This is quite possibly the most beautiful map I've ever seen. CE's soft pastel palette was truly awe-inspiring. It almost made them feel like something out of a dream. The day Forge can do something like this...[img]
It would surprise me. Despite all the selling-out that's been done so far 343 has the integrity not to cross that line. Halo wouldn't lend itself very well to making an in-universe MountainDew ad discrete in its plausibility, which is what you want.
I wish I could get used to Halo CE's player mechanics again. I wouldn't play anything else.
I tried playing it on PC and couldn't get use to using a mouse. If this whole Halo 3 on Steam thing goes down, then I'll be forcing myself to get used to mouse and keyboard.
I've put hours in Halo 2 Vista and I still can't shoot for shit, haha. Wired Xbox 360 controllers are amazing
I tried playing it on PC and couldn't get use to using a mouse. If this whole Halo 3 on Steam thing goes down, then I'll be forcing myself to get used to mouse and keyboard.
I actually use a wired controller when I play Halo Custom Edition. Granted mine was terrible but it makes it more comfortable and natural for me. Have you looked into one? They're relatively inexpensive. A wired 360 controller (not a plug 'n play) should automatically install drivers when you plug it in, and then it's a simple manner of setting it up in Control Panel and the game itself.
My main problem (other than a shoddy video graphics card) is just how the Spartans play in CE. I've never been a fan of how slippery and 'sluggish' the jumping and vehicles felt.
While that would be the obvious thing for me to do, I don't think I could cope knowing that if you master Mouse and Keyboard, you're going to poop on people using a controller. Putting myself at a disadvantage and knowingly doing so would annoy me.
Also If I do master Mouse and Keyboard, it opens the window for me to play other games, especially those that do not have Controller compatibility (even though I'm sure the number of games isn't that big.)
I'm actually thinking of playing with a pen-to-display monitor. Can't get more accurate then basically tracing the enemy with your fingertip.
Oh yes, absolutely, 100 percent, without question. The other day I was going to make a quick post: "Every time I hop on Halo 4, I'm repeatedly astonished at the continuing success of Infinity Big Team Slayer". Once I thought about it however, I realised that iBTB's success makes complete sense. Its continued success, population-wise, is the residual effect of Halo 4's launch physique.
There are vast, vast, numerous amounts of videogamers who enjoyed the original Halo trilogy. The PS2 dominated that console generation but had it not been for Halo CE's foundational pillar in the Xbox's lauch, and Xbox Live's perfect launch partner in Halo 2 then the Xbox would have gone the way of the Sega Saturn or Jaguar, forgotton and completely stomped into anonymity by the PS2. Halo 3's years at the top of the Live charts and respectable (for a years old game) subsequent tussle with COD releases bore out that there were still many, many gamers who enjoyed normal Halo gameplay.
Then Halo Reach happened and a lot of gamers who had nine years worth of gameplay muscle memory invested in Halo are thrown by having to stop shooting in the middle of a battle in order for their shots to be accurate. They have moments of dizzying frustration when a player they would have killed in a given situation in the previous three titles suddenly activates an invincibility button. They are killed by players who can suddenly fly over their heads from spawn and the game doesn't offer them a Y axis sensitivity to accomodate these new features. They enter Team Slayer, a safe bet of a playlist in the previous two titles and half of the maps are a turgid, mono-grey eyesore that are all visually alike and don't play particularly well. They go to BTB, a favourite for so many in H2 and H3 and there is not a single, non-forge map custom built for the mode, instead playing on built-for-an-entirely-different-mode horror shows like Spire and Boneyard. They actually get put into BTB SWAT on Boneyard, spawn Red stairs, and are repeatedly spawn killed in the open by a 3x zoom, single shot precision rifle.
These players think Halo Reach is not a very fun Halo game. They don't like the changes, they don't like the poor selection of maps, amongst other things. They look around for other places to put their gaming time; Black Op's releases on the back of three successful predecessors and, crucially, doesn't mess around with what made those games popular in the first place. It identify's a rivals strength of meta-features (Halo's theatre and social file sharing capabilities) and implements its own theatre which in many ways improves upon Halo's version and then offers players the social sharing side of it, not on a dev website or by jumping through hoops in game but through free rendered uploads to probably the most visited website on Earth in Youtube. Many of the gamers put off by Halo's strange new direction (no 1-50 wtf? Timing shots and no BR wtf? You can spawn with camo now wtf?) decide to go where a lot of their friends went, a safe, you know what you're getting deal in COD. Lots of them also get into Battlefield 3, a game that knows what it does best, very large scale military battles, is somewhat unique in the FPS landscape and sticks to it.
