Yeah, totally agreed with you on this then.
Maybe this is the gif you were thinking of?
This gif kills me now, it looks so good. Also, it leaves me confused since the Spartans look damn small.
Yeah, totally agreed with you on this then.
Maybe this is the gif you were thinking of?
I gotcha. I think some of that could definitely be useful in campaign and like you said we already see some of it. However, I think it could only teach you so much. Much of Halo's skill comes from knowing the maps. You can't really learn those in campaign, even though Reach's maps were spliced into campaign. Campaign is certainly great for teaching you how weapons work though and prepare you for MP in that way.
Yeah, totally agreed with you on this then.
Maybe this is the gif you were thinking of?
I really don't want HUD indicators for power weapons. It let's anyone who's close enough and looking the direction know when you pick one up.
This gif kills me now, it looks so good. Also, it leaves me confused since the Spartans look damn small.
I like this stuff a lot, as long as it's optional. Really highlight it when someone first boots up the game, but don't force anyone to play it if they don't want.
How do complex games like Dota, LoL, and Starcraft handle this stuff?
Doesn't apply to the actual mechanics, per se, but it'd be a fun little jab at players with halohonortenure if, upon the tutorial prompt, they pointed out you've already played through certain games. Hell, on the first run-through, they could do a simple schematic prompting Infinity training protocols, and if you said no they'd always be there in the options, but you wouldn't have to run through them.
Palmer and Roland could eye the player as your suit's being calibrated for the first time with some dynamic dialogue:
[If you've made zero progress through any halo game]
Palmer: "Sit tight while we debug your shielding, Marine. Roland, give me an idea on the new recruit's study habits, would you?"
Roland: "Let's see here..." *Roland flips through some hologram archives* "Blank slate, ma'am. Kid should probably be put through a couple drills, stay on the safe side."
(cue yes / no prompt for the player)
[If you've gone through some prior games, could vary depending on what you've done, of course]
Palmer: "Sit tight while we debug your shielding, Marine. Roland, give me an idea on the new recruit's study habits, would you? We might want to boot up those Infinity drills."
Roland: "Let's see here... huh, what do you know, we've got a historian. My records have all the major sims listed - Alpha Halo event, Chief's campaign on Delta, urban scuffles in Voi, field trip to the Ark, and a couple extras for good measure - Noble's last run on Reach and even some sleuthing in New Mombasa after the slipspace event."
Palmer: "I stand corrected, looks like this isn't your first rodeo. What do you say?"
(yes / no)
Prior to game release I thought the global ordnance was going to be broadcast like the tactical package "recon" I think it is, so it shows you the location and timer prior to the power weapon dropping. Personally I'd like to see a 10-20 second indicator for all players. Sure it removes the weapon spawning memorisation but it promotes team strategy and dynamic map movement. When they said 3-6 global drop points I had thought it picks one at random, broadcasts it with a timer to all and then disappears once dropped via pod.
I still want this version implemented as part of the core, I feel it allows enemy spawn killing/trapping in a temporary mode, promotes forced map movement, team communication/strategy and keeps that core element of battle for map pick ups. After all you could split your team, create ambushes, allow newer or solo players a chance but still reward team work and slaying skills/map positioning.
@Tashi @Warher
I really don't want HUD indicators for power weapons. It let's anyone who's close enough and looking the direction know when you pick one up.
This sounds cool as long as it's part of the campaign and not a tutorial you have to go through in multiplayer. For multiplayer I think a one time "would you like to play a tutorial?" textbox that you can just skip if you want to would is all that necessary. Put the tutorial somewhere unobtrusive (but not hidden) on the multiplayer menu for people who want to go back to it later. No unskippable cutscenes just to get into matchmaking though. Even the one in 4 is more than I'd like.Doesn't apply to the actual mechanics, per se, but it'd be a fun little jab at players with halohonortenure if, upon the tutorial prompt, they pointed out you've already played through certain games. Hell, on the first run-through, they could do a simple schematic prompting Infinity training protocols, and if you said no they'd always be there in the options, but you wouldn't have to run through them.
Another way to teach your player something is through...I'm not sure what word to use. It's basically "conditioning."
Rayman Legends is a really hard game, but it's never oppressively hard and teaches you how to play it.
Here's one example.
I think, then, that there are other things you could do to subtly teach and condition the player to do certain things, such as how to burst fire with the AR. Perhaps enemies (like the prometheans) could be designed more to encourage better handling of the AR.
Make sense?
Yeah DotA's unskippable tutorial is painful and insulting (I played the original DotA for 8 years, I know how to play this. The worst part is since I started on the beta then moved to the full game, it made me do the entire 30+ minute tutorial... again. Grrr.)
