I understand the usefulness of the Oxford comma. In cases like that, I would use it. But generally, it's redundant punctuation that creates an unnecessary pause.
Haha that example is great.
I understand the usefulness of the Oxford comma. In cases like that, I would use it. But generally, it's redundant punctuation that creates an unnecessary pause.
I just hope you were on the right side.
"To my parents, Ayn Rand and God."
I just hope you were on the right side.
"To my parents, Ayn Rand and God."
Halo>Sex. Only a few exceptions.
MeltdownGAF goes into ReasonableGAF once in gamechat.
Halo>Sex. Only a few exceptions.
.You're doing it wrong.
8. Great game, but doesn't hit the high notes of Remedy's best. Though when playing Alan Wake PLAY ON THE HIGHEST DIFFICULTY, I can't recommend that enough. Otherwise the whole light mechanic and the shadow shielding of the enemies feels pointless, like a needless buffer before being able to hurt them. I feel a lot of the people who got burned on the way the game plays didn't do so, it's really the proper way to play through it.Alan Wake 1-10.
You're doing it wrong.
Didn't know if I should have posted this before, but I'll take a shot at it. I'll try not to get leaky.
Not revealing, why, where, or when.
No I'm not from "MLG". In fact this was a very special occasion. I don't even have XBL at home.
Grenades are NOT mini nukes. Though still more powerful than Halo 3's and 2's.
My impressions:
- Movement. It feels awesome. Halo 3 ish and sprint doesn't really deprive anything from it.
- Graphics. Amazing. No question at all. Art direction seems brilliant.
- Core mechanics. Auto aim and bullet magnetism have been decreased immensely, especially with the sniper (Which I only got to use once... I'll get to weapon drops in the cons). Overall, the core shooting mechanics have been done well.
- Battle Rifle. I don't know why, but there's just something so satisfying about the new BR. Even more so than the old one.
- Kill times. They seem alot like Halo 3s. Not as fast as I'd hoped, but still leaps and bounds beyond Reach.
- DMR. I'll be honest. I thought I was going to use it once and then drop it. But the sound on it was so fracking beastly I couldn't stop. I still prefer the ever satisfying BR, but the DMR is certainly a good alternative. I've heard about bloom being on the DMR in other reports, but when I played, there wasn't any.
- Random weapon spawns. Now they aren't totally random, and are predictable, but the power weapons are now ridiculously easy to find. I only got to use the sniper once because every other time, there were 4 or 5 people shooting it out right in front of it.
- Perks. My god. Don't fool yourself into thinking that they're not like CoD. Some are pulled DIRECTLY out of CoD. Good thing is, there are apparantly going to be classic playlists without them. Thank god.
- Weapon sandbox. It seems like in pursuit of creating a sandbox with more variety, they've overcluttered the sandbox, even moreso than Halo 2.
- Menus. It's a pre release build yes, but I hope they change the menu style. It doesn't seem like Halo.
Those are what glared out at me after playing the game. I've tried not to leak anything new, but if I have, inform me and I'll take it off the post.
I'm still waiting for campaign gameplay, which is the main reason I was buying the game anyway.
Strafing is VERY effective. As in even more than Halo 3 due to the hitboxes and bullet magnetism.
- Grenades have been nerfed. Still a bit more powerful than 3, but much less than Reach.
- I only used Forerunner vision. Forerunner vision is largely useless, and more of a setback due to the sound it gives off.
- A few times, but most of the time it's possible to catch up with them by shooting them first due to slowdown, and then sprinting.
There's one that'll probably replace armor lock (That I never used or saw used BTW, I'm just assuming). There's one that'll screw with your performance in a firefight. There's one that unbalances the playing field from the start. ETC.
Definitely female spartans. Colors I don't know. I didn't spend much time customizing because I didn't want to look through the agony that was the loadout customization menu.
Kill cams are there.
I used the AR. It was actually alot like Halo 3s. In fact I'm even beginning to think that the AR Rush 2.0 might be in this game.
Deaths? As in animations? They were animated pretty darn well.
Also, the BR sound was overreacted to. It sound fine in the actual game. But trust me, the DMR sounds absolutely amazing.
- AR>>>BR at close range. Like I said, the AR rush might even be back. I was too busy using the BR, but the few times I did use the AR it was a monster at CQC.
- I almost used the Railgun, but I died before I could pick it up. And due to the weapon spawn system, I never got my hands on it because everyone kept rushing it. I saw it in a killcam though, but that was only the overheat animation. Assault Carbine I never saw or used.
- I saw this one covenant weapon that was... strange to say the least. It was like a Plasma Repeater, but with more damage and what appeared to be no bloom (as whoever was using it never timed their shots). Forerunner weapons I never saw or used.
- Map design... it's actually somewhat hard to tell. I thought the flow of the gameplay was great, and sprint was never a necessity. But because the combat was so hectic based on power weapon struggles, I never truly got to appreciate the maps design. Though I can tell you the map that I played on looked beautiful.
-Forerunner Vision is like a 3 second visor mode from ODST except you can see through a few walls. It outlines everything in orangish lines.
- I barely had anything unlocked for my loadouts. So no, not really.
-Weapons available on map are only those dropped from dead people and Power Weapon spawns.
- There was active camo, which is somewhat stupid when you get shot- I shot someone and their shields flared up, but even when they were in camo their shields still flared. IDK if that was a bug or something, but it made camo somewhat redundant. Hologram, strangely enough no one used.
I used the default scheme with the claw. It was actually... quite a bit like CoD with the crouch button moved to B. Comfortable, but uncomfortable at the same time.
- We played regular slayer.
- Don't want to get leaky so...
