Oh that was my OG acct.
Uh oh.
Oh that was my OG acct.
Haha, okay. Wondering since it seems to have been around for a while (based on these post), and I've never seen it. Assumed Karl was just the messenger. Nice job Karl, I laughed.
Needs a harmonica and a revolver to make wasteland drifter chief a reality.
That one was actually a joke.I was continuing his bad sarcasm/joke.
Titanfall 360's developer is Bluepoint games! So excited!
...Since when does bluepoint make 360 games?
YepDidn't they also port the MGS Collection to 360?
Didn't they also port the MGS Collection to 360?
Remember that Legends video (I think) where the Elites/Humans we reanimated and walked out naked from a Halo installation or on a planet...
Well what if in game those devices were used to unleash a crazy range of races/characters from the Forerunner archives? It would be like the Flood releasing back in CE. You'd have triggered it, have to deal with and then learn about it. You'd have these crazy AI moments like in Halo 2 where the factions were fighting and you could slip past or fight head on. You'd have wicked AI from the cloud battling for resources and it could play out dynamically but be part of a larger static story.
That's my random Halo thought for this week.
An enemy that lives in the clouds? How does that fit halo at all?
You idiot, I smiled. The Xbox Azure/Compute cloud processing of AI/persistent worlds etc.
Ok, you're right. I just looked up their wikipedia page. But that's the only thing. Why would MS choose them over somebody like Saber or whoever?
EA, not MS
So now that you've told us that, power wise, it's achievable, how does it fit into the Halo universe?
I still want an answer about my Elite female post. I've been wondering about this for quite some time now.
Still, why Bluepoint? Just wondering if anybody has any insight as to why they would be a good pick. I mean, maybe it's just as simple as they were the cheapest, quickest, etc. developer available.
An enemy that lives in the clouds? How does that fit halo at all?
What do Elite females look like? I mean, Arby had a wifu once. I mean, I'm all for keeping crappy female characters ala Palmer out of Halo, but if done in a super epic fashion in line with Elites as we know them (cool but not an arrogant bitch; example coming to mind to explain what I'm getting at is Black Widow from The Avengers), I think it'd actually be pretty cool. Have them smaller and more agile than males.
halopedia said:Although Sangheili society is classified as being patriarchal,[6] and while most males serve as warriors, female Sangheili hold considerable power in issues within their family keeps, including political matters, civil duties and trade, while Sangheili males are sent into service as warriors. Only the females have access to records of their own bloodlines, and are able to choose their mates.[44] The maintaining of a clan's familial records is typically the duty of the wife of the keep elder.[45]
Sangheili warriors form very close-knitted relationships, referring to their comrades as "brothers" and remaining intensely loyal to them. This loyalty is shown in the custom of grieving after the death of a fallen comrade, a ritual which includes prayer for the dead warrior.
Both male and female Sangheili are taught to fight from a young age. Though only males go on to become warriors, it is believed that the females should be able to defend themselves in the event their keep is attacked.[47] A popular pastime for Sangheili children is to hunt small rat-like creatures that live on their homeworld.[48]
Well the Forerunners archived as much as they could, meticulously so, I'd like to see that in game. Sure for the story element tie-in but also gameplay as you could introduce a wide variety of enemies/races or differing tactics and hitboxes all the same.
A simple segue is much like the flood, you're exploring an existing Halo and trigger the archive into restoration so all hell breaks loose. A nice throw back to the original Halo for a couple of missions. You could also use the ships the Forerunners used to repopulate a planet or race, imagine the Janus Key has you travel to a far off world only you discover an abandoned Forerunner repopulation ship and unleash a couple of clashing races of enemies. You could even write in side missions for an open world Halo so to upgrade coop or campaign weapons/armour you need to restore a certain ally/enemy, escort them to a hidden cache only they'll remember and bam, instant and exciting mission.
That's the beauty of the Forerunner archive/repopulating mechanics in that it could easily be written in, have meaning and introduce gameplay all at the same time. Also with the new features for background AI/NPCs and worlds this could really extend Halo into a living and breathing persistent universe.
It's been nine minutes. Someone will respond to you if they want.I still want an answer about my Elite female post. I've been wondering about this for quite some time now.
From what I remember seeing in "The Return" when it got the motion-comic treatment on Waypoint, Female Elites don't look that different from males.What do Elite females look like?
It's been nine minutes. Someone will respond to you if they want.
Or Didact is isolated away from the Prometheans and his only option is to unleash a bunch of crazy ancient aliens to distract the player until he gets Prometheans back. And then he does, but they're upgraded versions. And he loses control of the aliens. Three way battles again.
Allowing us to experience a new type of enemy(aliens), then seeing a potential redesign in both looks and tactics for the Prometheans, and then we'd be able to face them both again, just like the latter missions of Halo: CE.
I like the way you think, Oz.
Your reply and my post combined would make a sweet mission in its own right.
Janus Key = time and place
Archive repopulation = race(s) and enemies/tactics/AI/weapons
Didact/Jul/Prometheans = overarching story
John/Halsey = playing catch up through all of this larger space opera
It would be sweet to see the craziness of races unleashed, prometheans/composing on going, a large play space and us navigating/battling through while reinforcement SIV's or ... blue team drop in. Yup, I want something along these lines.
Also HaloGAF, like, Ozzy...uh oh divide by zero![]()
You idiot, I smiled. The Xbox Azure/Compute cloud processing of AI/persistent worlds etc.