This sounds cool as long as it's part of the campaign and not a tutorial you have to go through in multiplayer. For multiplayer I think a one time "would you like to play a tutorial?" textbox that you can just skip if you want to would is all that necessary. Put the tutorial somewhere unobtrusive (but not hidden) on the multiplayer menu for people who want to go back to it later. No unskippable cutscenes just to get into matchmaking though. Even the one in 4 is more than I'd like.
There's definitely a lot of training that can be done through the campaign, especially in regards to basic mechanics weapons and abilities (the Rayman story is a example of this). Adding some more Spartan-like enemies who move around attack like a human multiplayer opponent would be a cool way to teach general multiplayer combat technique too (this is what Prometheans should be!).
blamite said:The problem (if it actually is a problem) would seem to be that a lot of the more advanced techniques like trick jumps, grenade bounces, or flag routes don't currently have a method of being taught other than by seeing other players using them, personal experimentation, looking them up online, etc. If this was something 343 decided as worth fixing, the idea of obstacle courses as a separate mode seems like it'd do a good job, although it'd be a lot of work to do for something that the community already does for itself. At the very least a series of "tips 'n' tricks" videos viewable from in-game would be a good start.
This would be a really cool thing. I always like the slight tweaking of dialogue according to actions and difficulty. And tying it into your service record would be awesome (although from a practical standpoint, I would assume they can't tell all the games you play by your Waypoint record alone, but maybe MS could allow greater access to players' gamertag metrics.)
Random question (sort of), anybody here know anybody who uses southpaw?
There's definitely a lot of training that can be done through the campaign, especially in regards to basic mechanics weapons and abilities (the Rayman story is a example of this). Adding some more Spartan-like enemies who move around attack like a human multiplayer opponent would be a cool way to teach general multiplayer combat technique too (this is what Prometheans should be!).
The problem (if it actually is a problem) would seem to be that a lot of the more advanced techniques like trick jumps, grenade bounces, or flag routes don't currently have a method of being taught other than by seeing other players using them, personal experimentation, looking them up online, etc. If this was something 343 decided as worth fixing, the idea of obstacle courses as a separate mode seems like it'd do a good job, although it'd be a lot of work to do for something that the community already does for itself. At the very least a series of "tips 'n' tricks" videos viewable from in-game would be a good start.
I'm a leftie and don't even use it. I tried in Halo 3 but it makes zero sense to my brain.
Maybe you could fight Insurrectionists (in a simulation or not) in some multiplayer-style maps who have adept usage of map control, leagues beyond what we've seen with campaign enemies so far. Using corner-jumps, grenading weapons to their position so you can't have them, (intelligent, coordinated) teamshooting, etc.
I never had to do that DotA tutorial Fuch. I didn't do it in the beta, I didn't do it in full release. I think it's required for some mode or something though.
Random question (sort of), anybody here know anybody who uses southpaw?
Never heard of it.The lemons talk is a really concise way to handle that bit of game deisgn.
However, your gif is probably actually a better example of what I'm thinking of. So satisfying!
Frankles pls
I'm a leftie, have always used Default every Halo game. I'm fine mousing right-handed too, that and games have never struck me as really requiring or benefiting from one hand over the other.
Maybe there could be HUD indicators for power weapons that are visible only to brand new players. Like, they could be visible the first five times you play a map, and then never again.
I think part of the reason it looks so satisfying is it's playing back at a frame rate greater than 30fps--it's smoother than any Halo game (just look at the reload.)
I'm a leftie, have always used Default every Halo game. I'm fine mousing right-handed too, that and games have never struck me as really requiring or benefiting from one hand over the other.
I'm ambidextrous with a preference for my left, but southpaw feels weird as the model doesn't change with the control scheme. So I stuck to default controls, as it makes me more comfortable.Random question (sort of), anybody here know anybody who uses southpaw?
I think part of the reason it looks so satisfying is it's playing back at a frame rate greater than 30fps--it's smoother than any Halo game (just look at the reload.)
I'm ambidextrous with a preference for my left, but southpaw feels weird as the model doesn't change with the control scheme. So I stuck to default controls, as it make me more comfortable.
Agreed. I can think of exactly one game where I'd be better off using my left hand.
Halo on Xbox One/5/Cloak Chronicles is at 60FPS so it should look nice and smooth. I'm hoping that doesn't end up with us seeing more .JPG skyboxes.
