I'm confused why autocorrect always does that...who types shot so much?
I'm confused why autocorrect always does that...who types shot so much?
Try to find a Mellow Mushroom. They have a gluten-free menu, and their pizza is amazing.
I can vouch for this, it is pretty damn good.
Go on GAF expect TU discussion and news.... whole page about fast food shit.
Classis HaloGAF
Pizza ain't a pie
My friends and I like to get high and order dominos because they have pictures of the food you order. We got pepporoni and extra-large pepporoni on the same pie. We forgot we ordered it and couldnt' fucking believe our eyes when it came. So gross.
Mellow Mushroom pizza is good, nothing amazing. There is one two blocks from my house so I should know. The place has a nice selection of beers and a cool name, I'll give them that.
Man hes fucking up bad. That presenter is mad annoying, id say hes putting siggy off
still nuts to watch him go
My friends and I like to get high and order dominos because they have pictures of the food you order. We got pepporoni and extra-large pepporoni on the same pie. We forgot we ordered it and couldnt' fucking believe our eyes when it came. So gross.
Pizza ain't a pie
That relatively new Taco Bell commercial makes me want to be able to fart Dorito dust for some reason.All American Taco Bell diet. Pass me the Doritos.
Anybody try this one yet?
Man hes fucking up bad. That presenter is mad annoying, id say hes putting siggy off
Anybody try this one yet?
Whoa is this for real?
I tried the Doritos loco taco for the first time the other day (nacho cheese and cool ranch). Hadn't had fast food in a long time but gaht damn. Tasty.
Cool ranch is the bottom if the barrel for Doritos flavor dust. Do not want.Anybody try this one yet?
Anybody try this one yet?
Yeah its painful to watch. Also the screen lag on the LCD isnt helping.
I always know where my teammates are - what I need to know is where were they when they died, what does that mean about the location of who shot them, and where is their shit that I might need.
What a stupid statement.i cant eat at taco bell because i dont want to be fat.
It's a white x above a regular player waypoint. Goes away when you spawn. Fun fact, the radar x's stay even if you spawn.Does anyone have footage of the Xs in action?
Never had a meal at taco bell. Shit's gross.
oh god it's hard to watchSkip to 2:35:10 this presenter man, this dude is so lame hahaha
Never had a meal at taco bell. Shit's gross.
oh god it's hard to watch
Watched Reichenbach again last night.
Dat X
Seems pretty small. And didn't Reach have a waypoint marker under the X? Couldn't they just have copied Reach?Dat X
NCST not looking so good. Keep Duncan in your sights Mr Tawp
Seems pretty small. And didn't Reach have a waypoint marker under the X? Couldn't they just have copied Reach?
Seems pretty small. And didn't Reach have a waypoint marker under the X? Couldn't they just have copied Reach?
for me its "One shot on my GOD DAMNIT NEVERMIND!"Finally I can stop sounding stupid
"On my X!!! OH YEA THIS GAME SUCKS!" I can now omit the last part.