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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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Why can't I find a Spartan Laser anywhere on the DLC maps!! These achievements are a step back from the Majestic ones, seriously between this and the hardlight shield one ill never have this game 100%
Play Outcast, one spawns right beside each base when the match starts.

Or give in and stop caring about achievements, especially multiplayer ones that are as dumb as Halo's.

willow ve

Play Outcast, one spawns right beside each base when the match starts.

Or give in and stop caring about achievements, especially multiplayer ones that are as dumb as Halo's.

Or boost. True Achivements has groups running pretty much all week and starting in 2 hour intervals. If you really want to get some rare (or just plain dumb) achievements out of the way all you need to do is sign up, show up, bleep bloop.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Why can't I find a Spartan Laser anywhere on the DLC maps!! These achievements are a step back from the Majestic ones, seriously between this and the hardlight shield one ill never have this game 100%

The achievements in this pack are FAR easier than any other pack.

Now I'm just raging at terrible teammates when everyone votes CTF. Also get the Boltshot out of Halo.


I'm convinced the Infinity Slayer playlist is an elaborate troll by 343 to test out AI bots for Halo5. No way any sane human being would keep voting for Adrift and Complex
Why can't I find a Spartan Laser anywhere on the DLC maps!! These achievements are a step back from the Majestic ones, seriously between this and the hardlight shield one ill never have this game 100%

Only in Outcast spawns and its pretty easy to do that cheevo in the same match, so much underground paths to hide.

The hardest achievement this time is the hardlight shield since no one use it.


After a few days with the new maps, here are my Top 5 maps for Halo 4:
  1. Haven
  2. Skyline
  3. Monolith
  4. Daybreak
  5. Ragnarok

Solid list, I'd agree. Honestly if Halo 4 was filled with more arena type maps like Haven it'd be much more fun to play. Skyline & Monolith's close quarters are a nice breath of air from all the BTB maps. Daybreak and Ragnarok are my favorite BTB maps in the game . Except for the DMR, honestly if they had something similar to Throwdown/Pro settings in BTB with forced loadouts of BR's it would be a better gametyoe.


Neither Daybreak or Ragnarok are good BTB maps. Ragnarok because of how open and aggressively linear it is, Daybreak because it's actually way smaller than people think. Both are better as 5v5.

Also, Bulletin's up.

Capture the Flag – Daybreak
Daybreak CTF is probably my favorite game type in the Castle DLC playlist. There is always a lot of action on Daybreak, but here’s what’s most important:

-Use your Sniper Rifle wisely – Daybreak’s two-base feel is complimented by an opening Sniper Battle. Talk to your Sniper and decide if they want to challenge the enemy Sniper, assist with Rockets or help in securing the Banshee.

-The Banshee is king – I’d recommend sending at least two players towards the Banshee, and maybe even your Sniper. If the enemy team gets the Banshee, have your Plasma Pistols ready.

-Treat the map as if it were an arena-style map – When running a flag, run it along the outer edge (Banshee side or Rocket side) towards your team. If your team is supporting you, the enemy will spawn at their base or on the opposite side. Escort your flag carrier, rinse and repeat.
You guys forgot one:

-Be blue team - Red team's base is a massive liability and all that stuff about running the flag along the sides of the map doesn't apply when you can just take a mancannon halfway across the map.



Current State of Weapon Balancing

Bravo here with a weapon balancing update! As we have mentioned in various Halo Bulletins, panels and live streams over the past few weeks, we are currently evaluating the state of Halo 4’s weapon balance. The sustain, sandbox, multiplayer and test teams have been working together and evaluating which weapons and categories of weapons need some attention, and we are happy to say that our internal testing has allowed us to make great progress.

We have also mentioned that we are approaching weapon re-balancing very carefully, as each change that is checked requires vigorous testing to ensure that it benefits the entire sandbox, and that gameplay is improved on a global level across all of Halo 4’s maps, game modes and scenarios. Because of this, the process takes several weeks while we are in a constant cycle of making tweaks, testing and retesting. This being said, we are well underway and will be bringing this update to Halo 4 Matchmaking as soon as it’s ready.

Here are some of the big ticket items we’re currently looking at:

Precision Weapon Balance
Our goal of the upcoming balance update is to create an even balance across all precision rifles (DMR, Battle Rifle, Carbine and LightRifle). Our latest tests have included (but are not limited to) rate of fire and damage tweaks to several weapons within this category. Additionally, it is important to create balance amongst all primary weapons, which leads into the next category.

Automatic Weapon Balance
An important part of overall balance is ensuring that each weapon excels within its intended role. As we move the dials to tweak some of the precision weapons, it demands that certain tweaks also be made to automatic weapons, which include the Assault Rifle, Suppressor and more. We are investigating modifying the rate of fire, accuracy and damage on these weapons.

Vehicle Weapon Balance
We have seen many community concerns that certain vehicles may be examples of sandbox elements that could be improved. We are currently looking at tuning some of the weapons that these vehicles have at their disposal in order to increase their usefulness and viability. We greatly value the teamwork (and fun) required in riding around in a Warthog with a buddy, and want to ensure that this and other vehicles have great draw and value.

