Funny how they try to replicate some of COD moments.
That can be said about every shooter post-2007.
Funny how they try to replicate some of COD moments.
Yeah it appears that Destiny was clearly not ready to be shown off, so why did they show it off, when it looks like it's coming out next spring at the earliest?
We are self-admitted cowards in the Latvian Mafia. No doubt about it!![]()
Probably had some pressure from marketing types to start building some brand equity for the franchise. It's not like they did themselves any harm. I'd say the pressure's definitely going to be on for them come E3 time, though.
That can be said about every shooter post-2007.
Australia here. I pay $100 a month for 15GB allowance at 4G speeds (it's wireless). Tend to use the 15GB by the third week or so....
But yeah. From the limited stuff I've seen, it looks great!
Hey it worked, the name is out there and people are talking about it. To hold off until Destiny I will be getting Defiance though since its actually a pretty cool B2P MMO for the 360.
There is nothing to be ashamed about that. Just don't put it into the mainline games, spin it off into it's own game and go crazy.I want Halo: Battlefield.
There, I said it!
On Frostbite 3, it would look glorious.
The other day, while I couldn't sleep, I was watching this random show called Face/Off and it was a reality show about make-up artists and the challenge was to make a combined offspring of two races from the Defiance show/universe. First time I had ever heard of Defiance before and now I just googled the game after you wrote this and it's the about the same thing I saw on that make-up show. Is Defiance really big, meaning does it have a big following?
Its a show thats coming out soon, honestly doesn't look too good and if the MMO is anything to go by it will be average, but the MMO did a lot of small things right and for a B2P MMO on the 360 its really good.
Oh also you know since we are talking about Battlefield/front: Halo can we get that but have it look like this?
(taken from reddit)
I want two for dual wielding
BF4's campaign looks about as bad as BF3's.
Wish they would just stop bothering with it already and focus completely on multiplayer.
I am the only one who thinks this looks boring as hell? I have to say I generally dislike modern combat settings etc. Still the reveal looks like normal CoD campaign. Nothing special. At least for me.Battlefield 4 gameplay trailer just released: 17mins
To finally have a communication with the community again? They can talk about their project in public, tease the community etc at last now. It is much better to have freedom and not be limited by denying stuff the whole time. At least I think it is one of the reason. But I'd even say Activision put pressure on them to show some stuff.So, why did Bungie reveal Destiny so early, then? To make the PS4 unveiling?
Thanks for that Redford. Now that I see it though, I think because of the outline and the fact it's a small picture, it gives too many jaggies. I'm very grateful though, thank you.
EDIT: http://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/000/027/352/original/canucks_Johnny-Canuck.jpg
Do you think this one would be easier to remove the background without jaggies?
Over's got you covered, I'm a peasant with PS lol
BF4's campaign looks about as bad as BF3's.
Wish they would just stop bothering with it already and focus completely on multiplayer.
If next gen looks like that then I'll be happy, but I highly doubt it.
so someone gimme the rundown on 1999 mode, i'm hoping it does something more than "lol more hp and damage on enemies"
What have achievements done to us. WE ARE DOOMED.I'm doing in conjunction with the achievement where you can't use a dollar bill machine in 1999 mode.
Without a doubt.Do you think if Battlefield 4 wasn't coming to current consoles, it could look even better?
What have achievements done to us. WE ARE DOOMED.
I like stuff like that. I nice bonus challenge.
Early in this gen I used to care about achievements, I reached almost 30,000 before Halo 3 came out. Slowly this has faded, since the release of Halo 3, I've added only another 40,000.
I have yet to turn on my Xbox since like last Wednesday. I played some WWE 13 at my friends on the weekend though, and ended up leaving my controller there. I can't go on my xbox but it doesn't bother me. That's how little I want to play it right now. I was thinking about picking up Infinite but I honestly don't know if I want it.
Think I might sell my Xbox and PVR to raise funds for a gaming computer. I rarely use the PVR anyway. I pretty much bought it to make Halo videos, and now the franchise doesn't interest me. I'm going to grab my controller over the weekend and try out some forge island when it releases. Hopefully it pulls me in for a little bit because I love forging.
I know what you mean, my gaming has been pretty much non-existent this past year, save for Mass Effect 3, The Walking Dead game or Halo 4. Just not as much time anymore, nor do I enjoy myself as I did. It's almost a chore for me to game now, as ridiculous as that sounds.
Don't know what the problem is...
It seems the simple solution is dont stress. If a game's not for you, don't play it. Find something you enjoy to decompress--Minecraft and RollerCoaster Tycoon are my go-to games because its about world-building not P2P crap.Them feels...
Pretty much correct about getting older and slowly my hype levels are declining for new games. Work and other responsibilities get in the way a lot. Normally after a day you just want to relax and gaming "sometimes" cause tons of stress.
Still looking forward to next gen and I always make time for gaming when I can.
Them feels...
Pretty much correct about getting older and slowly my hype levels are declining for new games. Work and other responsibilities get in the way a lot. Normally after a day you just want to relax and gaming "sometimes" cause tons of stress.
Still looking forward to next gen and I always make time for gaming when I can.
Agree. Throwdown is my favorite game type, but it can be a little high stress late at night before bed. I usually switch over to dominion lulz for a game to cool down before going to sleep.People laugh when I play Big Team Battle, but this is why. Sometimes after work I don't want to jump into an ultra competitive playlist, I just want to play some Halo and not worry about being on my "A" game.
GDC Destiny stuff is today right?
For those remake lovers out there; What is the most "missed" map in Halo that has yet to be remade (or remade to your satisfaction) in Halo 4?
People laugh when I play Big Team Battle, but this is why. Sometimes after work I don't want to jump into an ultra competitive playlist, I just want to play some Halo and not worry about being on my "A" game.
Agree. Throwdown is my favorite game type, but it can be a little high stress late at night before bed. I usually switch over to dominion lulz for a game to cool down before going to sleep.
For those remake lovers out there; What is the most "missed" map in Halo that has yet to be remade (or remade to your satisfaction) in Halo 4?
People laugh when I play Big Team Battle, but this is why. Sometimes after work I don't want to jump into an ultra competitive playlist, I just want to play some Halo and not worry about being on my "A" game.
For those remake lovers out there; What is the most "missed" map in Halo that has yet to be remade (or remade to your satisfaction) in Halo 4?
For those remake lovers out there; What is the most "missed" map in Halo that has yet to be remade (or remade to your satisfaction) in Halo 4?
For those remake lovers out there; What is the most "missed" map in Halo that has yet to be remade (or remade to your satisfaction) in Halo 4?
Yeah, that's what I used to be like. Such a shame that BTB in H4 is complete trash in comparison to previous games though... It just frustrates me to play it nowadays.
Chiron, Terminal, Waterworks, Containment, Infinity, Death Island, Boarding Action, Gephyrophobia...