I think my 12 year+ run with Xbox ends. It's just not what I want, plain and simple. I already have a great television service, I don't care for twitter, Skype or much social media.
I'm in it for the games, it's what I use my xbox 360 for 99.9% of the time.
Why do I want to support a console that is so anti-gamer? My console is connected to a 50 mbps Internet everyday. It's never offline unless xbox is down, that doesn't mean I want it forced onto everyone. No used games? What about lending games to friends? Basically useless. Forget gamestop, what if I want to take NHL to my friends house on a Friday night and drink beers and play a few matches with a couple friends, if he doesn't have it, he'll have to pay?
When did they say this event was about the hardware/entertainment? You guys made this up yourselves. They said this was the short reveal with more to follow at e3. The point is, with this media device, they emphasized what they wanted. Windows 8 style integration, live TV, social media, apps/services and THEN games. At e3 we'll get more games info for sure, especially after this presentation, but you can bet there will be more on their television/entertainment services.
They bookended this presentation with a game that will probably be available on 7+ platforms. Why not show more original IP's? I can get a ps4 and get the same CoD:Ghosts experience.
Anyways, just my thoughts. Controller looks good, glad that it's blu-ray for media. 500 gb seems small for potentially 25-50 gb games that have to be mandatory installed. But damn, online at some point every 24 hours, some form of fee/service to trade/swap used games, such anti consumer practices.