Why is that not halo ce?
Except in those gametypes, every player has equal scoring opportunity. The game doesn't usually handicap the leader by removing large swaths of point potential just because he's in the lead. It's a gametype that designed around giving worse players an easy way to make it to the top despite not playing as well, and reducing the effectiveness of the top player artificially. If you want to be at max score potential and benefit from the comeback mechanics inherent to the gametype, the strategy is just "play like shit for a while," which shouldn't be viable.
If you're in the lead there's not much you can do to keep your scoring potential maxed as you could in normal play for every other competitive FFA gametype in the series except for drastically outskilling the other players in the match and winning despite the fact that you've been cut off at the knees by the rules of the game. There's certainly a way to game the system and win outright without that huge skill gap, but it's a fundamentally flawed design as the sole FFA gametype in the game, one that pretends to be competitive at its core. It's practically Action Sack in disguise, much the same way that Juggernaut was.
The team variant is a different animal though. Every player has potential for a bounty bonus because there is a king per side. That's what makes Team Regicide work when the FFA variant doesn't.
why not just have a regular ffa but instead of doing the extra programming it just picks a random winner once the time limit or score limit is reached
Could you imagine the AR starts?
It was a joke tootsie roll.AR starts are about as relevant to modern Halo as this awesome video of me completing 2112 in Rock Band Blitz
It was a joke tootsie roll.
watMegaBloks are superior to Legos overall.
MegaBloks are superior to Legos overall.
So Halo 4 is going to be $20 at best buy. Couple this in with the fact it launched in November, dropped to $39 a month after launch during December right before Christmas, is it any wonder then why it would be the best selling then? You have a larger install base, you drop the price near Christmas time etc.
So Halo 4 is going to be $20 at best buy. Couple this in with the fact it launched in November, dropped to $39 a month after launch during December right before Christmas, is it any wonder then why it would be the best selling then? You have a larger install base, you drop the price near Christmas time etc.
water hoseAnyone have any tips when dismantling a 360 to clean the disc reader and tray?
I honestly can't remember what was what on Halo 3, but I'm pretty sure Two for One was done with random matchmaking guys by opening several private chats (this was pre-XBL parties). Totally boosted the HW General though. Fuck that achievement. Probably would have been more fun to actually get into HW multiplayer and play it gradually over time, but I knew I wouldn't do that because I loved playing 3 and Reach all the time.Nice. Halo 3 and Wars too!?! Did you boost them? :lol I've all but given up on them
Anyone have any tips when dismantling a 360 to clean the disc reader and tray?
343, hire Fyrewulff.
wii U has no games. Although that GBA virtual console sounds sexy as fuck.Moving over to the Wii U and 3DS full time now?
Same with me too. I've played all those games and had great co-op experiences with them with friends near and far. So, I just assumed Halo's co-op was just poorly designed in comparison. Looking forward to Destiny's co-op being significantly more awesome.
What networking model do you expect destiny to use? Asynchronous, lockstep or dedicated servers? My money is on lockstep so I would expect people who had shittyhalo coop experiences to have shitty destiny experiences.
lol you don't even know what destiny is man.
It's a game.lol you don't even know what destiny is man.
It's an online experience so it needs a networking model.
I'd assume the 400,000+ players in the first two weeks got it at or near full price.
i'm just not sure why you're getting aggressive about people having networking issues is all.
Wait, what? How was his post aggressive?i'm just not sure why you're getting aggressive about people having networking issues is all.
You know, I've never had a blatant example of how broken camo AA is until today. I've never seen how fast a crouched opponent fades out but apparently it resembles when someone teleports from lag. I mean good lord I'm one of the few that would be open minded to a very very gimped AA version of it but this current iteration in 4 is just insanely effective. You disappear too fast and stay hidden far too long.
I literally thought the game was lagging out. Nope! Just a guy fading away in a split second when you run up.
Wait, what? How was his post aggressive?
The quickest and best way to rack up points in regicide is to be the king and kill the enemy king. Do both of those things.If you want to be at max score potential and benefit from the comeback mechanics inherent to the gametype, the strategy is just "play like shit for a while," which shouldn't be viable.
The quickest and best way to rack up points in regicide is to be the king and kill the enemy king. Do both of those things.
7 of 7 baby!
Almost worthy of a friends list removal.. Don't tempt me again.
Now you can work on losing your virginity
Why not?
You mean work on having kids so they can get all the achievements. Maybe I should make a new account to get the soon-to-be extinct Halo 2 multiplayer achievements.Now you can work on losing your virginity
I can play online multiplayer fine with people all over the world.Sorry. Not meaning to be aggressive. It just annoying listening to people whine about the way Bungie / 343 built their coop games when they have made no effort themselves.
They want everything served on a plate for them and when they don't like it they throw their toys out of the pram.
People are making crazy claims that their lag issues are magically disappear because Bungie will somehow compensate for their shitty connection. It isn't going to happen.
It was like people talking about their classic playlist prior to halo 4 launch and then having a meltdown when it wasn't there day 1.
People's expectations, for just about everything it seems, are way inflated.
Ouch. Hey now, my ex girlfriend had to hear about my gaming habits for like two years! Oh yeah...that may be a contributing factor to the ex thing. Shit.
Wash it with your toilet.Anyone have any tips when dismantling a 360 to clean the disc reader and tray?
But that's just it. I hate to agree with this because I hate Regicide with a passion, but that's exactly what they intended. It was never meant to be equal footing. They've said since the day they announced it that Regicide was about matches being close and not knowing who would win till the very end. It goes back to babying the casual players so they have a chance to win.
It just shows how out of touch 343's multiplayer design teams were with Halo fans, the fans who continue to play months and months after that they introduced this shitty playlist and not have a lone wolves/ffa slayer.
It's the Mario Kart mentality. It was fun when I was a kid, but now I just hate the unfairness of it all. Why does the better person have to suffer?
Awful channel, such a waste of food. He doesn't deserve the privilege of eating.