ID-tagged diabetes
ID-tagged diabetes
It's kind of annoying, as Computron's Foundation remake showed (I promise I'll get around to looking at the spawns comp, today was busy). Since the bro spawn weight is massive, if people insta-spawn they'll mostly likely spawn on you. So they'll bro weight everyone to the same room you're stuck in, and when you spawn next, you'll be in that room again, you essentially end up chain-weighting your own team into a spawn trap. In 3 and Reach, even if you walked away from your spawn and died within a certain amount of time, those spawns would still end up deweighted as if you died right on top of them.
If you're stuck in a trap like that then your best best is to wait for the spawn timer to count down, but if the rest of your team is mashing X you're still fucked.
No rush.
Invite me any time if you need some help or other players to test with.
Lets assume that everyone on your team purposely waits or the full 3-5 seconds of respawn, will the weighting still make the spawn selection differently (and potentially worse) than in Reach and 3? Do they still use cool down and give serious weight to other factors?
Massive picture is massive.
Yup. Someone went right on ignore list with that one. That's beyond massive. about you quote the picture.......
Speaking of the HUD, does anyone feel that 343 was succesful in making you feel as though you're inside the helmet? Genuinely curious.
haha no.
No one is going to install something so you can post huge pictures. Instead, you need to quote the damn things.
Pretty disappointed with how short the progression system is in this game. I know people didn't want to the endlessness of Reach's, but this is quite the opposite. Guy has played about 4 days of War Games MM and Spartan Ops. I played roughly 17 days of Reach excluding customs and campaign and made it about a third of the way through the progression system.
I wouldn't be surprised if they add more levels at some point.I'm actually stunned there is no type of prestige in the game, though I guess it can be patched in like Gears 3...
Pretty disappointed with how short the progression system is in this game. I know people didn't want to the endlessness of Reach's, but this is quite the opposite. Guy has played about 4 days of War Games MM and Spartan Ops. I played roughly 17 days of Reach excluding customs and campaign and made it about a third of the way through the progression system.
Seems like 343 should have some with something somewhere in the middle.
I wouldn't be surprised if they add more levels at some point.
Second part of your quote is pretty much what I was thinking. Could be the first Halo game where they add new ranks with each DLC. Like how MMOs expand the possible ranks with expansions.
are there invisible walls or is it free roam?
yes please.There are random kill boundaries but if you follow the level you can load new ones. Its weird, I could make a video if you want.
RIP Team Snipers, hopefully you come back permanently with better settings.
Eh, flinch ruined it, IMO.
1) We don't know afaik, between 800 - 1200 points probably.Sup HaloGAF 2 questions:
1) How much will the Map Packs be?
2) How do I go about playing with you fools? As I just re-subbed to XBL for H4 after a couple years.
Running around like a headless chicken on solo Legendary because two Hunters were dropped off and there aren't any power weapons around
I cant think of one place you fight hunters and there aren't 40 sticky nades nearby.
So that Deuce streamer hit 130 and he unlocked that phoenix emblem. GG 343i
^What you unlock at 130^
Don't want to spoil people that don't want to be.
Chapter 1, man. Elites have power weapons on the way to the objective, but if you die and don't get them when the hunters come you're defenceless. I looked around and there weren't any on the map
I just died lots of times and threw my spawn grenades at them
Jamie, if you've got a problem with space crates we need to talk about your own games... or is Destiny promised to be 100% crate free?
randomly firing haven codes into his chat
I saw that haha
Mods didn't take kindly to that.
Banned for "fake codes"
quote for the rest of the codes I was going to give out
cool, matchmaking update with Ffa throwback and snipers disappeared but seriously, I understand many issues in regards to the underlying gameplay aren't going to be addressed but what about fucking horrific framerates on mp maps in splitscreen especially complex???? no fix for that on the horizon?
and FFA throwback doesn't include a standard FFA slayer does it ?
cool, matchmaking update with Ffa throwback and snipers disappeared but seriously, I understand many issues in regards to the underlying gameplay aren't going to be addressed but what about fucking horrific framerates on mp maps in splitscreen especially complex???? no fix for that on the horizon?
and FFA throwback doesn't include a standard FFA slayer does it ?
All of them have already been used![]()
cool, matchmaking update with Ffa throwback and snipers disappeared but seriously, I understand many issues in regards to the underlying gameplay aren't going to be addressed but what about fucking horrific framerates on mp maps in splitscreen especially complex???? no fix for that on the horizon?
and FFA throwback doesn't include a standard FFA slayer does it ?
All of them have already been used![]()