That actually sounds fun. As long as they put the maps into all the other playlists too.
You seemingly need to pay more money to play Extraction in MM.
That actually sounds fun. As long as they put the maps into all the other playlists too.
Deadeye. I think you might be able to unlock it via progression, but it's a preorder helmet.
3 BTB maps.
Not buying this or the season pass.
lolHarvest is a canon concept brought to life the doomed agricultural planet where humans first made contact with the Covenant. A small to mid-size map, Harvest is ideal for Capture the Flag.
Nothing about instant respawn being bugged in customs?
Holding back gametypes to make it seem like they're updating the game in significant ways (as with Specializations) is kind of annoying. Or is there some other reason we couldn't be playing Extraction and Team Regicide at launch even for just custom games?
Is the OT to the point now where everyone hates the game and just comes in to complain? That's the best part of the community.
You know, it is kind of sad that they're trying to get people to pay $10 for 3 new maps when there are 3 maps on the disc that aren't in matchmaking yet.
I know we bitched and moaned about the overabundance of Forge maps in Reach, but nobody wanted that number cut down to zero.
Crimson DLC playlist is 5 on 5 Extraction.
You seemingly need to pay more money to play Extraction in MM.
Team Regicide will be fun.
I still don't get BS' Twitter comment though. Unless Halo 2 Anniversary was one of the "three out of four" IHaveIce got correct, because I saw no patch notes.
Also what of the lag issues?
Also included in that update were the following:
• Fixed scripting issues in Regicide
• Fixed exploit locations on Solace
• Fixed KotH on Complex
• Fixed Mantis spawn timer on Meltdown
• Made late joining improvements to Join in Progress in all game types
• Reduced the window for Join in Progress in Slayer game types
• Made improvements to Join in Progress for uneven starts
If this turns out like Reach's handling of DLC, then I demand a refund.
Which helmet is this?
It looks pretty neat. I wouldn't mind wearing it in multiplayer.![]()
'Compete on new maps'
It's almost becoming a joke. The one map from the description that might, possibly, potentially, have a sliver of a chance slotting into a Team Slayer, 4v4 playlist and it features a fucking Warthog, a ghost, and a Mongoose. Really glad I didn't buy Halo 4.
And why do they all look so similar? Where's the visual identity. Compare these to a map like Assembly.
extraction is only for dlc owners in MM ? great job.
Team Regicide.. what the fuck
-Crimson playlist called Extraction(DLC only)
-FFA Throwback replaced by Team Regicide
-No mentioning of them listening to feedback
-Minor fixes to their screw-ups
-Trying to play off the map pack as not being all BIG huge maps
-No customs fixes
-No mention of Title Updates ideas
When I saw the headline I knew I couldn't take the bulletin serious. 343i is destroying Halo in my eyes. This is getting ridiculous.
..including a variety of designs, spaces for tight firefights or vehicle warfare, as well as 8 new achievements and a new Crimson DLC playlist. Extraction, a 5 vs. 5 objective-based game type where opposing Spartan teams are tasked with extracting assets from various sites around the map, will also be available for the first time in Multiplayer Matchmaking, on the same day that the Crimson Map Pack becomes available.
-Crimson playlist called Extraction(DLC only)
bulletin said:Extraction, a 5 vs. 5 objective-based game type where opposing Spartan teams are tasked with extracting assets from various sites around the map, will also be available for the first time in Multiplayer Matchmaking, on the same day that the Crimson Map Pack becomes available.
"...including a variety of designs, spaces for tight firefights or vehicle warfare, as well as 8 new achievements and a new Crimson DLC playlist."Brilliant. Consolidate playlists, then splinter the population with unnecessary playlists. No one learns anything except the people who are playing the game.
all hail our new kingHaloGAF Exclusive: the February Majestic Map Pack reveal
I did a question mark, hope you know what that means. I'm at work and on mobile reading the waypoint website is near impossible. Also GAF is super slow so the copied text wasn't there.Way to not read. This thread is at a Fox news level of disillusion, just seeing problems that don't exist.
There's a fucking period between the two sentences. It's a MM update, not DLC for Extraction.
I wish I had tears left to cry.
Wow, really? lol
Jokes are cool and all at appropriate times, but the fan base is clearly upset with the decisions they're making. So to provoke them further on a day when you showcase a map pack made of nothing but large maps, it's probably not a good idea.
I've tried to stay as neutral as possible, but it's becoming quite clear that 343 is really out of touch with what a veteran Halo fan is looking for out of this game.
Listing an asymmetrical map as good for CTF is just mind boggling. Halo wasn't built on multi flag on asymmetrical maps, common sense.
Plenty of other people said it, but these maps all look exactly the same. 343's map designers have completely failed in implementing maps with easy to read locations & base identifiers, and this sure as hell doesn't look like it's going to buck that trend. How hard is it to design bases with red & blue identities, or implement some easy to read landmarks? Haven is a perfect example, the single pathway ramps have absolutely no way to distinguish them, it's all so amateurish. I had high hopes with a Metroid Prime level designer leading the maps, but it's been a bust thus far.
With ya on the CTF thing Ram. No one flag baffles even me.
I still think Josh is having some fun.
You know, it is kind of sad that they're trying to get people to pay $10 for 3 new maps when there are 3 maps on the disc that aren't in matchmaking yet.
I know we bitched and moaned about the overabundance of Forge maps in Reach, but nobody wanted that number cut down to zero.
I am never going to buy any DLC from 343i. Ever. It's a damn shame.
I am never going to buy any DLC from 343i. Ever. It's a damn shame.
Turned it on for my first game in about a week, join FFA Throwback...
Fuck JIP.
Turned it on for my first game in about a week, join FFA Throwback...
Fuck JIP.
Well, that's terrible.
Which helmet is this?
You know at this point I'm done. I waited for a bulletin that was nothing but a sell job for the new maps and Forza Horizons DLC. Screw 343. I'm done. I'll let those that love it have their fun.
I did a question mark, hope you know what that means. I'm at work and on mobile reading the waypoint website is near impossible. Also GAF is super slow so the copied text wasn't there.
Duncan said it perfectly we have maps on the disc that aren't even in matchamking...
You don't. Read the paragraph again. Says there's a DLC playlist (period) Then talks about Extraction being added as a playlist.
OMG stop being so dramatic and just accept 343's new vision for Halo. Jesus. The game needs to keep with the times. Stop trying to hamper my enjoyment of the game. I can't stand HaloGAF anymore. Nothing but complainers.
...including a variety of designs, spaces for tight firefights or vehicle warfare, as well as 8 new achievements and a new Crimson DLC playlist. Extraction, a 5 vs. 5 objective-based game type where opposing Spartan teams are tasked with extracting assets from various sites around the map, will also be available for the first time in Multiplayer Matchmaking, on the same day that the Crimson Map Pack becomes available.
yeah read my post again and thought the same lol didn't want to offend you or anything.Since this is the internet and the Halo GAF OT it's about 90% chicken little. The question mark read more as a wtf? really? not is this correct? sorry about jumping to conclusions, I can easily replace your quote with a handful of others though.
I'm also sad how they show off in the screenshots with the deadeye and locus helmetboth unaviable for people in here in germany..