At the very least, all that extra RAM on the XBONE means that you'll get far less compressed .JPG skyboxes![]()
At the very least, all that extra RAM on the XBONE means that you'll get far less compressed .JPG skyboxes![]()
I like this. Add in a timer for each map and you've just boosted the speedrunning community and added something that's helpful for multiplayer.Also I think there are better ways to make players learn the game rather than making the game easier for them. Tutorials, training modes, training playlists and closer skill matchmaking. How about you create obstacle courses for each map that teaches you specific jumps and sightlines. Jump on this box, shoot this target here, throw a grenade off of this wall. Give points for speed and accuracy, attach a leader board, add multiple difficulties. Grab this flag, run here, jump here.
To clarify: SC2(at least HotS anyways) has a training playlist, and then a scenario playlist. Then for actual matchmaking, there's Social and Ranked.StarCraft 2 I believe has tutorials but I'm not 100% sure. My guess is yes. They also have a skip-able training playlist where you play a certain amount of games where the maps are slightly different and the game is played at a slower speed. I skipped those because I felt they were a little too different from the core experience.
Totally agree about not forcing someone.
I like this too. It would definitely be a good addition to Waypoint and Halo 5.Doesn't apply to the actual mechanics, per se, but it'd be a fun little jab at players with halohonortenure if, upon the tutorial prompt, they pointed out you've already played through certain games. Hell, on the first run-through, they could do a simple schematic prompting Infinity training protocols, and if you said no they'd always be there in the options, but you wouldn't have to run through them.
I can dig this as well.Another way to teach your player something is through...I'm not sure what word to use. It's basically "conditioning."
In fact, Halo already sort of does this. Campaign does a good job of conditioning you on your grenade throws -- when to through them and how often mostly -- so when you get into multiplayer, grenade throwing is second nature and I don't even think about it.
I think, then, that there are other things you could do to subtly teach and condition the player to do certain things, such as how to burst fire with the AR. Perhaps enemies (like the prometheans) could be designed more to encourage better handling of the AR.
Make sense?
I can dig this, as long as it is a custom option.Prior to game release I thought the global ordnance was going to be broadcast like the tactical package "recon" I think it is, so it shows you the location and timer prior to the power weapon dropping. Personally I'd like to see a 10-20 second indicator for all players. Sure it removes the weapon spawning memorisation but it promotes team strategy and dynamic map movement. When they said 3-6 global drop points I had thought it picks one at random, broadcasts it with a timer to all and then disappears once dropped via pod.
I still want this version implemented as part of the core, I feel it allows enemy spawn killing/trapping in a temporary mode, promotes forced map movement, team communication/strategy and keeps that core element of battle for map pick ups. After all you could split your team, create ambushes, allow newer or solo players a chance but still reward team work and slaying skills/map positioning.
@Tashi @Warher
I can dig this stuff too.I think a basic and quick intro to the multiplayer might be useful--give them a match maybe with scripted bots or a modified map to get the basic feel down. But ultimately like Tashi says a lot of it comes with practice. I'd like to think Halo can be a place where casuals can learn to be competent, if not stellar--I don't think I'd ever touch a game like LoL or DotA now if I hadn't had a casual LAN environment to play it back in high school, because everyone is a prick. And by everyone I mean the whole "it's just a few internet bad apples spoiling the bunch" sentiment is absolutely wrong. Mess up even slightly, deviate from your heroes' build by a single item, and you will be trashed by text or voice.
You could argue something that makes more sense for the competitive crowd is to put the competitive playlist behind some kind of trial wall--you have to play 5 or 10 placement matches before you start getting ranked. (Once again, DotA's crazy requirement of ~100 matches in unranked before you can actually get a rank is stupid.)
I can see the argument that you should remove ordnance notifiers in competitive modes, but personally I think they were a solid idea to implement. Ultimately I think that Halo needs to cater to the lowest denominator--and by that, I don't really mean the worst players, but the worst scenario players will be put into, that of a bunch of randoms with little coordination. Indicators help people learn where stuff appears on the map, rather than getting obliterated by the rocket that seemed to appear magically. Knowing a powerup is going to drop a few seconds before, as Ozzy suggests, at least helps a noncommunicative team be prompted to head for the same goals.
On that subject, we were talking about it during customs I think but the ideal matchmaking screen goes beyond the Halo 2 lobby style. Give me a side screen where I can blow up the map, see a brief description, a map with the locations of power weapons or powerups, and maybe even a short video that walks me through the high points of the level while I wait for voting to finish.
Fact is, a lot of people will never use this stuff, but in that sense it's like marketing--you've got to put a lot of work into grabbing the eyeballs you want. If even a fairly small percentage of players use these tools, that's a net benefit for the game population in my eyes.
