Deadly Cyclone
Pride of Iowa State
Locked at 15 FPS
Locked at 15 FPS
Wow at that Battlefield 4. Seriously beautiful.
I do have one question; Who's call was it to render sweat on the character models? I understand that it just helps it make more realistic, but why sweat? why not something else that that could go towards?
Wow at that Battlefield 4. Seriously beautiful.
I do have one question; Who's call was it to render sweat on the character models? I understand that it just helps it make more realistic, but why sweat? why not something else that that could go towards?
Is DICE outsourcing the multiplayer maps to Certain Affinity?
Till the sweat drip down my ballsssss
All them bitches craaaaaawwlllllllllllllllll
I do have one question; Who's call was it to render sweat on the character models?
I understand that it just helps it make more realistic, but why sweat?
why not something else that that could go towards?
bf4 trailer -
bf4 trailer -
rip bf4
bf4 trailer -
I really dislike Rihanna's singing, only song I actually like from her is Diamonds, and that's just because Geoff and Gavin say "Diamonds in the sky" so amazingly.
bf4 trailer -
I really dislike Rihanna's singing, only song I actually like from her is Diamonds, and that's just because Geoff and Gavin say "Diamonds in the sky" so amazingly.
Aside from that, the trailer looks awesome! Can't wait for the HD version!
I really dislike Rihanna's singing, only song I actually like from her is Diamonds, and that's just because Geoff and Gavin say "Diamonds in the sky" so amazingly.
Aside from that, the trailer looks awesome! Can't wait for the HD version!
Stop hating on Rihanna. PopGAF will come her and start fucking shit up.
Battlefield 4 is going to have to have more than impressive graphics to win me back. I really did not like BF3.
Finished up Both Gears J campaigns. Really enjoyed them both. Happy with the Length of the game. Tomb Raider is next up whats the general consensus?
Battlefield 4 is going to have to have more than impressive graphics to win me back. I really did not like BF3.
Finished up Both Gears J campaigns. Really enjoyed them both. Happy with the Length of the game. Tomb Raider is next up whats the general consensus?
There are multiple Judgement campaigns?
There are multiple Judgement campaigns?
There are multiple Judgement campaigns?
Sweat helped usher in this gen, why not use it as a showpiece for next gen as well? Sweat rendering is the truest of barometers for how sik da grafikz are on your next gen game.
Judgment is basically two dlc campaigns for Gears 3. Was the worst game in the series campaign wise IMO. Not even going to try the multiplayer.
Just bought Bioshock Infinite. How is it?
Just bought Bioshock Infinite. How is it?
Just beat it (been playing non-stop) its an amazing experience and the world just grabs you and really does not let go, they make an effort of getting you invested hours before you even get into the combat.
Also it does have replay value due to hidden rooms and ect. Also because its just amazing.
Trailer was taken down.bf4 trailer -
Stop hating on Rihanna. PopGAF will come her and start fucking shit up.
Yeah. I'm playing on Hard myself. It's just right.Just beat it (been playing non-stop) its an amazing experience and the world just grabs you and really does not let go, they make an effort of getting you invested hours before you even get into the combat.
Also it does have replay value due to hidden rooms and ect. Also because its just amazing.
EDIT: For those who are just getting or starting out on it. PLAY IT ON HARD, hard mode on this is perfect.
Been watching gameplay and it looks amazing. I have 1,2, and Infinite now on PC. Haven't finished the first one yet so this Thursday I'm going to play all 3 in a row. Might stream it.
Trailer was taken down.
HaloGAF is in the process of Circle Jerking onto the disc so take that as you will.
Skip 2.
What difficulty are you playing on? If you try to run and gun on Hard or 1999 you can kiss your ass goodbye, you NEED to use a mixture of your powers and the environment which I loved about it.I'm having mixed feelings on Infinite. I like Columbia and the characters, but combat is standard FPS fare. The game as a whole feels like Bioshock diluted for a mainstream audience so far.
Looking at gameplay and it seems like the most uninteresting out of all 3. Should I really skip it?
What difficulty are you playing on? If you try to run and gun on Hard or 1999 you can kiss your ass goodbye, you NEED to use a mixture of your powers and the environment which I loved about it.
Yes, story is trash too and was not made by the same team as 1 or Infinite.
Normal for now. Enemies drop in 2-3 pistol shots. Poor AI too.
I'll stick with normal til I finish it, then go back and do 1999 Mode
Normal for now. Enemies drop in 2-3 pistol shots. Poor AI too.
I'll stick with normal til I finish it, then go back and do 1999 Mode
Holy shit, hahahaha. Poor bird.Adapt
Yeah, it's an awesome song. I remember my housemates and I constantly listened to it in the summer of 2009.For what it's worth, that's a Jay Z song. I love that song.
It takes HOURS to even get into combat? That sounds bad.Just beat it (been playing non-stop) its an amazing experience and the world just grabs you and really does not let go, they make an effort of getting you invested hours before you even get into the combat.
It takes HOURS to even get into combat? That sounds bad.