Speaking of this stuff. With the Xbox One being kinda week in the power department. What would you think if the Halo the campaign is online only in order to take advantage of cloud processing? I would be all for it if we could have 1080p, 60 frames, lots of AI, and huge environments.
Speaking of this stuff. With the Xbox One being kinda week in the power department. What would you think if the Halo the campaign is online only in order to take advantage of cloud processing? I would be all for it if we could have 1080p, 60 frames, lots of AI, and huge environments.
Speaking of this stuff. With the Xbox One being kinda week in the power department. What would you think if the Halo the campaign is online only in order to take advantage of cloud processing? I would be all for it if we could have 1080p, 60 frames, lots of AI, and huge environments.
I'm not convinced that's a real thing. Only example I'm aware of is Forza's driveatars, but are those actually real-time AI running in the cloud, or are you just downloading a list of behaviors the in-game AI follows (I actually have no idea about this so if it's actually awesome I'd love to be wrong)?Speaking of this stuff. With the Xbox One being kinda week in the power department. What would you think if the Halo the campaign is online only in order to take advantage of cloud processing? I would be all for it if we could have 1080p, 60 frames, lots of AI, and huge environments.
No, no, and no. More comic book-style characters is not what Halo needs. Elite culture has also pretty handily explained that female Elites generally take more passive, domestic positions but do still have the ability to fight. See here:
Females don't reach the front lines because they're feudal Japan in space. That being said, it'd be simple enough to handwave "human cultural involvement" giving the Elites a degree of space suffrage.
With regards to anatomy, considering the children aren't raised by their natural fathers and they're an overall saurian species, I doubt the females look much different from the males at all, unless the books have covered something I've missed.
And honestly, I would think that female Sangheili should be smaller than males. Not having them look different doesn't seem to serve a purpose. Plus, it doesn't seem to fit with most traditional character design. Females are usually drastically different than males in fictional creatures/species.
Also, why need they all be the same size any way? I mean, we humans have a huge variance in how tall we are (women are usually shorter than men, but can get pretty tall regardless, depending on genes), so why need Sangheili be any different? I think a similar rule (Females are generally smaller than males, but overall depends on the family they come from) would actually help to make Sangheili seem more real and unique than flat and all same-y.
Juan said:Halo 4 had some good ideas, like this lobby :
In terme of visual design, you first guess you are not the leader of this group, you know it in less than a second.
About the information hierarchy, you have the right informations about the game you will play, this is just what you need when you're in a lobby (at least when you're a casual). One a the thing I would say about this lobby is there is a wrong icon for this gametype, I'm not sure a flag is a perfect reminder for a slayer gametype.
I have to tilt my head to read the fucking gamertags.
It's stupid.
You could not because I don't have posted Halo UI. You feel offended because I said you create picture from photoshop without really think about it ?
So first, think I'm a casual gamer who know nothing about Halo, and we won't talk about the art direction, just usability.
Who is the leader ? Why is he not highlight ? I mean, I'm a noob, I don't know the first player on the list is the leader of this game, and he has the hand on the lobby.
Why do you put "Team : on" on the left when even a noob could see there are two teams on the right (the colors help) ?
Hunt ? What is that ? Is this the name of the map ?
Settings ? Is it about the setting of the game or the setting for the player I am, like my personnal informations & cie ?
Quick question, Party is for the lobby or to see my friend list (yeah, I don't use Halo, but I know at least how a Xbox One works I guess) ?
Weekly news : Do you really need this in a lobby ? Could be more usefull from the start of the game, like Battlefield 4 made it, don't you think ? (Even if I dislike update in a interface, it was a good idea in Halo 2/3/Reach because it was when I was waiting in a matchmaking lobby, so I had something to read).
Why should I focus on weekly news when it's all about the custom game I will play ?
Assuming you're the kind of person who enjoys rule 34, google it.I still want an answer about my Elite female post. I've been wondering about this for quite some time now.
Cloud processing is a buzzword, I wouldn't expect much from it.Speaking of this stuff. With the Xbox One being kinda week in the power department. What would you think if the Halo the campaign is online only in order to take advantage of cloud processing? I would be all for it if we could have 1080p, 60 frames, lots of AI, and huge environments.
What the hell is wrong with you? Online only campaign, are you Speedy's alt or something?Speaking of this stuff. With the Xbox One being kinda week in the power department. What would you think if the Halo the campaign is online only in order to take advantage of cloud processing? I would be all for it if we could have 1080p, 60 frames, lots of AI, and huge environments.
Speaking of this stuff. With the Xbox One being kinda week in the power department. What would you think if the Halo the campaign is online only in order to take advantage of cloud processing? I would be all for it if we could have 1080p, 60 frames, lots of AI, and huge environments.
Cloud processing is a buzzword, I wouldn't expect much from it.
We have already seen a lot of 720/1080 and 30/60 FPS, expect this to be a trend through out the generation but do not let it hinder what YOU want to play.
Btw, had some ideas for the UI and this is what I came up with
Sorry but I'm no professional
Sure, that's no problem. I'd like to keep playing Halo and i'm not that big on fancy visuals.
But... the price: Xbone. Where you pay more for less power and unnecessary (fucking Kinect). And it ain't available in Finland yet anyway. Wonder when it will be, did we every get any word when Xbone will launch in "second-tier" countries?
I wonder, Halo 5 will be 60FPS, supposedly anyway (i bet it won't be stable). But what about resolution? Since Halo is MS's flagship, will they push for 1080p or keep it lower?
I'd imagine somewhat-better-than-Halo 4-level visuals at 60FPS/1080p are not impossible. But is that too low for Xbone Halo?