Button and stick mapping for Halo 5, seriously new console, new engine and no excuses.
Doubt there will be a completely new engine.
Button and stick mapping for Halo 5, seriously new console, new engine and no excuses.
It's very apparent that our definitions of OP are different, so I won't waste too much of our time responding to everything you said (mainly because a lot of it is accurate, I just don't see it as OP).I use jetpack exclusively. I can get ridiculous sightlines on maps without all that much danger to myself because the vertical acceleration on both ascent and descent is so fast. I can reach areas that I have no right to be in, like the Ragnarok tall rocks, and rain death down on people who wrongly assumed that the map couldn't be broken and that their cover was reliable. A few times in a typical game, I use it to finish a kill who has nowhere to go by popping up briefly in the air over his cover. He has no ability to counter this except to rely on teammates who don't have any reliable line of sight to me. Is it as bad as the hovering variant in Reach? No, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't rather see it cut in favor of more well-considered abilities like the thruster.
Since you're discounting PV here as well, let's talk about that. I can see all the way across small-to-midsize maps with it because the pulse range is so large. I, and by proxy my team, get instant awareness of everything that's going on at any point on those maps. The waypoint killed stealth on flag runs back hope to the cap, Promethean Vision killed stealth on flag runs to the enemy base.
Heck, we can talk about Hardlight Shield if you want. Yeah, it's directional protection, that's great, so you can be killed by grenades or flanking. But the reason it was a lateral move from Armor Lock is simply because the user can move. On a big map, don't expect to finish your kill up with any degree of reliability when they can just pop a shield and waltz to cover.
Our definitions of OP are different, that much is apparent. I'm using it as shorthand for elements I don't think fit in with Halo's core, for various reasons. You can disagree, that's fine, but I wouldn't act as though it were incredulous that they were brought up.
Doubt there will be a completely new engine.
You do porn?
Except that it doesn't"We know people hate jetpack, so we made sure it doesn't break the game"
*Jetpack breaks the game*
Reach's matchmaking was just a mess.The Reach TU should have been global, and Anniversary should have just been a code that came with CEA or a full fledged Reach: Mythic second disc, but not what they did with it.
Even Anniversary just being a code in the box with CEA would have been better for Reach as Anniversary Classic would have been able to use Reflection, Pinnacle, Asylum and Blood Gulch as maps + all the community remakes. We wouldn't have had the pointless split in Reach between Anniversary disc owners and Reach disc owners because CEA can't load any DLC and Reach disc maps can't be marked as optional in Annidisc playlists.
Seriously, it's so silly that Reach has Halo 1 mode, and Blood Gulch, which is generally considered to be the feature map of Halo 1's multiplayer.. and they don't appear anywhere near each other in matchmaking while existing in the same game.
Every game needs button mapping. No excuses ever.Button and stick mapping for Halo 5, seriously new console, new engine and no excuses.
Eghhhh! This is the single most frustrating thing that happens to me in game regularly. I just want to scream at whoever is using itI use jetpack exclusively. I can get ridiculous sightlines on maps without all that much danger to myself because the vertical acceleration on both ascent and descent is so fast. I can reach areas that I have no right to be in, like the Ragnarok tall rocks, and rain death down on people who wrongly assumed that the map couldn't be broken and that their cover was reliable. A few times in a typical game, I use it to finish a kill who has nowhere to go by popping up briefly in the air over his cover. He has no ability to counter this except to rely on teammates who don't have any reliable line of sight to me.
And for spotting crouched players, who don't show up on radar. Which is why it can sometimes be impossible to sneak into bases in CTF, like Havok said. A hugely important mechanic, greatly diminished by adding in an unnecessary armor ability.It's very apparent that our definitions of OP are different, so I won't waste too much of our time responding to everything you said (mainly because a lot of it is accurate, I just don't see it as OP).
That being said, I do want to touch on PV. The only use I've ever seen for PV is finding Camo players. With the radar on, PV becomes useless. Sure, you can get a more accurate representation of where players are, but you still get a good idea from the radar and at that point your just wasting your AA slot with a redundant power. Also, PV pings on enemy radars so I know when you've seen me. I used PV a lot when I first realized how OP camo was (as a way of countering it), but I found that it was the most useless armor ability at the time.
