Halo 2 must have been damn near unplayable for you bro.
After 3 and Reach, Halo 2 was pretty much a bug infested shitfest, but that's more a symptom of it's tragic development than Bungie's skill. Halo 2 changed Bungie from being naive about online to knowing that their online was 99% infested by assholes in Halo 3 and Reach. For the short amount of time they were available, Tombstone and Desolation were basically little chunks of the Halo 3/Reach era map and glitch lockdown backported to 2. It's unfortunate that they could never patch the DLC maps. People spent more time playing to the glitches in Halo 2 than playing Halo 2. 3 and Reach are/were great because people stay on the damn map and just play.
I don't really miss having to go searching for bomb carriers in the skybox of Headlong or blowing up the opposing Hog on Burial Mounds so that they can't launch their bomb carrier up into the cliffs. I don't miss having to put someone on Elite patrol duty looking for elites standing behind a wall or rock meleeing because another team was doing the dummy glitch. I don't miss having to tell a team to stand as a solid wall in front of the grav lift to prevent dummy glitches from lifting up into the Coag bases and stealing the flag. I don't miss spawning on Relic and having 500 tank shells per minute crammed up my ass because I didn't want to participate in the .map patching arms race.
The only modder I remain impressed with was the one that got their modded Headlong to work online. That one took actual skill instead of downloading a .ppf and ftping their .map onto their Xbox and essential script kiddying their way to a 50. Shit, Hired Gun couldn't even be bothered to fix the map escapes for Halo 2 Vista. That's how barebones that port was.
Although I kind of admit it was pretty funny to drive your Wraith back and forth over the ground in front of your base on Waterworks to push the invisible dummy glitcher away from it, because you destroyed the obviously dummied warthog in front of it. And that the Wraith driver's #1 job on Waterworks was to get the boxes into the doors.