And what's WP?
I would guess Waypoint.
And what's WP?
oh god
im going to have to plan this one out
You know you want to claim the title of stalker.
On WP, real?[IMG]
What is wrong with his profile? [URL=""]Linky[/URL].[/QUOTE]
"so Frankie, since multiplayer is canon based how in the fuck does one see with a face like that?"
I see what you did there.You know you want to claim the title of stalker.
Been rocking no AA's since the beginning. Didn't even unlock them with Spartan Points, which I now I have 35 of.I've stopped playing with an AA now in some of my loadouts. HUD looks much better and less cluttered without ordnance and AA meters. They couldn't think of a more creative way to display them than two circular meters stacked on top of eachother over an already enormous motion tracker, apparently.
Oh so very close to the breaking point on this game. Every single goddamn fucking match of BTB turns into 12 people voting for Ragnarok (what the fuck?), everyone hanging back until one team loses their Mantis, then the team with the momentum takes the hill and has 5 guys hang out on the hill and on top of the Pelican and dongs on the other team for the whole match. Then the 5% of the time you're not playing on Ragnarok you're on Exile, where after nearly 3 weeks the Scorpion and Gauss Hog still exist, defying all reason. So in a similar fashion, one team will get one (or both) of those and just run a goddamn train on the other team.
Then if I play any of the smaller playlists it's nothing but people camo crouching and 1-shotting you with Boltshots. I'm actually way better at this game then previous Halos, so it's not like I'm upset because I'm getting donged on, it's just all so incredibly fucking stupid. They seemingly just took what they wanted from other games and made changes, but didn't actually balance anything around how Halo and it's existing weapons and maps worked. Even when I'm with a full group of friends and wrecking people, it's just not that fun. And that's when you can actually play and you're not getting split into separate teams (or even put into other games, which is a frequent issue two of my friend keep specifically having), joining games literally 2 seconds before they end (which they said wouldn't happen), matchmaking doesn't get aborted, and you haven't lost all of your loadouts and/or Spartan Points.
We're basically playing now to fill bars, which makes me realize that it's more or less any other shooter now; there's nothing "special" about Halo anymore :/
"so Frankie, since multiplayer is canon based how in the fuck does one see with a face like that?"
You think they'll push out paid DLC maps to everyone for SpOps? Is there any evidence that all of SpOps isn't on the disc anyways?That's probably why those new city maps likely take place in New Phoenix.
Fake. I mean today is officially the first day it's even possible to get SR130 because of XP caps, but I doubt he hit XP cap 45 minutes into the day.
I've stopped playing with an AA now in some of my loadouts. HUD looks much better and less cluttered without ordnance and AA meters. They couldn't think of a more creative way to display them than two circular meters stacked on top of eachother over an already enormous motion tracker, apparently.
Yeah, I don't think they will do this. I think campaign environments and on disk MP environments will prolly show up in SpOps season 1. After that, who knows.You think they'll push out paid DLC maps to everyone for SpOps? Is there any evidence that all of SpOps isn't on the disc anyways?
Once again, I'm shocked no one has datamined the game yet, or if they have no one's talking about it.
Speaking of the HUD, does anyone feel that 343 was succesful in making you feel as though you're inside the helmet? Genuinely curious.
Speaking of the HUD, does anyone feel that 343 was succesful in making you feel as though you're inside the helmet? Genuinely curious.
Yeah, in conjunction with a lot of the airy particle effects and the distortion from Cortana.In campaign, somewhat.
Speaking of the HUD, does anyone feel that 343 was succesful in making you feel as though you're inside the helmet? Genuinely curious.
Speaking of the HUD, does anyone feel that 343 was succesful in making you feel as though you're inside the helmet? Genuinely curious.
Oh so very close to the breaking point on this game. Every single goddamn fucking match of BTB turns into 12 people voting for Ragnarok (what the fuck?)
Had a great time playing tonight. Really enjoying Dominion with a party of six, although I found a party of five left us typically without a 6th. Not so good. To be fair, the matchmaking tried to help us; we sat around making matches for an oddly long time on a couple occasions.
Also had a lot of fun in SWAT as a pallet cleanser. One DMR bullet, clean and quiet always gives me a boner.
As for kids complaining about Halo and exclusively playing BTB, stop it? There are 10 other playlists and they're all 100% better.