Happened to me all the time, especially on Solace.Eghhhh! This is the single most frustrating thing that happens to me in game regularly. I just want to scream at whoever is using it
I'm fine with AAs as a concept, I'm fine with loadouts as a concept. Frankly, I'm fine with the execution on a majority of the elements that fall within those categories. I generally prefer vanilla objective settings to MLG, and that's been the case throughout the series. The catch: I don't think that certain very specific elements of either loadouts or AAs belong. No matter what the actual gametype settings are, I will never want to play CTF that includes Promethean Vision because I think it is highly damaging to the experience. I'd really rather not play CTF that allows players to spawn with a shotgun. But that doesn't mean I want a stripped down experience either, though I have severe issues with a lot of the wrapper elements in that new CTF experience (that I've written about ad nauseum, so I won't go into it here). I really enjoyed Reach Objective with Sprint and thought Hologram would have worked really well in it, but they went from Sprint/Drop Shield/Camo to Sprint/Evade/Camo to Sprint/Camo, which is really just trading broken ability for broken ability and then not going far enough in culling them.
It's a weird problem to have, but at its core I just want everything to be well-considered without the imbalanced, easily exploited crap that has popped up here and there in every game in the series. It's not even that I think those ideas are bad, just misguided and poorly executed, especially (but not anywhere close to solely) in the context of "this is what Halo is now and what we are focusing every iota of our efforts onto."
I highly, highly doubt Halo 5 will be on a brand new engine. They'll do what they did with Halo 4 and just heavily modify the previous existing one.
It is simply no fun being shot from the sky.
That is the only anti-Jetpack argument needed.
It is simply no fun being picked off by an enemy you cannot see.
That is the only anti-Active camo argument needed.
Your radar doesn't cover an entire small to medium map, PV does - I can see base-to base on Solace with ease, or from side to side on Relay. It's not just about accuracy, it's about range in combination with absolute precision. And it won't ping enemy radars when you are outside of a relatively small radius. The only indication that the enemy team has that somebody somewhere is using it is the sound effect, and that gives no positional information to them. You get immediate awareness of where the enemy is at will, without having to be in radar range. That's about as far from useless as you can get.It's very apparent that our definitions of OP are different, so I won't waste too much of our time responding to everything you said (mainly because a lot of it is accurate, I just don't see it as OP).
That being said, I do want to touch on PV. The only use I've ever seen for PV is finding Camo players. With the radar on, PV becomes useless. Sure, you can get a more accurate representation of where players are, but you still get a good idea from the radar and at that point your just wasting your AA slot with a redundant power. Also, PV pings on enemy radars so I know when you've seen me. I used PV a lot when I first realized how OP camo was (as a way of countering it), but I found that it was the most useless armor ability at the time.
I think where we're starting to diverge at its core is the bolded - I'd rather those advantages come from player action that doesn't take place in a menu. I know some people do prefer the other style, and that's fine, but it's all the way not for me. For what it's worth, I don't find those moments to be as much of an annoyance in 4 as in Reach, but I think a lot of that is due to the increase in rifle strength and better base player traits where I can kind of brute force my way out of situations that are impossible to outmaneuver (an impossibility potentially brought on by the fact that I just don't have the right loadout items equipped - I've been meaning to write something up about the entropy of variables in Halo 4 that would deal with the sheer number of possible situations like this when you are given no information beforehand about what the enemy has equipped).Firstly well said without hyperbole mate.
I'm all for minor tweaks e.g. boltshot and PV range nerfs. However I just don't have issue tackling other AA's in Halo 4 or for the most part Reach. Armour lock can die in hell of course. For example in Reach players complained about slow kill times and enemies getting away due to jetpack or sprint. Now jetpack has a huge nerf and I feel a lot of effort was put in by 343 for map design to cater for this. You can see it in most maps and partly the reason for mor clutter as well. Now you use a jetpack advantage as a broken example but with enemies having sprint this is a solid principle in play. If it is just 1v1 with no enemy sight line then you have the Aa advantage and should get that headshot for the kill with height advantage. Conversely if that enemy used teamwork or a buddy system you'd be toast before you got at shot off. Enemy team mates have jetpack and audibles to counter your jetpack or sight lines etc.
When I'm not on an iPad after hours I'd like to have a back and forth with someone like yourself for the various action reaction. In Halo 4 I rarely feel disadvantaged by an enemy AA, even PV or camo.
Of course with differing playlists, if they were implemented with classic vs. infinity, then plenty of play styles are available to all player types.
