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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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Alright, I don't mind boss battles in Devil May Cry (most of them).

I think shooters do poorly at implementing boss battles in general.


Never forget.

Edit: I consider the Scarabs fights (in Halo 3), like boss battles done right in FPS.


BTB in Halo 3 was terrible coming off of Halo 2.

Honest question, what do people prefer in Halo 3 over 2? To me, Halo 2 was the far superior Halo 3. Halo 3 only served to make the game even more watered down, inconsistent and slow.

And you wanted to play co-op with me...
Just fulfilled a Firefight itch with a game of Score Attack on Beachhead in Reach. So much fun. Firefight, how I miss thee.

Please bring it back in DLC or at least in a future Halo game.
Halo 2 didn't have disarms. The arming zone was a separate, larger radius object from where you needed to plant it. If you stopped a fully-armed bomb from touching the plant spot and stopped them from touching it again, the bomb would reset at their base.

Instant arm made offense trivially easy by comparison, especially when you could just waltz into the base, drop a bubble shield, and win fifteen seconds later. Arm times meant that timed pushes during respawns were a requirement against good teams, not just sort of helpful. If you're getting killed by somebody spawning, then you didn't have a good team setup to catch them off spawn in order to protect your carrier. The slow-paced, cautious setup and push, having to protect the carrier the entire time is what made Assault a more interesting gametype than CTF in the first place.

Yea the bubble shield was dumb in Halo 3 in any gametype.

I didn't play much assault in H2, let alone with a party, so I wouldn't have really known much about that.


I think it's just that people are expecting how Halo should be based on what they experience playing a call of duty type game.

You can't say boss battles don't belong in Halo when clearly games like Halo 2 and Halo 3 had what would be considered them ie. Tartarus, Scarab fights, Guilty spark etc.

How hard would it have been for them to give us an encounter with the Didact where we'd avoid his shots, and then wait for Cortana to distract him, open up his helmet as he's being held and we have to use a light rifle to get headshots etc.

The QTE broke my immersion more than anything else. The whole game I was hoping for a general RAAM type fight with the Didact. We didn't get it. This whole ancient evil, deadly technology, universe will never be the same went out the door with a QTE where we slowly plant a pulse grenade.
Careful. You are asking players to download modded content to their file share which is against XBL ToS.
I'm not making a statement on whether this is right or wrong, just that it is against the ToS of many forums, and could result in a forum ban at many sites, including b.net.

Anyway, pics of Sidewinder.

Very impressive work, I'll make sure to download that. Sidewinder and to a lesser extent, Avalanche, are some of my favourite BTB maps. Get some 2flag touch return going with infinite time on Sidewinder, and oh baby.

Wasn't aware of those posting rules, that really sucks about the modded content even though it's just an item limit tweak (that as far as I could tell, didn't even affect framerate). And since Halo 4 doesn't allow you to directly queue maps anymore that sucks even more. Look how beautiful that map is :(

Edit: just remembered you can't toss the flag, meaning Sidewinder's best and most famous back pass strat is no more :'( (please tell me that's going to be a tweakable option in that tool)
BTB objective really was amazing in Halo 2, and I am sure they can add in your control options :)

I loved CTF and most of the maps. Gimme Bumper Jumper and I'm down.

I'd love a Halo 2 remake. Hell, I'd settle for a port to the XBLA, I just want to be able to play on Live again without having to go through XBC.

I can't even get XBC to work :(

Has anyone made a good Relic remake on Forge Island yet?


Very impressive work, I'll make sure to download that. Sidewinder and to a lesser extent, Avalanche, are some of my favourite BTB maps. Get some 2flag touch return going with infinite time on Sidewinder, and oh baby.

Wasn't aware of those posting rules, that really sucks about the modded content even though it's just an item limit tweak (that as far as I could tell, didn't even affect framerate). And since Halo 4 doesn't allow you to directly queue maps anymore that sucks even more. Look how beautiful that map is :(

Edit: just remembered you can't toss the flag, meaning Sidewinder's best and most famous back pass strat is no more :'( (please tell me that's going to be a tweakable option in that tool)

I don't think it can be an option. As far as I can tell, to have throwable flags in Halo 4 we'll need 343 to patch a separate throwable flag weap into every map.


