I took a capture of the ESPN Viral stuff if anyone can't see it (or in case they change it).
As it's YouTube you can freeze frame so it's a bit easier to see what's going on compared to the live ESPN site.
This is the text that was taken from the flash data
38XUI¶¶ aos . 299 .
!attach act drop
thanksshk terminal
linvntry terminal
proc 7 8 9
rogue proc 10
probe terminal proc 10
!bite proc 10
!diag proc 10
94. ssdd a s--------
§200 sdkue
!bite rogue pro 1 recurse
clean !splotch control
s et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
So8ii aspoke qpdkv disofasddddddd
Cras mattis imperdiet est, quis pharetra sdr3
Curae; In tempor pulvinar felis in ves
Maecenas tincidunt vehicula est, vitae condim
imperdiet felis sit amet mauris dignissim
oque penatibus et magnis dis parturient r35
Curabitur sagittis quam vel nisl cas37 jj6-fdd
scelerisque faucibus. In auctor leo eu sapien
Ut sollicitudin neque
faucibus neque accumsan. Ut convallis sagittis
Proin suscipit malesuada elementum.
a justo. Vestibulum dapibus aliqu