In other news, why is Throwdown now featuring 2 point Extraction? I still can't understand this gametype - especially in 4v4. It's basically "whomever gets the first point wins" as you only need to score first and then defend the next base. I rarely see teams get two points at once and, in my opinion, it actually encourages the winning team to avoid the enemy as there is no incentive to leaving your current extraction area to attack the opposition.
It seems like there's some good potential for 2 point, when teams have to decide between just defending the point they have or splitting up to try to take both, or trying to defend 2 points at once. I guess Extraction might be one of those things that sounds good on paper but ends up being really bland once actual people start playing it. I've had some really fun and tense games in the Extraction playlist though, both 2 and 1 point. Haven't tried the v3 versions though.