Why? Make all playlists ranked. Those that don't care about rank, don't need to worry what number they're given, and those who need ranks are able to utilize a variety of playlists to gauge improvement and feedback. Menke said naturally the system will bring everyone up to 30 at least, 30-40 somewhat random, an then 45+ is brutal and what only the top tier players and pros will be able to get.
I'm not even some tryhard player, I'm probably garbage tier at this point now, but I'd want every playlist ranked for some reason now. If I don't care enough to say play competitively and just want to goof off, let my rank reflect it in the playlist. But I feel it won't happen, social playlists will be needed, because people don't want to be told how bad they are, or accept that they're bad.
I think some playlists don't really need the ranks though just based on the nature of the gametype. Like... Action Sack ranked? I guess if you just make everything the lulz will reveal themselves and it will all balance out in the end anyway so... That might just work.