Few things to point out..
First on the left screen you see AR first person, with the same reticule as Halo Reach.. including the lines that marked bloom in Reach.
Also you can see the waypoint for the rocket spawn right up on the HUD.
On the right screen is a menu that shows different players.
At first I thought it was class selection, but earlier in the video it clearly states that the menu is showing "Players"
Good catch, it seems that is how the "random" power weapon drops are handled.
Classic AR <3
I wouldn't mind bigger spread for the AR the longer you hold the trigger but please don't fucking show the actual reticule changing size like in Reach (vomits).
I can't tell exactly what Im looking at, but the way the stars move by is beautiful.
Is the art below available anywhere in a very large format? (Ellis, Frank?)
Would love that for my work monitors or retina iPad display...
So, I guess the art and screens in that video is fair game, so maybe they will post some direct screens soon.