I hesitated to include Reach in that because it was in development for 3 years and had no substantial increase over Halo 3 ;[
Sure it had FF, but ODST had it too (and much better). Halo hasn't added anything to move the industry as a whole (let alone the franchise) forward since 2007.
Halo's identity is static and dynamic. Static in the universe and how the game feels, but dynamic in that it can be played in so many ways. Those experiences you call mediocre or shallow are your opinions obviously, but that doesn't mean the quality of the game takes a hit for it. The opposite can easily be argued.
BigShow brought it up in his defense which is what you're agreeing with, but you guys forgot that SC2's Custom Games can be nothing like the "identity" of the main game/multiplayer itself. Halo needs to seriously step it up next gen and at least that's something we can all agree with lol
No older people who aren't into games are going to watch eSports, so they should stop running it like ESPN. EVO is the way those streams should be ran; announcers being themselves that the audience are fans of and not teenagers in suits trying to talk professionally.
Also, the shit talking they allow is beyond me.. Sure people can argue for it, but as professional as they want their image to be MLG and other events should start limiting that kind of nonsense. That recent AGL tourney was out of hand..