The mode plays differently depending on the variant. In addition, we are working on a more classic BTB experience with timed weapon and vehicle spawns, and this will be introduced shortly after launch with a number of maps specifically optimized for BTB.
Great, it all sounds interesting. Why will this be introduced after launch though? Is it to give people enough time to try out Warzone as their big team fix first? If so, can't say it's a bad idea considering you could receive data on heatmaps and other info helpful to crafting a balanced BTB experience.
And I really hope Power-ups have a strong presence in Halo 5 multiplayer. Reach removed them, Halo 4 brought them back, and haven't seen anything but a glimpse of OS in Halo 5. Arena, Warzone, 4v4, BTB, Power-ups are essential to Halo combat imho.
Wait what? No BTB at all on launch? Why? I get the new mode probably took most of the development and time but it seems kind of as if you WANT people to move to Warzone as their only fix for large scale Halo matches. Especially if 'after launch' is really several months.
I think it's important they discuss a timeframe because I'm sure that's what everyone is wondering. They could benefit from PR explaining data gathering to improve Arena BTB on these large maps. See what weapons people are using where, what vehicles are too dominant on what maps, so many things. Give us time to thoroughly check out Warzone, then bam, make an event out of Arena BTB.
Well that intention's honestly kind of a given.
It may be a given, but they need to explain it in a positive manner, otherwise fans may just see it as something unnecessarily being taken away from them. PR, breh.