Also, we are taking a look at many weapons that do not fit within these categories to ensure that the sandbox is providing the most ideal experience possible for all users in all playlists and game modes. As we finish up our internal testing, we look forward to providing further updates on the weapons that will be receiving attention and the specific changes that will be made, once finalized.



Haven and Longbow are the only two maps I can stand in a consistent basis. If I was forced to pick three more, it would be pretty hard. Landfall and Monolith aren't bad, but it's hard to call them favorites, either. With Halo 4's crummy gametypes it doesn't help matters.

Solid list, I'd agree. Honestly if Halo 4 was filled with more arena type maps like Haven it'd be much more fun to play. Skyline & Monolith's close quarters are a nice breath of air from all the BTB maps. Daybreak and Ragnarok are my favorite BTB maps in the game .
Ragnarok isn't BTB in this game, neither is Exile. I don't consider them top tier maps, either. Easy to dominate one side by sitting in the middle of each. The best BTB map is probably Shatter, although nobody will ever play it because of Crimson DLC.


i kinda feel bad for the guy. he was a dick about the always-online situation, but it still sucks to lose your job cause of some dumb shit you said on twitter.

I don't think it really has to do with what he said, just that he even commented on the rumours. Microsoft does not comment on rumours and speculation and yet he went on twitter and started saying dumb things. As a MS employee he should have known to keep his mouth shut.

I'm sure he'll find something else though.


After a few days with the new maps, here are my Top 5 maps for Halo 4:
  1. Haven
  2. Skyline
  3. Monolith
  4. Daybreak
  5. Ragnarok

I'd probably change the order slightly and I feel like Longbow would be in there somewhere, but I'm on board with that. Perdition is growing on me, but it might just be an aesthetic thing.


aka Cabbie
Also, we are taking a look at many weapons that do not fit within these categories to ensure that the sandbox is providing the most ideal experience possible for all users in all playlists and game modes.

This means no PP in loadouts or something, I pray.


lol at no one being 35 yet. Team ranking is going to be tough as all hell considering trueskill hasn't been reset.

I'm soloing in Infinity Slayer and im already at 26.

^^^ I had the same thought. I really hope they aren't as clueless as they seem to be sometimes. "We're looking at making the vehicles more balanced" Uhh... the vehicles aren't the problem.

I also fear they're going to buff the automatics... a perfect shot from a precision rifle should kill an automatic all the time.
Anyone know where I can get help for a friend who's been waiting activation for several months now? He received one email saying that he's been activated, but when he goes to log in it says that now he has to wait for approval and wait for another email..?

It's been well over 3 months too.

You're already in the 37th Chamber. No need to make the joke anymore.

I missed the memo.

Please don't nerf the assault rifle 343! It's finally a decent weapon!

I don't understand why people want a watered down Halo game again. Nerf the DMR this, nerf the assault weapons that.. Nerfs are the worst way to balance things unless absolutely necessary which in this case is not.

It's crazy man. Crazy. The DMR is at the bottom of this game's real problems. Did people actually enjoy seeing people walk to their base from 50 feet away only for you to either leave them alone or slow-walking-speed to them because your weapon was shooting inconsistent nerf bullets?

If anything, all that's needed is to remove it from loadouts and put it on the map. Make the BR a 4sk, take away its recoil and buff the Carbine/LR. Let's not nerf Halo anymore please.


So does anyone want to get a party going in the DLC playlist between this Friday-Sunday?

You could PM a mod but people used to have to wait a hell of a lot longer than 3 months to get approved here. Some a year or longer. Doesn't seem to be the case anymore... some people getting approved in days or a week or 2.

Yeah it took me around 7 months.
PLEASE let the dmr be nerfed and carbine buffed. Remove stickies, boltshot, AC, and jetpack.

Welcome back Halo.

Remove 90% of everything added after Halo 2 and I'll be inclined to agree.

Seriously considering buying a gaming PC to play custom edition after tonight's games. Halo isn't fun anymore.


Anyone know where I can get help for a friend who's been waiting activation for several months now? He received one email saying that he's been activated, but when he goes to log in it says that now he has to wait for approval and wait for another email..?

It's been well over 3 months too.
You could PM a mod but people used to have to wait a hell of a lot longer than 3 months to get approved here. Some a year or longer. Doesn't seem to be the case anymore... some people getting approved in days or a week or 2.
So I popped in my anniversary disc, and I noticed a few things immediately that made me really appreciate Bungie:

- The menus load and there's no lag or flicker
- No annoying ambiance in the lobbies
- I can navigate them with ease. Everything is where it ought to be
- Everything I need to see is accessible at a glance, and I can change menus without backing out of the current screen

If there's anything Reach did right, it was the UI. And boy, was it fucking good.



Here's a preview of all of the stuff I'm working on. If you want to help on either the Halo 4 Image Pack or the Custom Game Creator, just let me know. :)
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