- Meleeing feels alot like Reach. Before you get out your pitchforks, I only said that it FEELS like Reach- as in not extremely powerful. Bleedthrough's back
-Drops are on a timer, and location isn't necessarily random. I'm pretty sure there's a set pattern to the locations that I didn't really catch on to, as everyone seemed to have the darn weapons before me. I actually felt that the drops were somewhat unfair. They take the "map knowledge" factor away from the game- not entirely of course (because they're not COMPLETELY random), but mainly because they give arrows and indicators when you're near them.
- Recoil on the BR was perfection. It wasn't annoying at mid range like Halo 3's or Pre TU Halo 2, but it was enough to stop using the BR at long range (and ditch it for the smexy new DMR). The pistol had bloom, and it seemed to be around the same as the Reach pistol. The pistol packed a hell of a punch BTW. AR also seemed to require accuracy maintenance at mid range, though I'm not sure if that's me or the weapon
BR (Satisfying to use)
DMR (Sexy to use)
AR (CQC dominator)
Pistol (Packs a nice punch when used as a secondary)
Sniper (Hard to use)
Rocket (Pretty much the same as the CE/A rocket actually)
Railgun (Tried to get it but died as everyone rushed for it- overheat animation was nice :/)
Plasma Repeater? (Don't know exactly what it is, but it seems to have no bloom and does high damage)
Shotgun (Forgot to include this, pretty much Reach's)
-No OP weapons, except when you combine them with a certain perk that unabalances the playing field from the start
- No vehicles on the map that I played (Imagine Countdown, but smaller and less campy)
Someone tweeted me this, probably bs since nothing new:
Someone tweeted me this, probably bs since nothing new:
I think you need to rethink your life.
Halo>Sex. Only a few exceptions.
There are several falsehoods in that and the rest is stuff we have revealed. If its not fake, he's wildly misremembering.Grain of salt of course, but seems to line up with the previous info we've gotten.
I am thoroughly disgusted.There are several falsehoods in that and the rest is stuff we have revealed. If its not fake, he's wildly misremembering.
There are several falsehoods in that and the rest is stuff we have revealed. If its not fake, he's wildly misremembering.
He had a good fake going until he mentioned no-bloom on the DMR. Too good of a change to be true.There are several falsehoods in that and the rest is stuff we have revealed. If its not fake, he's wildly misremembering.
He had a good fake going until he mentioned no-bloom on the DMR. Too good of a change to be true.
There are several falsehoods in that and the rest is stuff we have revealed. If its not fake, he's wildly misremembering.
There are several falsehoods in that and the rest is stuff we have revealed. If its not fake, he's wildly misremembering.
Finally caught up on GoT. Watched both seasons in the past 2 1/2 weeks. S2E9 was incredible. Can't wait for that season finale.
Also, I thought. Anyways, truly an amazing series.all you guys with the dire wolf avi's had something more to do with this season and was definitely looking forward to seeing the roles they played, but nothing yet... perhaps you guys are following the books? Don't spoil if so...
Carry on with the leaky sphincter talks.
Oh for real? I'm 30 minutes from there
Holy shit is that in Danbury? Want.Danbury Fair Mall meetup. Bring napkins.
Some pictures from the CEA launch that I never got around to posting.
Didn't realize my phone takes pictures that big. Holy fuck.
Yes pls.Would
HaloGAF meet up in Danbury MS Store for Halo 4 launch??
He had a good fake going until he mentioned no-bloom on the DMR. Too good of a change to be true.
Wasn't bloomless DMR one of the first official details given? I remember making a comment about why the BR and DMR exist in the same game unless the DMR had bloom, and Ellis replied by saying the BR had higher recoil.
Are we going to do Halo 4 E3 discussion in here? Or are we making another thread?
I'd prefer to have it in here while its "pure" so we don't get the GD saying "MASTER CHIEF HAS A FUNNY GUN, NOT GETTING DAY 1".
Community thread + Dani chat = WinAre we going to do Halo 4 E3 discussion in here? Or are we making another thread?
Are we going to do Halo 4 E3 discussion in here? Or are we making another thread?
I'd prefer to have it in here while its "pure" so we don't get the GD saying "MASTER CHIEF HAS A FUNNY GUN, NOT GETTING DAY 1".
Sometimes folks get banned in non Halo OT threads. Not naming names.
Sometimes folks get banned in non Halo OT threads. Not naming names.
Hey wait a minute
And also, I would suggest maybe doing Xbox Live parties, but I'm not really sure if anyone would want to be in a party of 8 people going "Holy shit! Did you see that?" (myself probably being one of them) for the duration of the conference.
As much as I'd love to do E3 discussion, I have a serious problem taking my eyes off the screen for a few seconds to talk about something. I need to be fully immersed for all the conferences. Best days of the year for me.
Will definitely wait until afterwards.
8 synchronized orgasms sound perfect.
My party would be just myself, kylej, and Overdoz1z.
8 synchronized orgasms sound perfect.
Even if I don't like some of the changes in Halo 4 so far, I know I'm going to like the presentation at E3. It's just impossible to not be hyped during the conferences. Frank could just go on stage and be like "ADS is in the game, as well as killstreaks ranging from Mac Cannons to Nuclear Bombs" and I'd still be freaking the hell out.
Man, E3 rules.
Even if I don't like some of the changes in Halo 4 so far, I know I'm going to like the presentation at E3. It's just impossible to not be hyped during the conferences. Frank could just go on stage and be like "ADS is in the game, as well as killstreaks ranging from Mac Cannons to Nuclear Bombs" and I'd still be freaking the hell out.
Man, E3 rules.