So apparently it's not very competitive but that doesn't mean it won't be fun for most players. It doesn't even seem to be pretending it can be played really competitively, so it doesn't really bother me all that much, but I was never expecting it to be a Halo replacement either.
Thought this was full of all sorts of bullshit:
So they're adding randomness and think Halo is too difficult for players. What a load of crud. Clear example of bullshit reasoning to include superfluous gameplay elements.
"Not do it in a way where pro gamers [lol, 'pro' gamers] could come in and dominate the environment, by knowing the exact way to start a match"
So devs are just openly shitting on trueskill now? This quote is quite outrageous. What does MS think of their exclusive xb1 game having a dev with nil faith in their much lauded skill matching system? Frankie? Surely a pro player would never match an inexperienced participant.
Video games are all but dead to me when a player knowing how to play the game is a problem to equalise. The show's over.
Plus Titanfall looks fucking terrible. Grey skies, grey buildings, grey mechs. Grey weapons. Ads. I was considering buying it on neogaf hype alone; I've seen several posters claim it's going to redefine the genre and kill off COD. It truly must be a game you have to play to 'get' because the footage makes the game look toilet water bland.
More like Titanfallasleep.
Creep FPS, No ranking system? no spectator mode?
and OP mechs?
Talk about a Brink 2.
Titanfall is just different enough from Call of Duty to draw in a crowd. Simple left trigger right trigger gameplay with mechs and wallrunning. Apparently there are killstreaks as well.
That said, I'm looking forward to the beta this weekend.
isn't the killstreaks the titan only?
Fukuda said Burn Cards were inspired by the desire to add some randomness to the game
Misunderstood the burn card system as a replacement for killstreaks. It's apparently different in that you earn perks through gameplay that you can then use once in a game.
edit: also fuck this quote from the polygon article
WTF is a game if its not competitive?
WTF is a game if its not competitive?
Part of the "everybody wins" mentality that currently pervades gaming right now. It's unfair that your "gaming privilege" of playing everyday and being better at the game should allow you to shit on someone who can only play one hour a week.
Every piece of news that comes out about this game Kills the hype. Competitive FPS truly is dead.
Part of the "everybody wins" mentality that currently pervades gaming right now. It's unfair that your "gaming privilege" of playing everyday and being better at the game should allow you to shit on someone who can only play one hour a week.
Every piece of news that comes out about this game Kills the hype. Competitive FPS truly is dead.
Killer Instinct and the rest of fighting game genre says hi
I mean a gun that auto headshots when aimed at the knee... it's beyond parody.
I watched the titanfall stream. Some elements do look fun, particularly the movement. Crucially though, I didn't see one guy come back from being seen first. There also seemed to be some form of camo on demand.
Go and watch this instead
He just pulled off a ridiculous overkill, man's playing out of his mind. This game still looks more like the future to me than titanfall. Titanfall, aesthetically, looks like generic PC shooter 130 from 1998. With better graphics of course.
Killer Instinct and the rest of fighting game genre says hi
That exterm just now, though!
Yeah, I guess my attitude is that's probably going to be fun for what it is.I only used Halo because it's something everyone here knows about. 343 said that spawning with plasma pistols and sticky nades would be fine in BTB. They said not being able to drop the flag would be fine. And then other things like sprint/flinch/perks etc were written off because people were saying the game was great after playing it. Only a small few were voicing concerns after their time with it.
Same thing is happening with TitanFall with these dumbass Burn Cards. But I guess we'll just have to wait until the honeymoon phase is over for people to realize that.
I can't either anymore but compared to the whole (mostly casual) gamersphere that's an outlier playstyle. I don't get why people are so shocked that Titanfall is obviously aimed at the BKs that comprise 95% of the FPS market.I don't know about anybody else but I have much more fun playing a competitive game casually than a casual game casually. I can't play any casual multiplayer game for any length of time, there is nothing engaging and it becomes boring. I would actually rather not game. If I'm feeling like something different I'll work my way though my single player game backlog.
Well they made like eight Fast & Furious movies too... dumbing down to catch bigger markets isn't exactly a phenomenon limited to the game industry. I'm pretty pessimistic about the whole thing; I think truly competitive FPS's will become increasingly niche. It's just too tempting to throw randomness and rubber banding into a game to keep most players happy (they are consumers after all, and you want to keep them in a good mood so they'll buy your shit).Part of the "everybody wins" mentality that currently pervades gaming right now. It's unfair that your "gaming privilege" of playing everyday and being better at the game should allow you to shit on someone who can only play one hour a week.
Every piece of news that comes out about this game Kills the hype. Competitive FPS truly is dead.
So correct me if I'm wrong...y'all think a hyper competitive "balanced & very skilled" game, where the top 1-3% rule every outcome, is going to attract a massive following and retain them for years at a time?
Am I getting your Titanfall/Halo comments on the money here?
You bitch about population incessantly but concede nothing in game development or mechanics or player rewards to attract or retain "lesser" players. *shakes head
Well they made like eight Fast & Furious movies too... dumbing down to catch bigger markets isn't exactly a phenomenon limited to the game industry. I'm pretty pessimistic about the whole thing; I think truly competitive FPS's will become increasingly niche. It's just too tempting to throw randomness and rubber banding into a game to keep most players happy (they are consumers after all, and you want to keep them in a good mood so they'll buy your shit).
