You're doing the same thing Chettlar does. Don't be like Chettlar.
Um, what does this mean? What do I do? And how is it unique to me?
Whose Chettlar?
I am Chettlar, thank you very much.
You're doing the same thing Chettlar does. Don't be like Chettlar.
Whose Chettlar?
I don't know the point you're trying to make. I didn't feel she was oversexualized or reduced to anything lower than she was. Everything that happened to me felt natural of her character evolution through Fall of Reach to Halo 4. First we were talking about Cortana, and now you have gone on about the other female characters. (I won't argue that Palmer is a strong character, she isn't.)
So, keeping the tradition of "babbyGAF" alive, would this avatar be going in "too far", or is it fine?
Already bad enough getting Tag Quoted, don't want to be avatar quoted (more than I already am).
why do you do this to yourself.
I currently don't want one/any, but I like being around them some times, when they're well behaved.Babies suck just saying, they are smelly and noisy (In other words I'm awful with children).
I'm saying since it may be bullshit and makes scurrilous accusations with confusing"proof" you're not reading it on the front page of GAF.
edit: weird. My previous post shows as edited, but I never touched it.
The scene could play a couple of different ways using the same dialog, 343 chose to go with a more unrequited love route instead of a more platonic sense of impending loss that would have fallen more in line with her character.Uncomfortable... What. Yeah sorry not seeing it. I thought it was a natural evolution of them working together. It was also built up because the fact that she is near death and knowing she isn't Human and so she can't "feel," which considering she is based off a human brain, it's natural she would yearn for things that which Human's only have.
Even with the netcode, inconsistent BR and low population multiplayer has?
Cortana being an AI is irrelevant to me. She could still love Chief, and Chief could still love her. The fact that we even assign a gender to her shows how close to human we think of her. Look up some fanfic to see how many real life people really do want to bone her.
The problem I have isn't that the seeming sexual attraction isn't realistic, but that it's unnecessary, and detracts from the relationship otherwise represented in the fiction. Their love was one between friends, and even hinting that it was sexual feels cheap to me.
Apparently it's been cleaned up. Feels like a CIA operation lol
I can't blame em, if a source was compromised I would try to clean it up.
The Neogaf is literally Anti-MS propaganda bit is BS though haha.
Yep. Also, copy/pasting 4v4 settings into doubles, wholly ignoring the obvious need for adjusted spawn times, weapon locations, ammo counts etc. Shiska wrought a legacy of ruin on almost all of the playlists he touched. MLG scorches so brightly because it is free of his disastrous influence. I sometimes wonder if he sat around smoking blunts all day laughing at madkids on the bungie playlist forums.
Seriously the video is adorable.
Apparently it's been cleaned up. Feels like a CIA operation lol
Not once during Halo 4 did I take Chief's and Cortana's character development as "Chief and Cortana are thirstyyyyyyyyyyyyy".
The whole time I saw them developing from a Partners relationship to a "Mother/Son" relationship, with Cortana knowing she won't be around for much longer, and is slowly going insane and will die, and Chief realizing that he's losing the only person he's ever cared for, his only friend.
Cortana being an AI is irrelevant to me. She could still love Chief, and Chief could still love her. The fact that we even assign a gender to her shows how close to human we think of her. Look up some fanfic to see how many real life people really do want to bone her.
The problem I have isn't that the seeming sexual attraction isn't realistic, but that it's unnecessary, and detracts from the relationship otherwise represented in the fiction. Their love was one between friends, and even hinting that it was sexual feels cheap to me.
My stance hasn't changed at all: I said the relationship between Chief and Cortana at the end was uncomfortable, you said it wasn't, I countered with the fact that she isn't human at all so such evolution of a relationship isn't natural. You then mentioned a retcon, I mentioned other female characters as the general state of game was towards them as a general observation.
So, keeping the tradition of "babbyGAF" alive, would this avatar be going in "too far", or is it fine?
Already bad enough getting Tag Quoted, don't want to be avatar quoted (more than I already am).
Cortana being an AI is irrelevant to me. She could still love Chief, and Chief could still love her. The fact that we even assign a gender to her shows how close to human we think of her. Look up some fanfic to see how many real life people really do want to bone her.