Don't mess with playlist/ranks/gameplay/maps. Pretty it up if you have it just LEAVE IT ALONE and add spectator mode. I'll give you $200.

Thats exactly what I want them to do if they go down the XBLA route. Also 1080p/60FPS and added controls would be cool too.


I still am surprised at Microsofts support for the CoD tourney but the complete lack of support for Halo tourneys ( yeah I get they send copies sometimes to the people holding the event), I mean it is their biggest IP and exclusive title.

You see them posting on Facebook and Twitter about CoD championships, nothing like this was done for Halo tourneys.
I don't think it can be an option. As far as I can tell, to have throwable flags in Halo 4 we'll need 343 to patch a separate throwable flag weap into every map.

A damn shame. Write that one down for inclusion next time 343, at least in custom games. The details are important!


Yeah, why hasn't MS released it? I'm sure lots of people would buy it.

My opinion on why a Halo 2 remake hasn't been released is because it would take away potential buyers for the new Halos. Old Halo players would rather play Halo 2 than the recent releases.
Releasing CEA with CE multiplayer would have split the multiplayer between the Reach and the CE population. But that was just a year after Reach.

Halo 2's anniversary is next year, and I think it'd make sense for them to release a Halo 2 remake (MP included) then. ODST was released 2 years after Halo 3, and that had its own multiplayer in a sense.


BTB in Halo 3 was terrible coming off of Halo 2.

Honest question, what do people prefer in Halo 3 over 2? To me, Halo 2 was the far superior Halo 3. Halo 3 only served to make the game even more watered down, inconsistent and slow.

The campaign.

The removal of glitches.


I don't know why people are surprised. Take a look at the positions of the Call of Duty games and then the Halo/Gears games. Which series has remained sort of the same, and which has alienated a large portion of its fans?

And that's the truth. I still play Halo 4 regularly, but I'm not going to sit here and say it's a great Halo game or that the decades long Halo fans like it. Same goes for Gears, it's completely different than Gears 1 and it's alienated a large portion of its fans as well.

It's ridiculous to defend Halo 4's place on this list. It's gone from eh, it's behind black ops II it's expected, eh it's minecraft it has the kids, eh fifa is popular in Europe and now the defense is, eh it's ahead of battlefield 3, a game that has been out for almost a year and a half.

And this should be a huge wakeup call to Microsoft. It's exclusive shooters, that dominated the industry are getting beaten by multiplatforms, some over 1.5 year old.


BTB in Halo 3 was terrible coming off of Halo 2.

Honest question, what do people prefer in Halo 3 over 2? To me, Halo 2 was the far superior Halo 3. Halo 3 only served to make the game even more watered down, inconsistent and slow.

3 > 2

Cheater control
3 > 2

Hitscan Bullets

Weapon Sandbox

Vehicle Sandbox


Forge ( MLG benefitted greatly from this also )


Customization of games/maps and the ability to share them

Baseplayer movement speed / feel

Weapon Switching Speed

Weapon Respawn System

Campaign (and skulls)
That excuse being the potential reason to CEA's lack of multiplayer got me so bitter. I couldn't even be split from Reach, I wasn't playing it.

I guess Halo isn't a 2-3 year game anymore. Perhaps they should just release a yearly game, since CEA with MP would have carried to H4, and H2 with MP will carry till H5.

I just wanna play Halo.


I think a remake is out of the question. I think they should just focus on getting Halo 5 right and probably have a beta with it. They aren't ready to pump out in betweener games yet. They need to get the formula down or make a new formula that people want to play. This one wasnt it.
Never forget.

Edit: I consider the Scarabs fights (in Halo 3), like boss battles done right in FPS.
The Scarabs were retarded. It was neat the first time through, but once you got past the epic facade, you realized that things just sorta walked around in circles and tried to kill every once in a while. It was even worse as the climactic battle of The Covenant, since they never moved from their spots like singular Scarabs did. Their behaviors simply weren't up to par with the rest of the enemy sandbox. And their guardians on board were in far too constrained a space to really utilize their cleverest tactics, so it became ridiculously easy to get, destroy the core, and get out. With the Hornet, Missile Pods, and Scorpions you never even needed to board the Scarab (and at least one of those things was available in every Scarab battle).