Fast forward to October 2012 and these players who loved the original trilogy but checked out with Reach, they see the Halo 4 PR train in full swing. "Oh hey, look, the Master Chief's back" they say. They remember paying the same price for ODST as they did for Halo 3 but ODST didn't have proper multiplayer nor the Chief. They remember paying full price the following year for Reach, which again didn't have the Chief, and being put off by the weird, unexpected things in the multiplayer. So they see the Chief and they associate him with the last game he was in, Halo 3, that game that they and their friends had lots of awesome times with. So they look forward to Halo 4's release because hey, Chief's back, so Halo will be normal again right?
This is where one goes back to the point about Halo 4's launch 'physique'. The launch state of a game is arguably its most important. It is where the vast majority of players who don't read forums and gaming press etc get their idea of a games identity and the game developers intent for the series. Many of those players that Reach lost are back for Halo 4 in launch week, eager to give the franchise another shot.
They load up the game and tentatively enter War Games ("I think this is the multi, guys"). The party lead and their buddies look for a playlist they remember loving, Team Slayer, but there is no sign of it. "Just pick the top one, come on party leader!". So they enter Infinity Slayer. They play five hypothetical games. The voting for these five games goes 'Adrift, Complex, Complex, Adrift, Abandon'. The maps quality don't seem very high and now it appears everyone has a power weapon at some point, and that guy they just killed pressed X to spawn without punishment and cleaned them up while they waited for their shields to recharge, completely unfairly. Weapons are confusingly spawning at random, with no explanation as to why that is happening (it didn't happen in the ten years they played Halo before). They play another bunch of Infinity Slayer and soon come to realise that there's only four 4v4 maps and two of them are objectively poor for Slayer. So they venture over to Infinity BTB and, while the gameplay problems remain from their 4v4 experience, at least there are more maps on offer.
So what happens to this hypothetical party of four a week after Halo 4's release? Three of them go to Black Op's 2 or back to Battlefield 3 (COD does weapon unlocks and instant respawn far better than Halo ever will and BF3 is built around large scale combat and, crucially, let's you drive a vehicle more than five meters without getting stunned by a spawn weapon). One stays (the opening populations were around 400, 000 and then dropped to a quarter of that). The one who stays motivation for doing so is as multitudinous as Halo's confused identities. It might be a love of heavy BTB gameplay, it might be because that player is one of those who is an absolute sucker for levelling systems no matter what the gameplay and wishes to reach SR 130. It might be that they fucking love the party gametype Regicide. But the question isn't why so few stayed it's why so many chose to leave...
Halo 4 sold so many copies because it it had an 11 year established base of users and previous customers right? For 9 of those years Halo was about equal starts, checks, balances and largely reasonable design. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that many of that established user base came to Halo 4 expecting a direct, regular Master Chief sequel to Halo 3, Reach being the equivalent of an experimental off-shoot branch, not the foundation for Halo 4. Those players came to Halo, experienced instant respawn, random weapon drops, camo sniping, camo boltshotting, their favourite Warthog being stunned every three seconds by an unlocked spawn weapon, no ranked/social choice and realised they had to play for hours in order to unlock a perk so they didn't frequently run out of ammo (weapons vanishing every 12 seconds as they do). They probably realised at that point that all these things that were making Halo not feel like the game they'd enjoyed for a decade were being done better in other games in which they made sense. And so, they went to those other games.
So, COD does unlock systems and fast, one shot kill, 60fps gameplay best. Battlefield 3 cornered the big battle market. What was always Halo's core strength? FOUR VERSUS FOUR, arena based slayer and objective gametypes. 343 launches with four smallish maps, and a shit load of BTB content. 6 of its subsequent 9 DLC maps are BTB. Halo no longer has a grip on thaepopular area of the 4v4 market. People who bought or rented Halo 4 to see if it was normal again have disappeared. They won't be back five months from launch when it's announced in a corner of an internet forum that Team Throwdown, a normal-ish Halo playlist is coming to Halo 4! After that opening week they've made their mind up and you've lost them forever. Well, at least until Halo 5 rolls around but even then they might not bother. See, next time, Halo won't have the 'Master Chief wasn't in those games so it doesn't count' excuse. Master Chief, along with the Halo name, is now tainted.
I've been playing BLOPS2 on my Wii U (actually have the 360 version sitting right next to it).
It's a bit of trip getting used to the idea that I can shoot anywhere on the screen without having to turn my characters entire view/body towards the target first by just pointing at it. A lot of playing around with deadzones and stuff, but they at least let you live-edit it via the Gamepad so figuring out the settings is fairly fast.
