Was just playing CTF and I was the only one goin for the flag, went -14. I rage quit after that, this game is unbearable alone and only slightly better with friends and not rage inducing because you're not playing with idiots. Why is the general player of this game so bad?
Use the Grav Gauntlet more bk
Going to ask for some controversial discussion for my weapon sandbox revision. As of now, it's set in stone that:
-BR, Carbine and Light Rifle are Primary loadout weapons.
-The DMR, Needle Rifle and Pulse Rifle (new!) are "initial" ordnance, or rather sparse on-map pickups.
The design philosophy is that marksmen can still ping as they please, but it doesn't immediately fuck over every player out in the open from any range. It also allows for open maps again; compare Sandtrap or Sidewinder to Meltdown, for example.
My current plans are that BR/Carbine/LR kill times are about the same; BR is a four-shot kill though (buff), Carbine receives a buff to be closer to the Halo 3 beta version, and the Light Rifle remains unchanged.
The DMR would be the most common pickup of the bunch but be a 6-shot kill. Ranged users can still get their kills, but you'll probably lose in a fight against a primary weapon user. Thus it actually becomes a Designated Marksman Rifle. Mostly for pinging loners and countering snipers.
The Needle Rifle has a kill time slightly slower than the DMR, but it would only be noticeable in a direct fight between the two. This is offset by the ability to supercombine, though.
The Pulse Rifle is a weird case; let's just say the Beam Rifle and Halo CE Pistol had a baby. Range feels a little shorter than either other two guns but it can still function beyond its apparent range. It's a 4-shot kill and the third-fastest kill time in the entire game, save for instakill weapons. The top 5 would be something like Battle Rifle, Binary Rifle 2-Shot (which is nerfed but given some unique properties), Pulse Rifle, Sniper Rifle 2-Shot, and Beam Rifle 2-Shot. The Pulse Rifle is similar to the Oscillator in that it can have a ridiculously quick kill time, but boils down to perfect timing. If timed properly, you can get off your 4 shots and then overheat; you have a window of 2 frames per shot to get it right, otherwise you'll overheat and miss your chance to kill your target. An average, more safely-paced kill with it is probably closer to the DMR's kill time. A "Perfect Pulse" rewards you with a special audio cue during the overheat to confirm your kill and also overheats a bit more dimly. Overheating and not getting a kill out of it will make a loud droning noise and give off a red lens flare pretty much giving away your position.
What do you guys think about this as far as precision weapons go? Not counting secondary pistols and snipers, of course.