The problem I have isn't that the seeming sexual attraction isn't realistic, but that it's unnecessary, and detracts from the relationship otherwise represented in the fiction. Their love was one between friends, and even hinting that it was sexual feels cheap to me.
I don't think it was necessarily sexual per se. Humans often express affection through touch, sexual or not. She "loves" him, and she's about to die. I'm pretty sure I would want to touch a person that I cared deeply for (not in a sexual manner) if I had never done so and was about to die. I still think it could easily have been perfectly platonic. Or at least, it should have been, if that makes sense.
Not that I think it wasn't a comfortable scene. I agree with Stormtrooper on that front. It wasn't really done well. I get what 343 were trying to do, but I think they could have done it a little better without it seeming so "forced."
Wait and see when they are ill or upset that will put you of them.I currently don't want one/any, but I like being around them some times, when they're well behaved.
It does make it better than 4 and reach. Host selection isn't that great for non US people I either get stuck with Australia, Canada or Mexico as a host which sucks.Since I stopped playing H4 I went back to H3. Only play TS playlist and occasionally some MT. 1/10 games I find have bad host. Find games in a reasonable amount of time and never had a problem getting kills with the BR. Of course I'm playing prime hours on the east coast.
But u really know what's SO GREAT?
No bullshit elements in the game like in Reach and 4. It's wonderful.
Being based and close to human isn't the same as being a human.Cortana is VERY close to a Human. If she was regular AI who wasn't based on a human, then yes, you would have a point and it wouldn't be natural. However Cortana IS based on a Human.
I was wondering about the chest touch, since I thought physically touching him could be a good idea, but idk. I tried to think of somewhere else she could touch him, and the only other one I could think of was his hand, but that's about as...i don't know, not right.
I think the issue is really that she shouldn't have touched him at all in Halo 4. Not as an AI. I almost feel like it would be more appropriate to have her become a human before touching him. I mean, come on, she's not even physical, how is she supposed to touch him? Cuz spacey sci-fi cool magic that's why lol. That would have made her becoming human much more meaningful, I should think. I mean, that iswhat is supposed to happen eventually, right?
Chief and Cortana's relationship in Halo 4 is largely ambiguous, but there are definitely cues that could be read as sexual, and they're so blatant that I refuse to believe they're accidental. The question, then, is why? What does it add to the characters or the narrative? Maybe the physical touch was added to give a humanitizing moment between two friends who are often seen as inhuman. But a chest touch? I dunno.
I always intepreted their relationship as a subtle family ties sort of deal, primarily in the mother-son sense. Given she's a flash clone of Halsey's brain, who was already a proverbial mother to the Spartans, the fact that Cortana had some more deliberately intimate feelings towards Chief (wanting to touch him, etc.) was pretty weird for me. Then again, she was dying for the entirety of the game, so it might have just been rampancy doing that to her. Hard to say.
Just have her hug Chief, dammit. If she's about to die and wants a quick, just-friends way of physically interacting with him, give him a hug. Don't touch his chest and fiddle with his Spartan nips. Don't twerk all over his visor. Give the poor guy a hug, goddammit! He's saved the galaxy a couple of times now while watching most of his childhood friends die and his race fall victim to a plethora of alien menaces.
If Chief doesn't get to finally see Halsey again by the end of the franchise I'm going to be pissed.
-- I think the inference is that she was using a hardlight body or the Chief was actually in a virtual space similar to the one that he met the Librarian imprint in (and that Halsey later enters).I think the issue is really that she shouldn't have touched him at all in Halo 4. Not as an AI. I almost feel like it would be more appropriate to have her become a human before touching him. I mean, come on, she's not even physical, how is she supposed to touch him? Cuz spacey sci-fi cool magic that's why lol. That would have made her becoming human much more meaningful, I should think. I mean, that iswhat is supposed to happen eventually, right?
I think it's a really touching (lol) gesture, even if she couldn't physically touch him. Some other type of touch could have given the same effect without being so easily read as sexual. Like, a Star Trek II style hand touch. I dunno, I guess any touch could be read as sexual, and really it's the context and writing that really sets the tone. I'm not sure what I'd change.I was wondering about the chest touch, since I thought physically touching him could be a good idea, but idk. I tried to think of somewhere else she could touch him, and the only other one I could think of was his hand, but that's about as...i don't know, not right.
