Seriously though:
Fall of Reach caaartooooooooon! Yes! Stoked.
IKR? I hope they go whole hog on it rather than the Terminal motion comic style.
Seriously though:
Fall of Reach caaartooooooooon! Yes! Stoked.
Seriously though:
Fall of Reach caaartooooooooon! Yes! Stoked.
Did we even get an inkling about it besides finding out when the pre-order bonuses were revealed? Kept the series under wraps. Can't wait to see how they reconcile the story, explain the origins of Chief and Blue Team, their training.
Did we even get an inkling about it besides finding out when the pre-order bonuses were revealed? Kept the series under wraps. Can't wait to see how they reconcile the story, explain the origins of Chief and Blue Team, their training.
Trailer at SDCC, probably. Plus maybe an update on the Spielberg show (pls stinkles).
Has 343 confirmed a SDCC appearance yet?
Someone mentioned a fan competition to design skins. I'd love it if 343 released png images of all the vanilla weapons, so we could draw on top of them like the art director in The Sprint Episode.
Just watched all 4 episodes of Sprint. Who wants to work in this industry man? Those guys spent months thinking about making that E3 demo, all that time worrying about lighting, sky boxes, how FlipYap the 'I regret everything' Grunt came too soon, and all for what? So a bunch of nerds could say hey that doesn't look all that impressive?
I mean even I'm giving grief for ADS and those guys are literally just spending days deciding how much the ammo counter should protrude on a plasma caster etc. Damn.
H0lmb0m <3If you care about forge and community playlists/sharing of those maps/gametypes, watch this interview:
Just watched all 4 episodes of Sprint. Who wants to work in this industry man? Those guys spent months thinking about making that E3 demo, all that time worrying about lighting, sky boxes, how FlipYap the 'I regret everything' Grunt came too soon, and all for what? So a bunch of nerds could say hey that doesn't look all that impressive?
I mean even I'm giving grief for ADS and those guys are literally just spending days deciding how much the ammo counter should protrude on a plasma caster etc. Damn.
It's ridiculous, they spend hundreds and hundreds of hours trying to develop the best game they can for us and then some random nerd says the game's shit and the devs are lazy assholes.
I don't think people should stop criticizing devs at all. However criticism should be constructive. Saying you dislike smartscope because you feel it's unnecessary and takes up too much screen real estate is fine. That's constructive and reasonable. However saying smart scope is literally the worst thing in the world and all the devs at 343 should be fired because of it is not the way to do it.
Sadly this is never going to change because of the anonymity of the Internet. In some ways I feel like connecting your Facebook account to all your forum accounts would almost make the Internet better.
I wonder if MCC will get some sort of Forge map discovery tool or a dedicated community map playlist, or if it's too close to H5's launch now for it to be a priority.If you care about forge and community playlists/sharing of those maps/gametypes, watch this interview:
Yeah, I agree that patrolling enemy AI in Warzone sounds really cool. I'll trust in the Warzone team, but if they could figure out a way to make that work and have it be fun, I'd be stoked.
A skin contest would be great. Just allow us to use transparencies so I can make:
Yup, that'd be so awesome. Perhaps they could reduce the potential of it feeling cheap by making it VERY obvious that a homicidal mega-aggressive boss is spawning on the map. Like, an on-screen notification, waypoint, etc. The spawn should come suddenly and unexpectedly, but it should be obvious when it happens. That way someone can't cry when they get hammer'd across the map.Double post, but that's what I was trying to get across to D'Ellis. Remember what it was like playing Halo 3 legendary and having a Brute Chieftain? He'd literally chase after you, you would be tense on what to do.
Imagine if in the middle of everything, beyond just the passive AI in the set areas, beyond the moving vehicle AI like Baron, half way during the match, they loaded in legendary difficulty AI like Elite General types loaded with fuel rod guns or swords. They choose to go after the best players on each team. It adds a layer of tension that now there is this almost terminator style AI who will hunt me down somewhere on the field looking for me. It'll keep you on your toes etc.
A skin contest would be great. Just allow us to use transparencies so I can make:
Just watched all 4 episodes of Sprint. Who wants to work in this industry man? Those guys spent months thinking about making that E3 demo, all that time worrying about lighting, sky boxes, how FlipYap the 'I regret everything' Grunt came too soon, and all for what? So a bunch of nerds could say hey that doesn't look all that impressive?
I mean even I'm giving grief for ADS and those guys are literally just spending days deciding how much the ammo counter should protrude on a plasma caster etc. Damn.
I actually threw up in my mouth a little lookin at this shit
That looks bad and you should feel bad.
Yeah Wahrer, you're gonna need to go back to the drawing board with that one... Looks like it'd fit better in something like Jet Force Gemini or something.
For the "bunch of nerds" who say it doesn't look all that impressive there are wayyy more who are super excited about the game, and are dying to play it. I was, and still am one of those fans.
More of those people need to post rather than negative nancies; but alas, that will never be the case.
They do, we've seen great support from the Halo community this week, and it's greatly appreciated.
There should be a legendary Needler which shoots rainbow coloured needles.Watched the Sprint this morning. When Sparth and the other people were debating on whether it was possible to change the blamite crystals' colour for a different tier of the Needler I started screaming inside. You can't DO that. Pre order cancelled if they did.(I didn't preorder... yet...)
I would LOVE to try to evade blue plasma shots and then get needled to death because my opponent had a rare skin and I didn't realize they weren't plasma shots.Watched the Sprint this morning. When Sparth and the other people were debating on whether it was possible to change the blamite crystals' colour for a different tier of the Needler I started screaming inside. You can't DO that. Pre order cancelled if they did.(I didn't preorder... yet...)
Just watched all 4 episodes of Sprint. Who wants to work in this industry man? Those guys spent months thinking about making that E3 demo, all that time worrying about lighting, sky boxes, how FlipYap the 'I regret everything' Grunt came too soon, and all for what? So a bunch of nerds could say hey that doesn't look all that impressive?
I mean even I'm giving grief for ADS and those guys are literally just spending days deciding how much the ammo counter should protrude on a plasma caster etc. Damn.
There should be a legendary Needler which shoots rainbow coloured needles.
You'll see someone explode into a rainbow coloured cloud of death and you'll scream into your mic "OH SHIT, HE'S GOT FLIPYAP'S NEEDLER!"
A skin contest would be great. Just allow us to use transparencies so I can make:
I would LOVE to try to evade blue plasma shots and then get needled to death because my opponent had a rare skin and I didn't realize they weren't plasma shots.
That wasn't their best idea.
A skin contest would be great. Just allow us to use transparencies so I can make:
For the "bunch of nerds" who say it doesn't look all that impressive there are wayyy more who are super excited about the game, and are dying to play it. I was, and still am one of those fans.
What I don't understand is how so many people on NeoGaf lack the understanding of how E3 demos work. They're usually pretty linear due to time constraints/presentation. Seems like most people on here should know that.
You over estimate the intelligence of humans.
If you care about forge and community playlists/sharing of those maps/gametypes, watch this interview:
Red Ring of hot death?
A skin contest would be great. Just allow us to use transparencies so I can make:
Just buy it on the zbox store?Just got an Xbox One and I'm keen to play through Halo 1-3 again plus play 4 for the first time. Do any online retailers sell a code for the MCC?