Sniping gives me motion sickness
This is quite possibly the most beautiful map I've ever seen. CE's soft pastel palette was truly awe-inspiring. It almost made them feel like something out of a dream. The day Forge can do something like this...
I messed around with CoD on the Wii in the past just because I was curious about how it would play with motion controls. I came to the conclusion that with practice, I could probably play quite well with it, but that it wasn't worth the investment considering it was CoD for the Wii.
However, I wasn't aware the Wii U version allowed for this. Very interesting.
Also, after reading The Henery post, I think this gif best embodies how I feel about Halo 4:
I messed around with CoD on the Wii in the past just because I was curious about how it would play with motion controls. I came to the conclusion that with practice, I could probably play quite well with it, but that it wasn't worth the investment considering it was CoD for the Wii.
However, I wasn't aware the Wii U version allowed for this. Very interesting.
Yep. You can use the Wiimote w/chuck, the Pro Controller (the one that's essentially a 360 controller), the Gamepad, and the Classic Controller.
Man, look at all those options. I remember being amazed at the sheer amount of customization options they allowed for with the controls even in the Wii version... That's just bananas.
:..take notes
Those are the things that should be copied.
Man, look at all those options. I remember being amazed at the sheer amount of customization options they allowed for with the controls even in the Wii version... That's just bananas.
Wow that default button layout is bad.
It's strange because Gamepad and Pro controller mode are stuck with presets like the 360:
I imagine this is probably due to them being based off the existing UI code for 360/PS3.
Treyarch did a real good job with this though. Not only the pointer mode customization, but you can just pick up the controller you want to use, press A, and it'll ask if you want to switch over to using that controller. No signing in and out. I can switch from pointer -> gamepad -> pro controller in the span of 10 seconds. They don't get enough credit for their detail work with UI. It even works in-game while you're playing.
Might have to check that out. Only in action sack?Lightning flag is the best thing ever.
Arena shooter feeling
It would be like Groundhog Day, without Bill Murray. So, fucking horrific.Can you imagine an endless stream of Spartan Ops? I imagine it being like trapped in the 7 circles of hell.
Triple Kill in one shot, baby. Love it.Lightning flag is the best thing ever.
Arena shooter feeling
Yes. I originally thought it was a bad idea, but I'm not too proud to admit when I'm wrong.Might have to check that out. Only in action sack?
This thread got me thinking. How long before we get Mountain Dew advertisements in Halo games? Wouldn't surprise me if there were in-game billboards with their ads splashed across them in H5.
Damn, nice post, haha
Might have to check that out. Only in action sack?
Yep, shame the weighting for it is so low, I seriously don't want to play Rock'n Rails or fiestaTriple Kill in one shot, baby. Love it.
Yes. I originally thought it was a bad idea, but I'm not too proud to admit when I'm wrong.
Is Binary Slayer gone from Action Sack? I have yet to play it and I tried getting it 4 times and it never came up. Proceeded to just dong in Majestic with a friend and then alone in FFA.
and what happened here last night?
I've only been able to play it on Abandon, which somehow makes that map better.Yep, shame the weighting for it is so low, I seriously don't want to play Rock'n Rails or fiesta
I also thought it would be bad and silly,but it is fantastic and so fast
No, you're just getting some bad luck. I see it come up all the time. It's usually Ragnarok, but it's incredibly fun on Complex (yes, you heard me right; Complex).Is Binary Slayer gone from Action Sack? I have yet to play it and I tried getting it 4 times and it never came up. Proceeded to just dong in Majestic with a friend and then alone in FFA.
I refuse to believe any variant of two sided CTF will ever be fun on Complex.No, you're just getting some bad luck. I see it come up all the time. It's usually Ragnarok, but it's incredibly fun on Complex (yes, you heard me right; Complex).
I've only been able to play it on Abandon, which somehow makes that map better.
Played Fiesta for the first time last night, and I'm wondering why everything is Ordnance related? Is it because they can't force random weapons without it? If so, fucking lol.
I've only been able to play it on Abandon, which somehow makes that map better.
Played Fiesta for the first time last night, and I'm wondering why everything is Ordnance related? Is it because they can't force random weapons without it? If so, fucking lol.
And wow I got quoted a lot last night. I suppose... Damn, nice post, haha
I refuse to believe any variant of two sided CTF will ever be fun on Complex.
Seeing Henery's post passed around the twitters is amazing.
Yep, good thing.Good thing he was talking about Binary Slayer then, huh?
Just wait until they have built in twitter integration into the Spartan HUD's in Halo 5. I bet you that response that 343 made was live in-game.Seeing Henery's post passed around the twitters is amazing.
Wasn't there someone here who plays Planetside 2? I just downloaded it and wanted to give it a try. Wouldn't mind some company.