I think the best we can hope for is a competitive FPS becoming popular enough through tournaments, etc that emphasize the competitive aspects to make an impact on sales. I really hope they're going to try to do that with Halo 5 (they did hire Tashi, Bravo, and Ghostayame).
Is this a serious post?
Is this a serious post? You've heard of League of Legends, Dota II, or even Dark Souls right? Were you not there for the "flappy bird" nonsense the past few weeks?
Is this a serious post? You've heard of League of Legends, Dota II, or even Dark Souls right? Were you not there for the "flappy bird" nonsense the past few weeks?
Well DOTA is very popular in Europe and Asia, USA is less than 20% of the player base. Halo is more USA dominated, I think it still is? Those examples are also PC based games, yes?
I not against a highly skilful game but there is nothing wrong with allowing lesser skilled or newer players some random elements say 1 or 2 times out of 10 so they like the game and keep playing to get better.
Well DOTA is very popular in Europe and Asia, USA is less than 20% of the player base. Halo is more USA dominated, I think it still is? Those examples are also PC based games, yes?
I not against a highly skilful game but there is nothing wrong with allowing lesser skilled or newer players some random elements say 1 or 2 times out of 10 so they like the game and keep playing to get better.
It did that in Reach. I like it. Was a little cheap for people to just hold the charge in until they saw an enemy. Makes people be a little more aware while using itWhat did people think about the plasma pistol in H4? Isnt it weird that if you hold a charce sometimes a grunt can survive it? Also if you hold it long enough it can waste the whole charge and shoot on its own.
Enough with the mod/waypoint crap, I'm a default objective/BTB competitive player playing at the best levels of 2/3, check my player history if you like. My points of view are as valid as everyone else.
I raise this points to discuss them, not to be 100% right with this point of view. You know mature discussion, oh wait I forgot where I was posting.
Mods time to reel the usual HaloGAF BS back in please.
Also the games you mention are PC based, in 2010 for the USA alone PC gamers were listed as 170 million install base. Think about how large PC+Steam is in 2014 with respect to your comments about DOTA/LOL.
Wait... What was that dude's name who used to post here that was the legit pitcher? You, uh, you him bromango?I loved playing baseball when I was younger. It was rad when I was struggling and couldn't throw 3 strikes to save my life that the umpires would allow me to have 5 ball walks and 2 ball strikeouts to cheer me up. Really made me happy.
You had a couple legit responses to your post. No need to get upset when you're wrong, mate.
Is there anyway to go back and watch all of the Halo 3 MLG events?
A fun thing about playing Gears MP at Black Tusk is everyone using the chainsaw again. Mortar is still my weapon of choice.
I honestly don't care about sportsball either in real life or in games, so I don't know about FIFA's situation but I would think it would have something to with the game being based on an existing culture of competitiveness. Conceivably, they could try to do something like (Super Cartoon Football-Soccer for Kinect) that but it would clash with the existing culture probably... A better example would be real life car racing leading to initial racing simulators which eventually gave birth to Mario Kart (Blue Turtle Shell!) and the whole genre of arcade racing games. Sports games always have a real-life component to keep them grounded, too, so Gran Turismo is right there along with Mario Kart, whereas shooters don't really (unless pro paintball has just gotten super huge while I wasn't looking).That's a bit different though. The amount of films means they're milking something to try and get as much money from it. Though I kind of get what you mean about expanding the niche of import tuning and street racing to turning it into a wider appealing heist type movie etc.
Apply a lot of this to things like sports games and you see how ridiculous it is. How much would Heckfu or Tawpgun play FIFA if they spend all this time learning the ins and outs of the game, the strategies of the sport, if there is randomness added to the game like their net becomes bigger for 30 seconds (more easy to score goals), players can get speed boosts at times. And that the reason for it is to add randomness and to give people who aren't good at the game a chance to compete.
So correct me if I'm wrong...y'all think a hyper competitive "balanced & very skilled" game, where the top 1-3% rule every outcome, is going to attract a massive following and retain them for years at a time?
Am I getting your Titanfall/Halo comments on the money here?
You bitch about population incessantly but concede nothing in game development or mechanics or player rewards to attract or retain "lesser" players. *shakes head
Wait... What was that dude's name who used to post here that was the legit pitcher? You, uh, you him bromango?
Ozzy, I really don't know what to tell you. There is obviously a place for babby's first FPS in today's consumer base but it is no way the norm. Look at all these AAA FPS games with tacked on, back of the box quote multiplayer that lose all their population in the first week and sell 100k. Halo CE-3 were the biggest shooters of their time and all 3 were regarded as competitive FPS games. Halo 2 gave birth to MLG. They all had ranks and skill ladders, similar to MOBAs (though obviously not as detailed).
As juices said earlier, it's all about having a good matchmaking system. Your average FPS player doesn't give a damn if he hears a guitar riff every time he accidentally gets a headshot. People want to see their skill rewarded, to watch themselves go from terrible to average to good, all while playing others at their skill level. Average players getting wrecked by great players should never happen, and is in no way the cause of the gameplay itself.
I mean good lord, look at Halo 4 (and Reach as well). No real ranking system and poor matchmaking parameters led to generally weak matchups. I'm sure you've seen the many objective holding vids posted here. It's arguable that the "skill-gap closers" in Halo 4/Reach made lopsided games even worse.