It doesn't break the game, but it does often make anticipating player movement impractical. For example: Someone is on the bottom floor on Prisoner without a jetpack. You see him for a splitsecond and then you lose sight of him. You know there's only a couple of ways up to the other floors so you can anticipate his movement and you make decisions based on that. Had the player at the bottom floor had a jetpack he could've gone to any of the floors without much effort or time. You can't properly predict that kind of stuff. I know some people think a game being predictable is the worst thing since Satan, but I think it has to be like that to up to a certain level. Without the Jetpack you know that people will always be either walking on a surface or jumping near a surface. If you come around the corner knowing there is someone there you have a rough idea of where to aim before even turning the corner. Add in jetpack and all of a sudden people can be practically anywhere in the air on a map, you can't practically anticipate that kind of movement and that really bothers me.Except that it doesn't
Frankie alt?With the radar on, PV becomes useless.
By definition of new console hardware and the amount of reworking it will be classed as a new engine.
Frankie alt?
I highly, highly doubt that.
Make the AA's into equipment a la Halo 3 and make Camo/PV Powerups. Everyone should spawn exactly the same, except for their primary/secondary weapons from a pool of weapons.
We all "sound" like a broken record at this point..
Eww fuck equipment
I've never heard anyone propose that PV be a powerup but I like the sound of that.
Make the AA's into equipment a la Halo 3 and make Camo/PV Powerups. Everyone should spawn exactly the same, except for their primary/secondary weapons from a pool of weapons.
For what it's worth, I don't find those moments to be as much of an annoyance in 4 as in Reach, but I think a lot of that is due to the increase in rifle strength and better base player traits where I can kind of brute force my way out of situations that are impossible to outmaneuver (an impossibility potentially brought on by the fact that I just don't have the right loadout items equipped - I've been meaning to write something up about the entropy of variables in Halo 4 that would deal with the sheer number of possible situations like this when you are given no information beforehand about what the enemy has equipped).
Power-ups >>> Equipment > Armor Abilities
A power-up is the only one of the three that really forces you to play offensively because there's a limited time of use for it. You pick it up, it's activated immediately and you've got a minute or two to make full use of it before it runs out. Equipment and Armor Abilities don't encourage this kind of gameplay and sometimes even discourage it.
I don't understand your logic.Clearly you're a hardcore classic guy and the playlists should support that. I like both styles of play though. I have no issue dealing with jetpack packers or camo campers and teamwork trumps all AA's. Sure they may get one or two cheap kills but they are toast by me or a team mate very shortly after that. Again simply use cover to traverse a map or camo/cover and take out that camo sniper to even then have camo sniper yourself. That's not even bring in the 3x scope DMR into play either, which is even easier to counter those.
When Jetpack is used offensively is when it is abusive to sight lines.3. I use camo AA offensively far more than defensively, same for jetpack, arguable for PV too.
Pretty much. Powerups had a core ruleset that made them as effective as they were:Power-ups >>> Equipment > Armor Abilities
A power-up is the only one of the three that really forces you to play offensively because there's a limited time of use for it. You pick it up, it's activated immediately and you've got a minute or two to make full use of it before it runs out. Equipment and Armor Abilities don't encourage this kind of gameplay and sometimes even discourage it.
Looking back on it, ODST is one of my favorite Halo campaigns.
Well, add this to the list of "Why the fuck can't I get info on my friends in the game?"
To recap,
Viewing party details will tell you who's in the party and whether they are in a game or not. That's basically it.
If you go to their Gamercard, you can see what map they are playing.
If you join a queue to join their lobby, you can sometimes get a "time remaining" metric.
Now I discover that you can see what playlist they are in, but only IF YOU GO TO THE ANNOYING WAYPOINT WEB APP.
This is beyond ridiculous.
There's a waypoint app that has halo 4? Mine only does reach.
I don't understand your logic.
So first of all, they have a 3x DMR as well.
So aside from all other counters or teamwork if a jetpacker has a line of sight then so do you. They also lack strafe, jump, cover for the most part and make for easy teammate clean up kills even when they do kill you.
Next, a position where you control the engagement is called a power position.
A Jetpack is a portable power position, but with camo you are invisible and completely control when the engagement starts.