I think the issue is really that she shouldn't have touched him at all in Halo 4. Not as an AI. I almost feel like it would be more appropriate to have her become a human before touching him. I mean, come on, she's not even physical, how is she supposed to touch him? Cuz spacey sci-fi cool magic that's why lol. That would have made her becoming human much more meaningful, I should think. I mean, that iswhat is supposed to happen eventually, right?
I don't think it was sexual either, but like you think it was just some inept writing and staging right at the end that pushed it into awkard, uncertain territory.
I hate to be the guy to suggest Schlerf or whoever was writing that scene should have realized how it would have been interpreted sexually and corrected for it, because I don't like the idea of people misreading situations influencing your art, but that juvenile "Cortana x Master Chief space AI sexxxx" attitude is there and as close as you get to it you can't be surprised people might take it that way.
I think it's a really touching (lol) gesture, even if she couldn't physically touch him. Some other type of touch could have given the same effect without being so easily read as sexual. Like, a Star Trek II style hand touch. I dunno, I guess any touch could be read as sexual, and really it's the context and writing that really sets the tone. I'm not sure what I'd change.
I think he's saying you post too much.Um, what does this mean? What do I do? And how is it unique to me?
The concept of touching is designed to show the frustration of being unable to connect except through simulation - that while he is her best friend, she could never really know him except through simulation. there's an earlier piece of Cortana writing somewhere where she muses on not being sure f what she's experiencing is real, or simply what instructions tell her is "reality." It's an age old human/AI question about reality/simulation and whether or not there's any difference. She's using better tech (Forerunner) to enhance her projection, but the moment is definitely a cypher for how PLAYERS feel about her in that moment too. Chest does not equal nipples. But I admit I LOLd at twerking.
Nobody is wrong to interpret it as romance if that's how they want to feel about it, but the intention is certainly something else, and much more complicated than either platonic or romantic love.
It's about existence.
I think he's saying you post too much.
I feel like I'm the only one who saw that scene and didn't think it was sexual.
That's kind of what I was trying to say. I get what you guys were trying to do, and I think it's actually pretty cool that you tried to do that. edit: like very cool. I'm just not sure how I feel about how you did it. Cortana's lines in the scene kind of killed it for me, even though I thought she acted with what she was given very nicely. "Forced" is the word I used before.
I don't think so. I think kittens is referring to the number of "..." I use. I have to admit, I use quite a lot of them...
I think it's a really touching (lol) gesture, even if she couldn't physically touch him. Some other type of touch could have given the same effect without being so easily read as sexual. Like, a Star Trek II style hand touch. I dunno, I guess any touch could be read as sexual, and really it's the context and writing that really sets the tone. I'm not sure what I'd change.
The concept of touching is designed to show the frustration of being unable to connect except through simulation - that while he is her best friend, she could never really know him except through simulation. there's an earlier piece of Cortana writing somewhere where she muses on not being sure f what she's experiencing is real, or simply what instructions tell her is "reality." It's an age old human/AI question about reality/simulation and whether or not there's any difference. She's using better tech (Forerunner) to enhance her projection, but the moment is definitely a cypher for how PLAYERS feel about her in that moment too. Chest does not equal nipples. But I admit I LOLd at twerking.
Nobody is wrong to interpret it as romance if that's how they want to feel about it, but the intention is certainly something else, and much more complicated than either platonic or romantic love. Heart is a human construct with no physical connection to the soul - but a metaphorical one. Chest. Brain on the other hand is a chemical computer.
It's about existence.
I feel like I'm the only one who saw that scene and didn't think it was sexual.
The concept of touching is designed to show the frustration of being unable to connect except through simulation - that while he is her best friend, she could never really know him except through simulation. there's an earlier piece of Cortana writing somewhere where she muses on not being sure f what she's experiencing is real, or simply what instructions tell her is "reality." It's an age old human/AI question about reality/simulation and whether or not there's any difference. She's using better tech (Forerunner) to enhance her projection, but the moment is definitely a cypher for how PLAYERS feel about her in that moment too. Chest does not equal nipples. But I admit I LOLd at twerking.
Nobody is wrong to interpret it as romance if that's how they want to feel about it, but the intention is certainly something else, and much more complicated than either platonic or romantic love. Heart is a human construct with no physical connection to the soul - but a metaphorical one. Chest. Brain on the other hand is a chemical computer.