Halo 3 did have the visor lining.I liked the little helmet elements so much I retroactively thought it was always in Halo.
lolBungie nailed that in Halo 3.
According to my cat.
Definitely, there's not much chance to appreciate that "weight" in MP though what with grenades and guns going off everywhere. I do like that the HUD bobbing is not at all distracting as I thought it would be.A bit. I think they succeeded in making me feel like I'm playing as someone who is heavy, powerful and fairly nimble, without actually weighing me down, as Reach did. More so than in past games, they captured that feeling of being (what I've always imagined it was like to be) a Spartan. The audio and the HUD movement contribute a great deal to it. I think this aspect is one of the more successful elements in the game.
Just played some 2v2 gamebattles and I let my friend pick the match.
2v2 ar starts koth on complex.
Most terrible time i've ever had with a video game.
All the maps seem big for 4v4 and you're trying out 2v2?
343 did say there would be something special when you hit 130. At least I think they did.
They did and apparently it's flood man in MM.
Like.. you're flood in every gametype?
Get on MY level, bro. Ur super garbage.
Nope. The guy who took those is a notorious modder at Se7enSins, apparently he was answering someone who asked if you have your last specialization under your name forever when you hit 130.
Well the most famous situation is COD, which does it perfectly for their situation. In COD, you are essentially guaranteed to be matched up in a lobby with others than have the same DLC as you do.How do other FPSes handle Map DLC? I honestly can't recall any that do it well. Then again I don't really play other Console FPSes too much.
There are only achievements for the first 5 episodes of Spartan Ops, and I'm pretty sure there is a Xbox certification rule about the 1000 achievement points for a game have to be on-disc content.You think they'll push out paid DLC maps to everyone for SpOps? Is there any evidence that all of SpOps isn't on the disc anyways?
Yeah I think so, but they could have done some more with some more Metroid influence. Some more stuff akin to the Metroid Prime helmet effects would have been a nice touch.Speaking of the HUD, does anyone feel that 343 was succesful in making you feel as though you're inside the helmet? Genuinely curious.
TCKaos and Exwife, you guys are awesome.
We need to do more customs.
Good. Fucking. Games.
Halo 4 MM BTB? Kill me now.
Halo 4 Customs on Remakes with H-2/3 settings? Yes please.
Pit, Turf, Sanctuary, Foundation, all these maps play very well with Hitscan BRs, and H4's better networking/hit-markers. That much is appreciated. We just need a TU that enforces 3 second re spawns, adds back the Red X, and a team throwback playlist. Hell, we even played on an Uncaged remake just for kicks and that was infinitely better than in Reach, especially due to the high player movements speed, jump hieght, in addition to the better forge lighting.
Speaking of which, who's up for some customs this week? We got people lined up for Saturday, but I am ready to go whenever you see me online.
I've come to the conclusion after some more tests that the changes made in 4 to the spawn system (zones barely mattering, etc) was to accomodate instant respawn.
In Halo 3 or Reach for sure, there's a cooldown effect on spawns and events that change them. If I walk over a spawn in your side of the map, I'll deweight it for you, and each second that passes that change in weight decreases until it's reached it's default state. If you die on a spawn, you'll deweight it from your death. In Reach, if I'm looking at a spawn with a weapon, I'll deweight it.
In any case, instantly respawning in any of these games would guarantee you the worst possible spawn available for the engine to choose from at the time. As mentioned in my Halo 3 writeup, the cooldown effect resulted in spawns being used no more than twice in worst cases as better spawns would become better choices from cooling down, even with bro weighting in effect.
This is totally an assumption, but the changed weights reflect an attempt to make the spawn system function with instant respawns. They massively upped the bro weight and the enemy-is-present weighting to attempt to overcome the fact that leaving the system alone as it was in 3 and Reach and allowing instant spawn would have resulted in Bad Times. So they probably figure they should make the system heavily favor spawning you near your teammates and away from enemies where they stand or looking, even if it's into THEIR spawn zone.
If my assumption is correct, they broke the spawn system and then mangled it to fix what they broke by adding it.. Much like Ghaleon's observation that they added a problem (everyone starting with PP) and then adding something to counter that (perks that lower EMP time)
quote for double xp.
No Halo Honor confirmed.
Heckfu is dead.
Halo is dead.