Valhalla: Sit on hill to win game because hill is nearly unassailable, Pelican and base imbalance (easier to trap cliffside team), one giant useless space over by turret/bubble shield/radio tower spawn.
Tempest: No vehicle routes, enemies spawn on top of objective spot making pushes very difficult, massive swaths of useless space behind each base, a plethora of hiding spots, and the fact that the map just should not have sniper rifles.
Neither work well with the standard 4v4 and 8v8 player count, instead being best in the Squad Battle 6v6 environment that is always dead a month after it launches.
On Avalanche: Map would have drastically benefited from movement of the Overshield and Snipers away from the middle hallway, removal of the laser, and decreased spawn timers for light vehicles. It's still probably my favorite Halo 3 map, right beside Standoff.
Hill was exposed to fire from all sides, made you vulnerable to sniper fire, and it was fun to drop a Power Drain on packs of guys camped out there.Valhalla: Sit on hill to win game because hill is nearly unassailable,
Never noticed this, myself, but could be.Pelican and base imbalance (easier to trap cliffside team),
Used heavily for vehicle and infantry flag runs (hit man cannon, get to Mongoose for the escape), and to flank players on the hill or at Pelican. Also had turret, great for vehicle giant useless space over by turret/bubble shield/radio tower spawn.
Agree with the changes, in particular the laser. With one major route for vehicles it was unfortunate to put the laser there. Likewise on Valhalla, which should have had rockets instead.On Avalanche: Map would have drastically benefited from movement of the Overshield and Snipers away from the middle hallway, removal of the laser, and decreased spawn timers for light vehicles. It's still probably my favorite Halo 3 map, right beside Standoff.
Nobody votes for Skirmish in my experience, adding them would be a waste. Inv. Skirmish/Slayer seem to just be there as padding.They could have, y'know, put the maps in Invasion and use them as Skirmish maps, but that would violate the 3rd rule of Playlist Management: You are not allowed to support Invasion post-launch.
It's hard to do this without being super anecdotal, but if the enemy team had a setup involving the Pelican, the hill was pretty much locked because the only viable assault route was from the river, which doesn't have enough cover to make it particularly effective. The one major setup that I noticed being used involved a sniper overwatch either at Pelican or the side ridge of the hill so that the enemy sniper was always dealt with quickly. It wasn't something that happened every game or anything, but often enough that my opinion of the map was brought down a few notches.Hill was exposed to fire from all sides, made you vulnerable to sniper fire, and it was fun to drop a Power Drain on packs of guys camped out there.
Used heavily for vehicle and infantry flag runs (hit man cannon, get to Mongoose for the escape), and to flank players on the hill or at Pelican. Also had turret, great for vehicle ambushes.
not really. Most times in a vehicle on Avalanche you were either powerdrained, driving around aimlessly and hoping to see a person/immediately get blown up by the tank, or you were so bored that you hit the mancannons to fly into the enemy base.
Yea, I must be imagining all of those times I waped with the Hornet & watched Eazy take a dump on the BKs base with the Chopper.
Valhalla was the definitive BTB map for me, people who complain about the hill being overpowered kind of miss the point, it was the central part of the map for the tug of war game that BTB should be in objective...
The trick with Valhalla is it really leveraged team play. A team holding the hill could be broken, but it required a bit a teamwork to break, which was often tough to come by in matchmaking outside of a party. A setup with hill/Pelican control required some combination of a coordinated "pinch" maneuver hitting the Pelican and hill at once, or a sniper lending cover, or a Warthog working the hill while infantry worked one flank. There were many ways to break it, but most required some coordination. That's part of what I loved about it.If the enemy team had a setup involving the Pelican, the hill was pretty much locked because the only viable assault route was from the river, which doesn't have enough cover to make it particularly effective. The one major setup that I noticed being used involved a sniper overwatch either at Pelican or the side ridge of the hill so that the enemy sniper was always dealt with quickly. It wasn't something that happened every game or anything, but often enough that my opinion of the map was brought down a few notches.
Valhalla was a BTB map to the core, so I don't think I ever put much if any time into it in 4v4. The BR just didn't have the range to hit players working around the sides if they wanted to get around the hill, and it was a good route to use the Warthog to get around the hill. I maintain the infantry/vehicle balance was as good as it ever was in the series, though. I found I was able to arrive at solutions to every setup teams could put down (though as I said without some coordination it was sometimes difficult).That field was just too open for my tastes, in particular with regards to infantry movement--I agree that the map had to have a good vehicle route, and that was the only really truly safe one. Flanking players on the hill wasn't feasible in my experience, because there is just no cover out there so it became a dead man's land in 4v4.
Sucks to be Scottish
A27 Tawpgun said:Haters gonna hate on standoff. I was king of the hog on that map.
Haters gonna hate on standoff. I was king of the hog on that map.
This. Best hog map in any Halo game.
Dem spawns.
Dem spawns.
