Titanfall uses a completely different matchmaking system. It's far faster, and runs purely on dedis. It's not surprising that MM times for it are quicker than the MCC.
Titafall had 120 players in the last Titan standing playlist last night, I got a match in 10 seconds.
Destiny put me I to a match in about 5
343 is the Peter Molyneux of develepors.
I'm pretty sure Peter Molyneux is the Peter Molyneux of developers...
Fuckkkkk i just renewed my live Yesterday :/I just got 2 one month codes from Xbox for my "continued support of Halo The Master Chief Collection". Ok. Thanks?
I can't make out what the second thing is...
343 is the Peter Molyneux of develepors.
So are you an internet persona or something?If Peter was divided into a couple hundred separate people he would fill up the 343 offices
I can't make out what the second thing is...
daedalius is pretty much a broken record at this point.
343 is the Peter Molyneux of develepors.
343 is the Peter Molyneux of develepors.
daedalius is pretty much a broken record at this point.
99% of this OT is a broken record
Water is wet, the MCC matchmaking is shit, I sleep without socks on.
It's a given at this point. We all want Titanfall speeds for matchmaking. Highly doubt that's ever going to happen though.
If we could just all agree that Sprint/Smart Scope and Spartan Abilities overall enhance the Halo gameplay, it'll all be good.
Oh god, who the hell sleeps with socks on?
Get some more blankets!!
Get better socks.UGH
Socks are so uncomfortable. If I'm not wearing shoes I'm generally not wearing socks. Sleeping with them on feels... wrong
Get better socks.
Well that certainly makes more sense nowMaster Chief?
Have they said they'll be fixing the issue in Halo 5 where players automatically get put back into ADS when shot if they use left trigger?
Off-topic, but hey, it's not like we have a working Halo game to talk about anyway:
The Order thread over in gaming is a damn riot. So many upset fanboys or whatever ravenously defending a full price game with three hours of gameplay.
I love how anyone who has a worry or issue with a game is labeled a "concern troll" and "concern" has such a negative connotation. It's ridiculous. Same crap got thrown around when I had worries about Master Chief Collection pre-release.
Have they said they'll be fixing the issue in Halo 5 where players automatically get put back into ADS when shot if they use left trigger?
I saw somewhere Josh Holmes said that was a design decision, intentionally because of the COD-style controls with left trigger aiming...that most players just hold it down...but I agree, when descoped out of ADS...you should have to press the trigger again...simply holding it down and the game auto-scopes you back in defeats the entire purpose of descoping.
We tried this setting and while on paper it should be equivalent, the perception amongst players was significantly worse when having to release and re-engage a trigger button to re-enter scope. FWIW, we have found that the vast majority of players (especially good players don't re-engage scope once they are de-scoped until the enemy is killed. This is because they are likely to vacillate between the two settings as a result of sustained fire and it makes their shot less predictable as a result.
For now we have settled on this difference as in sustained testing we see no functional advantage and it makes a significant difference in player perception, but we will keep looking at it and appreciate the feedback.
Five and a half hours for a new player to play it start to finish, full YouTube playthrough shows it. Of that, there's about two hours and fifteen minutes of cutscenes and fifteen minutes of QTE scenes. Only about three hours of actual gameplay.It can't be only 3 hours can it?
A single player game with three hours of gameplay. Welfare comment on it, and the reply was to circle his user name and tell him to get a job if he can't afford it. Then a bunch of replies quoting it with "omg rekt" type nonsense. I thought that kind of stuff was bannable on GAF, but guess not.$64 for a single-player only game...why do people continue buying games like this?
Unless it's got the greatness of Half-life (which it most likely does not), no single player only game is worth $64, not even Bioshock.
i cant imagine this doesnt give a decent advantage to an AR/smg user, but, admittedly, its probably less of one with the AR/smg nerfs post-beta.
For now we have settled on this difference as in sustained testing we see no functional advantage and it makes a significant difference in player perception, but we will keep looking at it and appreciate the feedback.
Five and a half hours for a new player to play it start to finish, full YouTube playthrough shows it. Of that, there's about two hours and fifteen minutes of cutscenes and fifteen minutes of QTE scenes. Only about three hours of actual gameplay.
A single player game with three hours of gameplay. Welfare comment on it, and the reply was to circle his user name and tell him to get a job if he can't afford it. Then a bunch of replies quoting it with "omg rekt" type nonsense. I thought that kind of stuff was bannable on GAF, but guess not.
That said, it's pretty amusing to watch all these people be so vehement about defending a game from people with such an unreasonable standard of expecting more than three hours of gameplay for their sixty bucks.
Wait, what happened to Granadier?
Wait, what happened to Granadier?
I skip all cutscenes in my games. Skipped all of them in Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty, etc. Any chance I can skip, I skip. I'm here to play a video game, not watch a movie.
Of the cutscenes I will watch are mostly Blizzard games because they're so bad ass, but at the same time, I can't stand in-game interruptions due to cut scenes and I also can't stand it when I'm not given an option to skip.
Half-life did them right though, they were truly integrated into the gameplay.
As for the ADS advantage in Halo 5...COD controls clearly get the advantage...having to hold down the right thumbstick and aim at the same time with traditional Halo controls is insanity.
It was pretty much impossible to be competitive using thumbstick. If you want any chance, you have to use L trigger. Now that we know that going back into scope after being descoped while holding L trigger is a design decision, I really can't see how anyone can argue that this isn't ADS.As for the ADS advantage in Halo 5...COD controls clearly get the advantage...having to hold down the right thumbstick and aim at the same time with traditional Halo controls is insanity.
To the HaloGAFers that recently made montages: what editing software did you use?
That's silly imo. I like the option to skip cutscenes on a second playthrough but why miss out on the story, which is the point of most single player campaigns anyway.
I think using cutscenes to form a video game story is a cheap filler and easy-way out of designing an engaging game with gameplay.
If the story-telling depends on cutscenes...why even develop a game? Might as well make a movie.
I'd roll Anders and go for Hawks usually, unless there was an Arbiter.
Other vehicles of note? I really liked the Cobra.
I skip all cutscenes in my games. Skipped all of them in Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty, etc. Any chance I can skip, I skip. I'm here to play a video game, not watch a movie.
Of the cutscenes I will watch are mostly Blizzard games because they're so bad ass, but at the same time, I can't stand in-game interruptions due to cut scenes and I also can't stand it when I'm not given an option to skip.
Half-life did them right though, they were truly integrated into the gameplay.
As for the ADS advantage in Halo 5...COD controls clearly get the advantage...having to hold down the right thumbstick and aim at the same time with traditional Halo controls is insanity.
To the HaloGAFers that recently made montages: what editing software did you use?
lol wat?
What's so funny about what I said?
I don't play games to watch movies...I want to play the game.
Thank you. Mind if i use that as the name for my H2A Waterworks remake? Just nod if you can hear me.Water is wet, the MCC matchmaking is shit, I sleep without socks on.
It's a given at this point. We all want Titanfall speeds for matchmaking. Highly doubt that's ever going to happen though.
What's so funny about what I said?
I don't play games to watch movies...I want to play the game.
"Cheap filler" is very funny to me, actually.