Tha Robbertster
Juniors suck as of now.
How the hell are you a member already?
Juniors suck as of now.
Juniors suck as of now.
Juniors suck as of now.
Last time I saw a comment like this, the dude became a perma-jr.![]()
Why are you a perma-junior anyway?
I think the 3-month period starts the moment you sign on, not the moment you're approved.How the hell are you a member already?(I thought you had to be a member for 3 months and have 300 posts)
I agree that the two maps have obvious similarities, but I would argue that Lockout is an exception to the rule. The overall design of Lockout is far more nuanced with it's options for mobility, and there's more than The Cage's one small walkway area that can be fought over for dominance.I am not arguing with your like or dislike of those two levels, but Lockout also has long lines of sight, narrow walkways and similar mobility situations. The main global difference outside of the actual layout, is fewer protected interior/vert spaces and of course AAs. Those are definitely significant differences, but it's similar in a lot of ways too.
I agree that the two maps have obvious similarities, but I would argue that Lockout is an exception to the rule. The overall design of Lockout is far more nuanced with it's options for mobility, and there's more than The Cage's one small walkway area that can be fought over for dominance.
The Cage (to me) plays like it apparently started off being: a rough draft of Lockout. Combine that with the game-changing differences that Armor Abilities bring, and it's far and away the most unpleasant map I've ever played in Halo.
Juniors suck as of now.
Can't wait for the playlist update to go live. Want to try that Hotshot gametype.
Thinking I might have to play Shotty Snipers or Rocket CTF before getting to play the gametype mskes me sad![]()
It will apparently be uploaded to the Waypoint fileshare after the update goes live. Fingers crossed. May be able to avoid not-actionsack gametypes just yet!
The actual grenade power was fine. Issue is finding hundreds of them lying around on the map throughout the game. Complete garbage.
I'd add to the mix the DMR's range. The Cage has some very long sight lines, but those are only a problem when you can get domed from all angles across the map. Being down low and getting shot by guys so small you can barely see them just adds to that map's pain. Lockout was more compact and it made the combat more intimate; the tower to tower fighting is a fraction of the distance combat spans on The Cage.
I'll give you all a heads up when the gametype is in place.
It will apparently be uploaded to the Waypoint fileshare after the update goes live. Fingers crossed. May be able to avoid not-actionsack gametypes just yet!
I can tell you why Caged/Uncaged is still in MM. The answer is simple. People like it (or at least vote for it). *
Back when my friends and I played several times a week, it was one of their favorites to vote for. I'm not sure why really. They were jet packers and could usually do decent at that map compared to others. They even acknowledged it being bad but still liked it.
I played solo a lot too and that map just gets voted for so much.
So despite it being poorly designed and ugly people still vote for it. I don't know if that's because its exploitable, people don't know any better, or simple because its the only map like that and its nice for variety? Dunno, but its popular and voting data must show that.
What gets me is that it was an early stage version of Lockout, meaning it wasn't good enough to be Lockout and evolved to a better state. Why the fuck would you then use those plans knowing its flawed state and build it? Its like taking a rough draft for a paper that was peer reviewed and had plenty of issues and you knew it wasn't good enough but then decided to turn it in as your senior paper/thesis or whatever down the road. It just doesn't make any sense. I love Carney but this move I'll never understand really.
*Disclaimer: My play time slowed down last fall, and I haven't played since November so I don't know if its still true and if it still gets voted for.
Lockout is the most overrated map in Halo history.
Lockout is the most overrated map in Halo history.
Lockout is the most overrated map in Halo history.
If by overrated you mean absolute MP Map perfection, then I agree. There is so little space on that map that goes unused, add in all of the shortcuts and you have one amazing map. It worked with so many game types too, I could go on all day talking about it!
Like seriously, if Lockout is overrated, what in the hell is your guys idea of a good map? Boardwalk?
Overrated =/= shitty
Saying something is overrated implies that it's not as good as everyone said it was. I find it very hard to call out in major flaws in the map, so I'm curious as to why it's overrated.
I got annoyed as hell when people in my TV studio class back in high school only wanted to play Shotty-Snipers on Lockout. You can tire of it easily. But it just flows a lot more naturally than Uncaged. It's not my personal favorite for multi maps, but I'm probably a bit odd in that regard (Turf!)
Agreed lol.If by overrated you mean absolute MP Map perfection, then I agree. There is so little space on that map that goes unused, add in all of the shortcuts and you have one amazing map. It worked with so many game types too, I could go on all day talking about it!
Like seriously, if Lockout is overrated, what in the hell is your guys idea of a good map? Boardwalk?
yeah I really dont think anyone could say it wasnt, all the DLC maps where A+ quality too (except for backwash)Lockout
Beaver Creek
Ivory Tower
Halo 2 was God mode when it came to maps.
Saying something is overrated implies that it's not as good as everyone said it was. I find it very hard to call out in major flaws in the map, so I'm curious as to why it's overrated.
yeah, uncaged gets voted for A LOT in my experience. people like it.
Reach update screen said:It's that time when you celebrate the one you love. We can't think of anyone we love more than you, the Halo community. As a sign of that affection we're adding Team Gotshot, a brand new gametype, to the Action Sack playlist.
This month we're giving you the opportunity to determine the future of Team Slayer. Starting February 7th, each voting round in this playlist will include one Title Update and one Vanilla choice. Make sure to have your voice heard by playing and voting as often as possible Feb 7 - 22.
As a bonus, we''ll be running a Mega Jackpot of 50,0000cR for the entire voting period. All you have to do to qualify is play Team Slayer and remember not to quit.
Please continue to visit for additional information and please share your thoughts and feedback via the forums.
We choo-choo choose you.
Beaver Creek
Ivory Tower
Halo 2 was God mode when it came to maps.And everything else
For those interested: bsangel just tweeted that the Hotshot gametype is in her fileshare.
Then she said "feel free to grab!" with that what you will.
For those interested: bsangel just tweeted that the Hotshot gametype is in her fileshare.
Then she said "feel free to grab!" with that what you will.
Edit.: Happy birthday Slightly Live!
Thank you!
Happy birthday Dani
are you nearing 'old gamer' age yet (30 and above)?Thank you!
are you nearing 'old gamer' age yet (30 and above)?
That is really cool. Thanks for the details.Team Hotshot details:
Vanilla base
Sorts under a new category called "Action Sack"
Has a blank for an author (but still the usual 9/13/10 creation date)
AR/Pistol start. Sprint/Camo/AL/Jetpack/Hologram.
Hotshot-specific options
Score Augmentation On/Off - Score augmentation means players get bonus points equal to the number of consecutive kills they've scored
MODIFIER_LIMIT - 1 or 3. How many kills the player can score before damage modification stops.
FIRST KILL, SECOND KILL, and THIRD KILL submenus bring up the player traits prefab menu, so you can customize the full range of player traits per heat level.
You won't really start to feel old until you find your first white hair. ;-)Nah, just the quarter century. I feel old. I'm constantly bitching about the "music" them kids listen to these days, pure tripe it is!
And thanks folks! <3[IMG]
Happy Birthday Slightly Live! and Congrats Tashi looks like you won, some bad news though it seems a lot of pros have stopped using the controller..[/QUOTE]already?! That seems a bit quick, unless they had their hands on them earlier than the public.
You won't really start to feel old until you find your first white hair. ;-)
already?! That seems a bit quick, unless they had their hands on them earlier than the public.
You won't really start to feel old until you find your first white hair. ;-)