Game is dead.
Game is dead.
I need to finish Mombasa then. Invasion maps always take the longest to build out..
Yo Tcows, my man. Good to see you got approved.We need more Invasion maps based off of old campaign settings. Wasn't there a group working on that? I know there's at least Pillar of Autumn, Halo, Silent Cartographer, and AoTCR readily available.
Hell, I'm pretty sure some Firefight maps were remade for Invasion: Slayer.
I'm game, but I'm not sure if I can get XBC to work now that I've switched to wireless on my PC.Speaking of dead games, who wants to play Halo 2 on XBC today?
I'm game, but I'm not sure if I can get XBC to work now that I've switched to wireless on my PC.
On the subject of Invasion: I haven't played a single Forged Invasion map that was actually good. 99.9% of them are on the Paradiso Island too.
I'm game, but I'm not sure if I can get XBC to work now that I've switched to wireless on my PC.
Good question. Is it possible to use XBC when we are only using wireless for 360 and PC ?
Game is dead.
You can use wireless for the Xbox no problem but you need a wired connection for the PC.
I have heard of people getting it to work on a wireless PC connection but I've never done it personally.
Your face is dead.
Team bobs vs Zehydrakrow69, loser has to agree to play Halo 3 over Reach a lot more often till H4 releases.
XBC can find my 360, but I'm not sure if it can find games yet.You can use wireless for the Xbox no problem but you need a wired connection for the PC.
I have heard of people getting it to work on a wireless PC connection but I've never done it personally.
I failed everytime I tried. In fact, I have no internet at home, I use my neighbors's internet via wireless, so I cannot connect my PC using wired connection. ='(
If someone found a tutorial, one day, about how achieved this with wireless, it could help. Thank.
Anyway more fucking around.
Every now and then Ill play Invasion.. When you have a decent team it can be fun, and I like the multi-tiered objectives. I hope Invasion isn't killed off for Halo 4.GAF always suprise me everyday: People still play invasion? lol.
I'm game, but I'm not sure if I can get XBC to work now that I've switched to wireless on my PC.
On the subject of Invasion: I haven't played a single Forged Invasion map that was actually good. 99.9% of them are on the Paradiso Island too.
GAF always suprise me everyday: People still play invasion? lol.
GAF always suprise me everyday: People still play invasion? lol.
ToMMoReLLo said:I lurk the neogaf forums and saw your post about the photoshopped halo reach picture you made, it was really nice by the way. I saw you saying you could make a better one if you took your time too! well, would you be interested in making a good one and having me leak it? people would go nuts and believe it coming from me, yes i am the real morello btw. let me know, thanks
this would be for teh lulz
any newz on teh halo 4 leakz giez?
I'm the real tom morello though (obviously not the musician). not a troll
edit- not making more posts about me being a troll or not and cluttering these nice forums, if you guys want proof you can message me on live @ moreiio. my gb/mlg profile with my gt. also been to MLG events and you can see me in the FFA finals (Was also in the providence championship finals but i went as "T Morello") /proof
I'm up for thatZeouterlimits, Gazzawa, and Zalinkrow, what say ye?
Checked my pm's >_>
I'm the real tom morello though (obviously not the musician). not a troll
edit- not making more posts about me being a troll or not and cluttering these nice forums, if you guys want proof you can message me on live @ moreiio. my gb/mlg profile with my gt. also been to MLG events and you can see me in the FFA finals (Was also in the providence championship finals but i went as "T Morello") /proof
That's what I say every time I see a kill-cam within a kill-cam in MW3.
What the..? Damn! Man I never expected to see you on here haha. Awesome though. Hopefully you'll post more than me (you probably already have).I must get back into this game. I was the founding member of Team Zehydrakrow69 on Halo3.
Gazzawa69 is the gamertag. Lets be friends forever.
The Mass Effect issues are pretty egregious, though. That's just poor QC on the part of Bioware.
It's Fantastic!
When is the latest playlist update dropping? Or has it already? I haven't been able to play Xbox for a few days.
It's not like Bioware particularly cares about that either. Remember that Illusive Man comic that literally retconned the entire backstory of First Contact?
EDIT: just read the topic and comic over on Gaming. Wowowow, that is hilariously awful.
Halo has been remarkably consistent (which is sadly saying something about quality control and editorial oversight on these things in general.)
Wasn't sure what it was called so I went with tightrope. Still he makes me laugh.It's called a slackline where I'm from. You can strap it between two trees and learn how to tightrope walk and shit. It takes a lot of practice to even walk from one end to the an entire summer. I couldn't imagine doing the shit he did.
What playlists are getting the title update?
Rumble Pit (even though there's already TU FFA). Team Slayer will have it as a voting option which will determine if the playlist becomes TU later on.
I need an Excel spreadsheet to know which version of the game I'm playing. And then there's the maps that look the same but have a new wall or launcher. Guess I'm not a Halo MP academic.I really wish either all playlists would either have it or not. The split is really getting kind of frustrating. I am glad the changes exist though, they make Reach much better
I need an Excel spreadsheet to know which version of the game I'm playing. And then there's the maps that look the same but have a new wall or launcher. Guess I'm not a Halo MP academic.
Rumble Pit (even though there's already TU FFA). Team Slayer will have it as a voting option which will determine if the playlist becomes TU later on.
XBC can find my 360, but I'm not sure if it can find games yet.
I think the Xbox 360 is ping locked at 30 for LAN/System Link to prevent people from using XBC, Xlink Kai and other tunneling services. A friend and I tried to use it and it wouldn't work over 30 ping, we live like 2 miles from each other and a few times we were under 30 ping and were able to join each others game, but whenever it was over 30 we couldn't join each other in game.
Only for 360 games, not OXB games like HCE and H2