Brilliant. Ship it, 343.I like this. Add in a timer for each map and you've just boosted the speedrunning community and added something that's helpful for multiplayer.
I know I don't hardly ever input into real conversations much, but you guys are my favorite people in the world. I miss playing games with you guys![]()
Everyone should download and play this. Its the best form of free to play ever....its just free
My housemate is nuts about it, but I just can't stand the game. Cool profit model, though, for sure.Everyone should download and play this. Its the best form of free to play ever....its just free![]()
I know I don't hardly ever input into real conversations much, but you guys are my favorite people in the world. I miss playing games with you guys![]()
I know I don't hardly ever input into real conversations much, but you guys are my favorite people in the world. I miss playing games with you guys![]()
We have more or less direct experience of this being a total shitshow when implemented in Halo and applied to standard, cycled power weapon spawn locations. Invasion Slayer and Skirmish had a 10 second timer after the point was captured, and then power weapons spawned in. While maybe in a perfect team environment people would have had strong communication and set up ambushes or whatever around it, in reality people just acted like internet assholes and crowded around the spot holding the pickup button. It was a goddamn nightmare.Prior to game release I thought the global ordnance was going to be broadcast like the tactical package "recon" I think it is, so it shows you the location and timer prior to the power weapon dropping. Personally I'd like to see a 10-20 second indicator for all players. Sure it removes the weapon spawning memorisation but it promotes team strategy and dynamic map movement.
I very, very seriously doubt you would see any of those benefits with any just about any form of the global ordnance system in a team-based environment, especially given how restrictive it would have to be on the map design for it not to be absolutely frustrating. I mean, random rune spawns in DOTA work because A) the vision mechanics of that genre, B) there are only two spawn locations, and C) they are in complete no man's land - this is a benefit that game is able to enjoy because they have one map in that game, it's just the DOTA map. There isn't really that dynamic in a shooter, because there isn't always that kind of very strong territorial break directly in the middle of every single map. There simply aren't enough truly neutral locations on a given shooter map to make that work without having spawn locations that are advantageous to one team or another. You can get away with more on maps with perfect symmetry, but Halo's map rosters have always had significant amounts of strongly asymmetric maps where that is just going to be an incredibly frustrating experience. When you take spawn information out of the players' hands, the experience stops being predictable (not in the sense of it being boring) - they're no longer easily capable of forming plans around the static elements of the match - and instead becomes a very reactive scramble that in a lot of ways, is far less rewarding than seeing a well-laid plan come to fruition. That has always been my central complaint with the global ordnance system since the day it was announced.I still want this version implemented as part of the core, I feel it allows enemy spawn killing/trapping in a temporary mode, promotes forced map movement, team communication/strategy and keeps that core element of battle for map pick ups. After all you could split your team, create ambushes, allow newer or solo players a chance but still reward team work and slaying skills/map positioning.
I can dig this as well.
I may or may not be stealing these things for one of my upcoming articles.
I hope someone at 343 has taken some of this feedback and the ideas you guys have into account and relay it to those who can use it most effectively.
Some wonderful posts today folks.
Doesn't apply to the actual mechanics, per se, but it'd be a fun little jab at players with halohonortenure if, upon the tutorial prompt, they pointed out you've already played through certain games. Hell, on the first run-through, they could do a simple schematic prompting Infinity training protocols, and if you said no they'd always be there in the options, but you wouldn't have to run through them.
Palmer and Roland could eye the player as your suit's being calibrated for the first time with some dynamic dialogue:
[If you've made zero progress through any halo game]
Palmer: "Sit tight while we debug your shielding, Marine. Roland, give me an idea on the new recruit's study habits, would you?"
Roland: "Let's see here..." *Roland flips through some hologram archives* "Blank slate, ma'am. Kid should probably be put through a couple drills, stay on the safe side."
(cue yes / no prompt for the player)
[If you've gone through some prior games, could vary depending on what you've done, of course]
Palmer: "Sit tight while we debug your shielding, Marine. Roland, give me an idea on the new recruit's study habits, would you? We might want to boot up those Infinity drills."
Roland: "Let's see here... huh, what do you know, we've got a historian. My records have all the major sims listed - Alpha Halo event, Chief's campaign on Delta, urban scuffles in Voi, field trip to the Ark, and a couple extras for good measure - Noble's last run on Reach and even some sleuthing in New Mombasa after the slipspace event."
Palmer: "I stand corrected, looks like this isn't your first rodeo. What do you say?"