Radar shows a camo user near by. Counter with any of the following:
1. awareness to back away or crouch stealth and attack
2. Jetpack out of reach or line of sight
3. Grenade to expose enemy
4. PV to see your enemy exactly
5. Prior team communication
6. Out camo using your own camo
7. Always move near cover and have a plan B exit
8. AR spray fire for shield pings and damage
9. Have a power weapon like rockets, use yourself as bait.
10. For camo snipers use camo to watch when they fire on teammates then you have the advantage with your DMR. Also use stealth map/camo to flank, assassinate or generally ruin their day. Also communicate to the rest of your team the moment you spot, engage or die from camo snipers.
11. Hologram decoy.
Jetpack counters:
1. Jetpack of course
2. Camo to remain concealed
3. Tall cover movements
4. Sprint out of range or other cover beyond jetpack reach
5. Out DMR attacker
6. Massive directional audio cues, mow them down with team fire
7. Crouch stealth before the enemy use of jetpack (awareness)
8. Move underneath them when close, very hard enemy aiming when movements and positioning are correctly used with this method.
9. PV to know where jetpacker high hiding spots are in use.
10. Noob combo or needler is very effective against individual jetpackers
11. Hologram decoy.
Please explain, how is spawning with a portable power position balanced?
Because it sure as hell isn't fun to fight against.
How are you supposed to use cover and tactically advance when you do not know where the enemy is? And they control the engagement.
Always move tactically near cover or teammates or stay behind scrimmage lines if you're getting caught out. Anticipation, bottlenecks, repetitive use, reflexes, communication, flush them out or uncommon/unexpected actions.
Enjoying fair fights does not make me a hardcore classic player.
Didn't mean to try and pigeon hole you, sorry mate.
When Jetpack is used offensively is when it is abusive to sight lines.
this is true for jetpack anytime, it is in its nature, that's the AA specific advantage.
And that is great you use camo offensively, but most people use it defensively.
P.S. I still can't believe you called me a hardcore classic player because I do not enjoy Jetpack and Active Camo.
Sometimes I feel like you're a parody account.
I seem to get that a lot here.
It's the illuminati I swear.
Fixing the game... won't fix the game?Fixing broken features won't fix a game that plays like shit. I call it Halo 4.
Web appThere's a waypoint app that has halo 4? Mine only does reach.
What's there to be positive about, honestly?
p.s. i'm up for Halo 2 achievement grindin.
Meet up with other like minded individuals here: Roll and the other Halo 2 Vista boosters: I am in. Time to get the last few achievements.I want to get Halo 2 on 100%.
By the way... what if the press was playing the title update on Majestic Maps?
Don't know why you're so embarrassed about it. Wish I did porn.So I assume Barrow and Heckfu have spread that like wildfire already?
Wait, 20 people consistantly? Wow. Still shitty for those lads.
Wait, 20 people consistantly? Wow. Still shitty for those lads.
Oh. Then again most of those XBLA titles have some form of matchmaking.20 peak.
Which is higher than tons of XBLA and 360 games that MS seems to have no trouble footing the bill for that consistently have no more than 2 unique players left. Activity for week of December 31st
Xbox 360 Top LIVE Titles (based on UUs)
Call of Duty: Black Ops II
Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition
Halo 4
EA Sports FIFA Soccer 13
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
NBA 2K13
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Assassins Creed III
Madden NFL 13
Far Cry 3
Battlefield 3
Modern Warfare 2
Borderlands 2
Gears of War 3
Halo: Reach
Forza Motorsport 4
Forza Horizon
Kind of unfair to include out all the postiive things 343 has done. A map that everyone likes (Haven-even though it's voted too much). Smoother gameplay with jump height and lack of bloom. Better tuned AA's, I've yet to quit because of an AA being used. There are no OP ones like Armor Lock or even Evade. Supporting the damn game (TU wise). And Bungie did promise their fans they would support the game like the previous installments, because they were worried about that knowing it's Bungie's last Halo.
Like I said, Halo 4 isn't what we want in a Halo game, but at least 343 is responding to us instead of dancing around the issue with minor playlists updates like Bungie did. The playlists are fucked up in Halo 4, but that's easier to fix than the problems we had in Reach. I'm just not going to justify the support we had in Reach because I never want to see it again in the series.
We're getting a TU three months post launch. I shouldn't be surprised about that, but I am. I'm used to waiting a year for another developer to come in. Also, we've yet to see what Halo 4 can do in MLG because of this Virigin shit. From the gameplay I've seen from MLG gametypes, it looks to be promising.
So MLG has pretty much dropped Halo? This probably wouldn't of happened if they had added more options to customise gametypes...