It's about existence.
You're not. It was very evident to me on my first playthrough what they were going for, and the romance angle people are suggesting is, in my eyes, a very shallow interpretation of that relationship.I feel like I'm the only one who saw that scene and didn't think it was sexual.
the piece in question may be the beginning of the mission with the Pelican. she tells chief about how she knows the artificial sun is just that. but then throws her own doubt onto that, because of the apparent rampancy.
is that what you were referring to?
The whole heart thing is pretty enlightening, though. She's trying to empathize with Chief on a spiritual / human level above all else in that moment, rather than just be the one to unlock 256,000-bit encryption keys for him or survey landscapes. That makes a lot of sense, but it's also pretty depressing considering it means she was finally starting to understand the idea of being human (and by extension transsentience) just before she died.
See my post.
I can't argue about how you feel about execution and it's not like we didn't "worry" about this, just some insight into conversations.
You're not the only one lol.
You're not. It was very evident to me on my first playthrough what they were going for, and the romance angle people are suggesting is, in my eyes, a very shallow interpretation of that relationship.
Well put. That makes a lot of sense.The concept of touching is designed to show the frustration of being unable to connect except through simulation - that while he is her best friend, she could never really know him except through simulation. there's an earlier piece of Cortana writing somewhere where she muses on not being sure f what she's experiencing is real, or simply what instructions tell her is "reality." It's an age old human/AI question about reality/simulation and whether or not there's any difference. She's using better tech (Forerunner) to enhance her projection, but the moment is definitely a cypher for how PLAYERS feel about her in that moment too. Chest does not equal nipples. But I admit I LOLd at twerking.
Nobody is wrong to interpret it as romance if that's how they want to feel about it, but the intention is certainly something else, and much more complicated than either platonic or romantic love. Heart is a human construct with no physical connection to the soul - but a metaphorical one. Chest. Brain on the other hand is a chemical computer.
It's about existence.
Yeah, I read that stuff as being pretty damn flirtatious, despite of the creators' intent and the actual canon.Cortana's making a pretty unsettling "bone-me" face the entire time she's looking at Chief, and the delivery of "What, I'm the strangest thing you've seen all day?" as she's put on a decidedly human pose and avatar of a completely nude human female probably doesn't help. Cortana's appearance is based on Halsey's fresh out of college according to the Reach diary, so make of that what you will.
So, keeping the tradition of "babbyGAF" alive, would this avatar be going in "too far", or is it fine?
Already bad enough getting Tag Quoted, don't want to be avatar quoted (more than I already am).
Speaking of connections. I didn't know Halo 4 did that thing where the game starts with a good host and no one is teleporting or lagging and then decides to find the one australian in the game and give it to them instead.
sorry ozzy
I feel like I'm the only one who saw that scene and didn't think it was sexual.
So is the cboat being outed thing real?
reading about it elsewhere. Which if you find it will make perfect sense. Could also be bullshit.
I'm still annoyed that Cortana was even entering rampancy in Halo 4.
There was a pretty popular theory going around a few years ago that Cortana had been 'pulled' out of rampancy by the Chief in Halo 3 when he found her in High Charity. I liked that theory
I'm still annoyed that Cortana was even entering rampancy in Halo 4.
There was a pretty popular theory going around a few years ago that Cortana had been 'pulled' out of rampancy by the Chief in Halo 3 when he found her in High Charity. I liked that theory
The concept of touching is designed to show the frustration of being unable to connect except through simulation - that while he is her best friend, she could never really know him except through simulation. there's an earlier piece of Cortana writing somewhere where she muses on not being sure f what she's experiencing is real, or simply what instructions tell her is "reality." It's an age old human/AI question about reality/simulation and whether or not there's any difference. She's using better tech (Forerunner) to enhance her projection, but the moment is definitely a cypher for how PLAYERS feel about her in that moment too. Chest does not equal nipples. But I admit I LOLd at twerking.
Nobody is wrong to interpret it as romance if that's how they want to feel about it, but the intention is certainly something else, and much more complicated than either platonic or romantic love. Heart is a human construct with no physical connection to the soul - but a metaphorical one. Chest. Brain on the other hand is a chemical computer.
It's about existence.