Hello HaloGAF
It's time for me to introduce myself too!
How long have you been a member of NeoGAF? How long have you lurked?
A month or two... A year or two !
How old are you? What country or state are you posting from? (Optional)
I'm 25 and I live in France (Lyon)
How long have you been a Halo fan? Have you played all the games?
2002 maybe, I've played every games until now, except Spartan Assault/Strike
What mode do you spend most of your time in?
(i.e. Multiplayer, Campaign, Forge, Firefight, Theater)
Campaign (solo, coop' and split screen for Halo 1/2) and Multiplayer (split screen and LAN for Halo 1/2/3, and online for Halo Reach/4/Wars)
What is your favorite playlist?
(i.e. MLG, Action Sack)
Mmmm... Don't know. Team Slayer, SWAT, Double Team (Rocket Hog Race!!!), Grifball...
Help us get to know you better. (Optional)
I usually spend a lot of time on Jeuxvideo.com, a French forum, where I talk with Halofans (or not) on what I can call "HaloJVC" (compared to HaloGAF). I own a PS4 and a XBO, and I am mostly a solo-player. The only games I play a lot online are Halo and Gears. Titanfall and Destiny last year too (but not as an hardcore player).