CTF on Valhalla is sort of my definitive Halo experience, I could play it forever.
Valhalla: a supposedly symmetrical map where the center hill is a low slope to the top for blue team and a near sheer cliff for red. But I guess at least the bases are the same m i rite
All those nades flying through the air, just trying to flip over the enemy hog for an extra split second head start.
There's some GI stuff on Halo 4 in the waypoint news. I'd link but I'm on my phone and it's too much trouble. Anyone watch the vids yet?
At least Tempest is better than Avalanche. As fun as crawling across a map 5x too big was, I hope I never have to play that turd in a future Halo title.
All those nades flying through the air, just trying to flip over the enemy hog for an extra split second head start.
Ok you lost me here.Valhalla: a supposedly symmetrical map where the center hill is a low slope to the top for blue team and a near sheer cliff for red. But I guess at least the bases are the same m i rite
edit: standoff also went to shit in the later updates where BTB became 100% BR start. Objective just became a deathgrind until one team decided to quit.
Halo 3 BTB was amazing. Except when AR Starts on Last Resort or something similar. *shudders* BTB should always be precision weapon start. Ain't no other way.
Hopefully Halo 4 can bring it back from the grave.
Ok you lost me here.
Halo 3 BTB was amazing. Except when AR Starts on Last Resort or something similar. *shudders* BTB should always be precision weapon start. Ain't no other way.
PS are you responsible for Cragmire because if so I got some problems with you
"Let's make a wide open map, then give everyone a gun that can fire across the entire map".
Poop on a crap-covered poopcake for objective.
edit: not to say I don't have some good memories from that map.
But the BR could not fire across the entire map. You could not fire base to base, or base to silo, or across the map length or cross wise. Rock line to rock line was in the ideal range for the weapon, and much beyond that you were pinging players at best. Flanking bases on foot was made possible by the fact that you were not going to get BR'd to death, by virtue of the distance players had to clear in order to engage.
It was a BTB map, and the BR was entirely appropriate on it.
anyone down for drunken birthday multi-team?
Just curious, are there any gametypes you think can be non-precision-weapon starts?
"Let's make a wide open map, then give everyone a gun that can fire across the entire map".
Poop on a crap-covered poopcake for objective.
edit: not to say I don't have some good memories from that map.
I agree on smaller maps, and in abstract for some objective games, but I really never felt it was a problem on Standoff due to the map design. True there were a lot of extended shootouts, but that was sort of what the map was about. I did have a fair number of games with a low score count, but that felt appropriate give the name of the map.BR starts work for Slayer BTB. It's fine there. You're not trying to capture a part of the map.
When you give everyone a long distance gun off spawn for objective, everybody is encouraged to just sit back and pot shot, and there's no real incentive to taking the flag out the side doors when they'll just be able to shoot you as soon as they respawn, no matter which door you choose. So it just becomes a tiresome slog until one team blinks and the game ends 1-0.
Letting everyone shoot anywhere on the map defeats the point of playing on a big map in objective. There SHOULD be players you can't hit because you made bad decisions or failed to cover that part of the map. Instead, it's just die, respawn, engage immediately within seconds of spawn, return flag. Poop. Dashboard within 3 minutes. Not even worthy of an actual quit.
No AR starts on BTB.
Ever ever ever ever.
And besides, the Halo 3 BR's spread pinged people across the map. Was hardly effective.
BR starts work for Slayer BTB. It's fine there. You're not trying to capture a part of the map.
When you give everyone a long distance gun off spawn for objective, everybody is encouraged to just sit back and pot shot, and there's no real incentive to taking the flag out the side doors when they'll just be able to shoot you as soon as they respawn, no matter which door you choose. So it just becomes a tiresome slog until one team blinks and the game ends 1-0.
Letting everyone shoot anywhere on the map defeats the point of playing on a big map in objective. There SHOULD be players you can't hit because you made bad decisions or failed to cover that part of the map. Instead, it's just die, respawn, engage immediately within seconds of spawn, return flag. Poop. Dashboard within 3 minutes. Not even worthy of an actual quit.
Then it's decided. BR starts >>>>>> DMR starts >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AR starts. BR gives you something to do at mid-range, but doesn't give you a 3x scope to snipe people across the map and defeat the point.
Agreed? Yes? Yes
Frankie, make it so.
I sign off.
But I'm expecting the whole loadout shenanigans to make a DMR spawn possible in BTB.
I'm willing to accept a compromise where the DRM has a 2x scope and some recoil rather than the 3x scope laser beam we've got now.
DMR is confirmed to have 3x scope, guys. And Frankie mentioned DMR default loadout for a BTB map for example.
We're already screwed
DMR is confirmed to have 3x scope, guys. And Frankie mentioned DMR default loadout for a BTB map for example.
We're already screwed
3x Zoom DMR in BTB again?
They had better be adjusting the shit out of the rest of the sandbox to compensate.