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Halo |OT 24| In Before the Locke

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I just realized, with all the possible factions in-game, I wonder if we're going to get a whole spectrum of diverse enemy types where one faction doesn't dominate the entire campaign and the enemies are mixed and matched for multi-way battles instead. Think the latter half of CE meets Reach Firefight.
How long have you been a member of NeoGAF? How long have you lurked?
Today, Since the end of halo 3.

How old are you? What country or state are you posting from?
22, Iowa

How long have you been a Halo fan? Have you played all the games?
Started playing CE when I was 10, yes all the mainline ones.

What mode do you spend most of your time in?

What is your favourite playlist?
Team slayer/hardcore, loved fiesta from h3 double exp weekends

Help us get to know you better.
H4 sucked, ready for some haloooo, this shit was my childhood.


I decided that my initial attempt was poor so I've got some more nightmare fuel:



Trying to decide which is creepier...

I'm done now, I promise
How long have you been a member of NeoGAF? How long have you lurked?
Today, Since the end of halo 3.

How old are you? What country or state are you posting from?
22, Iowa

How long have you been a Halo fan? Have you played all the games?
Started playing CE when I was 10, yes all the mainline ones.

What mode do you spend most of your time in?

What is your favourite playlist?
Team slayer/hardcore, loved fiesta from h3 double exp weekends

Help us get to know you better.
H4 sucked, ready for some haloooo, this shit was my childhood.

Welcome, new guy!

You came at a weird time, don't worry we're generally not this bad.

Most of the time, we're much worse.


Unconfirmed Member
For weeks now I've been able to hear opponents' mics in Halo 4 MCC. This has to be a known issue, right?


Unconfirmed Member
There's a setting to broadcast to all players and to hear all players. You should turn that to My Team.
Ohhhhh, whoops. I figured the "hear all players" option was for Rumble Pit or something. Thanks for the solution, lol.
just want to warn everyone i actually trademarked the term "Precusor Nanite Locusts" back in 2012, so, uh, there are royalties involved with that

Wait so Blue Team all got the Gen 2 armor? When? I know Fred was wearing the Gen 2 prototype armor and Kelly and Linda probably got them some time when they are on earth but when did Chief get it?


H5 takes place 8 months after H4.

"HAHA, Jem! That's right! Nanobots… man, I feel dumb sometimes. LOL lots of the times, actually. Jem's right everybody! JEM'S RIGHT. Anyway Halohalohalo, amirite?"

**The smile slides off my face as I draw back into my darkened home, The Cave of Rarely-Posting, the racous din and danger of GAF pre-E3 reduced to a wasp-nest buzz as the GAFdoor logged out. Another lame attempt at engaging.

"Nanobots. Fuckin nanobots!" Even my hissing sounds loud in the dank emptiness of my mostly solitary lair. The soft scrabbling escape of my companions are a sympathetic echo. Lurkers. I'm not sure what they are exactly, though I was one of them once. Most of us were, but some small mercy doesn't allow us recall of those times. Who would want to remember that anyway? Some say that one could exist as a Lurker on GAF for… Well, long enough to have seen so much but no mouth with which to complain and be salty. Hell.

A shiver at the thought and suddenly the dark feels so close, so hungry, "Xbox on!" Nothing. "XBOX. ON." Same. "Ecks-bawks awwn." The blasted machine finally accepts my painfully enunciated plea, but it's too late: I've sprained my tongue. Later, I'll have to turn it off manually like a goddamn animal.

My gamerpic, (the best one (and a quietly fucked up one)), a cartoon hamburger with a face eating a smaller, regular, faceless hamburger greets me.

Television light makes everything visible. Too visible. Some things I'd rather not see. AR starts. Flagnum. QTE boss battles...


I start sifting around through the junk, not frantic, but sweating all the same. Urgent. I toss aside a pretentious #NoMotionTracker but I can still see it in my lower periphery. An eternally ignored 'Frankie pls', still in it's wrapper, skids across the floor and drops further back up the thread as the conversation moves on. An MCC wrapped with duct tape that no repairman seems to be able to totally fix. Messaging issues peek out from under a rug. An empty box of old hype.

"Where is it?!" Aching, panting…

A moldy bag I carelessly cast aside turns out to contain a lot of fragile old Halo Traditionalists' Opinion and Entitlement Posts. Halo 4 era. Some Reach, even. The strong shit. The bad old shit. It flies and shatters musically against the Wall of Progress, same as any other philosophy. I've worked up a grunty thirst, but no time for the nipple. I find what I was looking for.

Getting comfortable with the small box on the floor, I want to share this suddenly. I whistle, and my Junior tag comes limping in. A small pathetic thing, it got struck by a Bad Opinion Train and while it lived it was never the same. Three months old and sixty-seven posts long; it's good I'm fond of it, because we're going to be together for a long long time.

I scratch it's J, and it's affectionate attempt to burrow into my side makes me smile, "Look what I got, buddy boy, yes! Look!" It doesn't, of course, but I don't care. I'm happy to share my excitement. After all, E3 hasn't even started, and yet I already know everything there is to know.

I reverently lift the lid off the box, rubbing my thumb over the waxy crayon-scrawl of the label as I read it aloud, "Halo 5: Gorditas - 2013 Pre-Order Advance Edition." God, I had to go to some deep places of the web to get my hads on this. My brow pops anew with cold sweat. The words "HaloFollower" flash searing and lurid in my memory. Nevermind. That's over now.

Beneath the box-top, are a number of icons carved of ore and gem. This is a concrete Assumption in the shape of a human female. This, a crystalline HypeTrain. Here's a pyrite Insider carved as a grotesque ear and lips gestalt. And here, the obsidian sphere of Unrealistic Expectations worked into a mirror polish and perched on a wobbly Confirmation Bias display, roughly hewn from limestone. So many others of such debatable value. And yet so precious.

My shoulder's jerk, I almost rise, almost scamper to the GAFdoor, log it open and post… But why? I'm not really adding to the conversation and even if I was I don't really have time to constantly refresh the page, just to see if anyone replied. Just to feel oddly depressed when they don't. Hell, it's been two hours since my last post anyway! No, I'll keep this for myself.

I arrange all the icons in front of me. Touch them. Savor their texture and certainty. Smear them with Taco Bell Fire Sauce.

I hug my Junior tag close. He whimpers when I hear one of his underdeveloped opinions crack. I lift him in front of my sickly TV-lit face, look him in his stupid eyes, and I whisper, "Halo 5 is gonna be fucking awesome."**
Guys, it's a cruel world. I am bored as hell today so you got… that. But Monday! I'll be at work so I probably won't be able to enjoy the reveal with HaloGaf.


You got…



Unconfirmed Member
This place is getting fucking weird. E3 is doing something to people.
E3 hype is making us check GAF more than usual but we've already discussed the recent news inside and out. The result: grunt emojis and Wahrer-esque HaloGAF fan fiction.
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