 seconds you'd have to wait in order to use two thrusts consecutively. If using a thrust at any point before the full charge of two thrusts, it drains the entire meter and you either have to wait 4 seconds for one thrust or 8 seconds for two again.
It's also the only one that is used besides clamber.If I had to guess, Thruster is far and away the most well-received of all the new additions
My issue with things like Hover, Ground Pound, Slide is that if you can go 30 matches without seeing these mechanics in action or using them yourselves, why even include them in the game?
Not surprised they lied.
What's the problem without motion tracker? Why can't they just test it out and give us 100% no radar and see the feedback from that? New game, another chance to groom Halo players without motion tracker but nope.. Still the same despite the legitimate arguments made against it. If 343 is serious about creating a competitive Halo multiplayer, then they need to axe motion tracker.
But we have Spartan chatter now, lots of it. We have timers for power weapons and call-outs for those too. So much info on action and feedback as to what's going on in the match without the need for motion tracker.No motion tracker is bad. I think it makes the game for the worse when you're playing with randoms. There's no cohesion. Obviously this is just by my experience in other Halos but I don't see why this one would be any different
Wouldn't be opposed to having like a competitive playlist with it disabled. But as default? Not a game I'd ever want to play. Opinions and all that
No motion tracker is bad. I think it makes the game for the worse when you're playing with randoms. There's no cohesion. Obviously this is just by my experience in other Halos but I don't see why this one would be any different
Wouldn't be opposed to having like a competitive playlist with it disabled. But as default? Not a game I'd ever want to play. Opinions and all that
So broadly the damage is the same. Can you give me an example of a behavioural change between hip-fire and Smart Scope?
Tim Longo: Spread. Spread of bullets.
Josh Holmes: For example, the SMG, which you might have used, when you free-fire it, it has a very wide spread. When you go into Smart Scope there's a slight narrowing of the spread.
Published 11/12/2014
To be fair sometimes people just play really bad. :/ok seriously 343, y'all gotta fix the skill matching holy shit
like every single game is me with a 2.0 k/d while the rest of my team drops like a 3-13 neg bomb
I've been getting matched against people who shouldn't be matching up with me. I kind of feel bad sometimes when my team wins 50-10. It's not because I'm some god at halo either (I'm above average at best), but I'm just getting matched up with unranked people. It's less of a problem for me and more of a problem for them. The game is much less enjoyable when you're losing like that.ok seriously 343, y'all gotta fix the skill matching holy shit
like every single game is me with a 2.0 k/d while the rest of my team drops like a 3-13 neg bomb
If I had to guess, Thruster is far and away the most well-received of all the new additions
I'm over AR/Pistol starts.
Madness, the DMR is easily the best weapon, imo.
does the DMR have a farther range than the BR with aim assist mechanics when not zoomed?
That might be part of what makes it so good, not having to ADS to hit midrange shots with consistency.
I think it more has to do with the DMR being single shot and better for range than the BR. Don't really have to ADS all too much if you set up in good positions, but I did pull this off for a kill lol (Stabilize + DMR from close range).does the DMR have a farther range than the BR with aim assist mechanics when not zoomed?
That might be part of what makes it so good, not having to ADS to hit midrange shots with consistency.
Counterproductive to the mobility options we have at our disposal.Radar is trash. It makes it harder to sneak behind the other team, slows the game down, and makes it easier for campers.
Radar is trash. It makes it harder to sneak behind the other team, slows the game down, and makes it easier for campers.
I'm over AR/Pistol starts.
Madness, the DMR is easily the best weapon, imo.