I wouldn't consider them much of anything done right, much less FPS boss battles done right.
The Scarabs were retarded. It was neat the first time through, but once you got past the epic facade, you realized that things just sorta walked around in circles and tried to kill every once in a while. It was even worse as the climactic battle of The Covenant, since they never moved from their spots like singular Scarabs did. Their behaviors simply weren't up to par with the rest of the enemy sandbox. And their guardians on board were in far too constrained a space to really utilize their cleverest tactics, so it became ridiculously easy to get, destroy the core, and get out. With the Hornet, Missile Pods, and Scorpions you never even needed to board the Scarab (and at least one of those things was available in every Scarab battle).

I wouldn't consider them much of anything done right, much less FPS boss battles done right.


Best Scarab Battle.

I think I've gotten every vehicle on top of that thing.

Best Scarab Battle.

I think I've gotten every vehicle on top of that thing.
Admittedly, I've done the same, and pretty similar feats with the other Scarab battles. All three have "ramps" of sorts in the level geometry for you to get vehicles in them. Must have been intentional. My favorite was getting the Chopper on The Ark Scarab and trying to ram its core. Lots of air, lots of fun. I'll have to try and get a Scorpion on The Ark Scarab again one of these days.

I spent too much time in Halo 3.
Admittedly, I've done the same, and pretty similar feats with the other Scarab battles. All three have "ramps" of sorts in the level geometry for you to get vehicles in them. Must have been intentional. My favorite was getting the Chopper on The Ark Scarab and trying to ram its core. Lots of air, lots of fun. I'll have to try and get a Scorpion on The Ark Scarab again one of these days.

I spent too much time in Halo 3.

I used to take a Chopper from the Scarab battle on the Ark through the building and try and jump it onto the Pelican at the end.



lulz were had.


The Scarabs were retarded. It was neat the first time through, but once you got past the epic facade, you realized that things just sorta walked around in circles and tried to kill every once in a while. It was even worse as the climactic battle of The Covenant, since they never moved from their spots like singular Scarabs did. Their behaviors simply weren't up to par with the rest of the enemy sandbox. And their guardians on board were in far too constrained a space to really utilize their cleverest tactics, so it became ridiculously easy to get, destroy the core, and get out. With the Hornet, Missile Pods, and Scorpions you never even needed to board the Scarab (and at least one of those things was available in every Scarab battle).

I wouldn't consider them much of anything done right, much less FPS boss battles done right.

Uh, because it switches up the gameplay? What you describe as retarded is what a lot of fans actually liked. It was a nice change of pace to go from headshotting grunts and jackals every 5 feet in a start/stop sequence.

Their behaviors weren't up to par because the technology can't handle it. What would you have the scarabs do? Jump up and down, move at a steady pace etc.? I don't see how any of the other enemy sandbox is any better. What difference is there between a hunter then? You avoid the shots, circle around etc.

What clever tactics did the enemies have? That they could move around and show random behaviors because they were smaller?
You know if they were ever to do a Halo 2 Anniversary like everyone wants they must change it's scarab to match that design. It's so weird to have one design for halo 2 then that one for 3 and Reach.
It's bit of loosely defined canon, but as far as I remember, the Halo 2 Scarab and Halo 3 and beyond Scarabs are different models meant for different applications. IIRC, the Halo 2 Scarab was more of a mining platform than a combat platform while the Halo 3 variant was meant more for applied force. Halo Wars vaguely corroborates this with a Halo 2-esque Scarab being constructed on-site for more intensive mining.

Of course, the nature of the designs isn't iron-clad at the moment and 343 has shown a predilection for tinkering with things for no good reason, so who knows. Honestly, I'd be pretty annoyed if they did switch the design. I'd prefer a solid explanation for design differences.
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