(yes / no)
I hope someone at 343 has taken some of this feedback and the ideas you guys have into account and relay it to those who can use it most effectively.
Some wonderful posts today folks.
I agree.
I hope I didn't completely scare Frankie off with that last big argument. :/
I hope he comes back and reads page 179.
Good stuff guys.![]()
Seriously. If I were him I'd have all of HaloGAF on ignore by now.I'm not sure that there's anything that would scare him off of GAF lol
Seriously. If I were him I'd have all of HaloGAF on ignore by now.
You switched to a different gun? Sounds like the campaign is telling you how to use AR properly...I brought up the AR because I never really felt like the Campaign taught me how to use the AR properly. Brutes, for example, you can just hold down the trigger until their shields come off and they fall over dead. Then run to cover (since your shields are probably dead by now) and reload. On harder difficulties, you can't really do that, so I just switched to a different gun.
Geometrically-animated water can sit it out until the dynamic lighting at least gets spotlights and specularity.Here's hoping it's 1080p as well.
And with water tessellation (like in Halo 3 and Viva Pinata but refined) just cus it's cool.
Did you just have your very first beer or something?
Pretty good man, thanks for asking. I have a show this Friday, well an open mic but still. Trying nothing but new shit.How's standup going?
You're alright too.
jk buddy, i know things have been going rough lately, but ilu bro
Go onHaha, nah man, I've drunk posted beforeI dreamed about you that night.
Never said you were.See? I'm not always a terrible poster.![]()
I usually just drop stuff here and then repost it on my blog or vice verse. And most of the time, I drop a name to whenever someone comes up with something that I like.I'd be interested to see how you do it. Link us to it, naturally. Where do you post your articles do? (Forgive me if I'm out of sync with ya'll on this kind of stuff).
And meh, you could just quote us. Or even just mention something ambiguous as to the things that got you to thinking? Even "On the internet" or something slightly more specific "From speaking with some of the HaloGAF community." etc.
I just want this kind of stuff in the game so Halo can be better, so I don't care a whole whole lot.
karl is the real stinkles confirmed
Anyways, I cleared my ignore list, and there's only one person on it.
We have more or less direct experience of this being a total shitshow when implemented in Halo and applied to standard, cycled power weapon spawn locations. Invasion Slayer and Skirmish had a 10 second timer after the point was captured, and then power weapons spawned in. While maybe in a perfect team environment people would have had strong communication and set up ambushes or whatever around it, in reality people just acted like internet assholes and crowded around the spot holding the pickup button. It was a goddamn nightmare.
I love the Gears map overlay, because it presents information to the players and then leaves it up to them to give enough of a shit about the game to remember that information while under fire. Tailor it by adding in spawn time information and you've got a great balance between surfacing useful information to new or less dedicated players and rewarding players that take the time to internalize that information.
I very, very seriously doubt you would see any of those benefits with any just about any form of the global ordnance system in a team-based environment, especially given how restrictive it would have to be on the map design for it not to be absolutely frustrating. I mean, random rune spawns in DOTA work because A) the vision mechanics of that genre, B) there are only two spawn locations, and C) they are in complete no man's land - this is a benefit that game is able to enjoy because they have one map in that game, it's just the DOTA map. There isn't really that dynamic in a shooter, because there isn't always that kind of very strong territorial break directly in the middle of every single map. There simply aren't enough truly neutral locations on a given shooter map to make that work without having spawn locations that are advantageous to one team or another. You can get away with more on maps with perfect symmetry, but Halo's map rosters have always had significant amounts of strongly asymmetric maps where that is just going to be an incredibly frustrating experience. When you take spawn information out of the players' hands, the experience stops being predictable (not in the sense of it being boring) - they're no longer easily capable of forming plans around the static elements of the match - and instead becomes a very reactive scramble that in a lot of ways, is far less rewarding than seeing a well-laid plan come to fruition. That has always been my central complaint with the global ordnance system since the day it was announced.
I think it has much greater potential to function properly in a free-for-all environment since it's already a much more rotational mode where players are intrinsically less likely to hole up since they have to be extremely aggressive to be successful. In a team game with varying types and sizes of maps, it's just a recipe for disaster.
Haha, nah man, I've drunk posted beforeI dreamed about you that night
343's goal of making Halo more accessible for new players is a good thing to think about. But the way they implemented it made for an awful Halo game, and in many ways worked against their goal. Personal ordnance, random weapon drops, or losing a skirmish just cause you don't have the right AA / perk don't feel fair. I want to lose a fight because my opponent is more skilled, not because I got a bad dice roll.I found nearly every idea I read in the last page or so, to be just silly.