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Halo |OT5| Believe, Again

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Aw, man... :(

(Note to self: never do server upgrades while you're playing - it's WAAAY too frickin' easy to make a mistake. :( )

We are switching our homepage and I'm slowly doing 200+ articles from vbulletin into wordpress, feels bad man:(

GG btw, glad we finally got to play.
Welp, went into Forge for a little bit, turns out I don't know what I'm doing.

Not sure what to do now.

i have made a few maps that i think are pretty good.
not sure if you can see my fileshare from this link
memento is a relic remake, and red tide is a btb map i made.

in forge world its all about location. pretty much anywhere can work. but some are better than others. i really like that whole beach area next to the big island. but trying to work with the water is annoying. i don't recommend ever using the indoor building, it gets far too dark with a lot of objects. the area on the top of that is extremely versatile though. another good place is the big cliffs in between blood gulch and the water.

don't try to make a btb map if you are not experienced at forge. i did this twice and ran out of objects both times. my third btb map was a lot better.

try to remain conservative. do not go for crazy detail right off the bat. the budget may seem huge, but it will run out quick.

build the basic layout first, don't concentrate on making things straight and perfect right away. get a general idea for how your map should be.

design your map around the spawns. do not make a map, then try to place a bunch of spawn in places you think will be good.

try to make your map work with as many gametypes a possible.

weapon placement is probably the hardest thing. do not place a sniper at the highest point on the map. don't allow one team to get easier access to a power weapon than the other. power weapons need to be risk-reward. the player must risk there lives trying to get the weapon, so that the reward of killing everyone with rockets doesn't come easy. (pretty obvious)

transportation is very important for a map. you want lots of ways for the player to travel around the map. mancannons, teleporters, even just hallways with multiple routes of entry and exit will make a player feel safe while traversing it. or it will allow the player to quickly get to where they want to go. this is especially important on BTB maps.

EDIT: oh duh, you also need to test the shit out of your maps.

thats all i can think of for now. obviously i'm no expert at this, but hope it helps.


Sword Base is the worst map for Oddball in Reach. Why is it that every time that Oddball shows up it's on that map? Just remove it, 343.


So many bad AR kids in that playlist. Not to mention kids who have never played halo before.

It's so dumb. Seriously, why in the hell would you bother with an AR? Makes absolutely no sense.

Just played a game of Oddball on Prisoner. Won 150 to 0. The entire enemy team didn't even notice the ball. Whenever they got near it, they'd just walk on by with their ARs. What the hell.


Neo Member
Geeked out I finally got approved. So here's my survey:

Are you a very recently approved member of neogaf?
Yup, long time lurker too.

What country are you posting from and what’s your current age.
USA - 25

At what age did you get into Halo and with which game.
Day 1 Halo: CE fan. From the old duke controllers to the spiffy 360 controllers we play with today, been a fan since the beginning and day 1.

For how long have you been reading HaloGAF?
A year or so. It's like stalking your favorite video game fans and reading them scoop out reports, media and twitter. Win.

What’s your absolute favorite Halo campaign? And your favorite multiplayer? (you’re not allowed to pick Halo: Combat Evolved for any of the two)
For campaign, I truly enjoy them all. There are different aspects to each title which make me love every single campaign, but for me, Halo 3 is my favorite. I remember standing in line at 1:30pm after I got out of class to get it with friend for the midnight launch, we went through the whole campaign at midnight into the next morning. Just great times, the 4 player co-op, to this day, is still a blast as well.

For MP, easily Halo 2. Fast paced, crazy and pure FUN. I think it was the pinnacle of Halo multiplier. I enjoyed 3, but it doesn't compare to 2 in some ways imo. Halo 2 was just an amazing time. And from the looks of it, Halo 4 looks like it may surpass 2's MP greatness.

Highest Halo 3 level and which playlist.
35 in TS iirc. I have two accounts, so I believe it was a 35 in TS.

AR or BR?
BR all day, Halo 2 > Halo 3 BR as well. Oh button combos, how we miss thee.

Absolute favorite multiplayer map from Combat Evolved, Halo 2 and 3 (just one from each).
CE = Damnation
Halo 2 = Zanzi (Yup, it kicked the remake from 3's ass too, imo)
Halo 3 = The Pit

Least hated Reach mp map.(excluding Anniversary pack)
Boardwalk. Would be reflection, but jetpacks break the map imo.

Do you prefer BTB or MLG? (pre-Reach era)
BTB. I'm a HUGE BTB guy, but appreciate MLG as well.

Competitive multiplayer or Firefight?
Competitive MP. Though my Fiance loves FF so that gives me an edge when she's down to play it all the time.

Games completed on solo Legendary.
Everything but H:CE. I know, very noobish.

Are you EazyB? Mike DongBlain?
? Mike DongBlain [gets teabagged online]

What are some of your favorite Campaign missions.
I LOVE The Covenant from Halo 3. That is, by far, the most fun mission in the entire Halo series. It has a little bit of everything we love about the series and then some... Runners up include Assault of the Control Room, Silent Cartographer, and The Ark. All the levels in Halo 1 are up there too - especially the gorgeous H:CEA.

Favorite Reach playlists.
BTB (as frusterating as it is fun), Team Objective, Griffball.

Size of frankie erotica folder (in megabytes).
I can neither confirm nor deny the massive, space-hog that is my frankie erotica folder.

Opinion on reticule bloom.
Glad it's changed - for the MUCH better - in Halo 4.

Opinion on Armor Abilities and the one you usually end up picking.
Sprint all day long. Jetpack breaks most game types, active camo was better when it was a pick-up item and armor lock can die with the covenant attack in Reach.

Why are you a Halo fan?
The atmosphere, feel, epic story and most of all... the Chief. God bless Spartan 117. My favorite MP game of all time. Cannot wait for 4!

Favorite Halogaffer, and least favorite (besides Dax). (optional)
I dig a lot of you guys. I <3 all here. Tashi's legendary and uncanny ability to ceiling cap the triple kills makes me smile. <3 Tashi.

Now feel free to introduce yourself and/or share anything you want so we get to know you better, some of us would enjoy reading it. (optional)
I work in the gaming industry and have always enjoyed the Halo series. I look forward to chattin' it up with fellow Gaffers and transitioning into the Halo 4 era! I also opened up a channel http://youtube.com/MixMaker117 for all my Halo-related videos and shenanigans. Hope I get to stick around for a while. :)

Also, love VIDEO EDITING - do it as a career and created the Halo: Prometheus and ODST: Skyfall trailers. Will look forward to doing more mashups for the community :)
Hey happy birthday stalker! Didn't know this game is gonna be at 4 am for you, are we still going through with that time? Anyways, I'll be on at 11est for it, got a bit of studying to do first.



OMG WHAT THE HELL!?!?!? That bunny is eating the other bunny's face! Someone save it!


I've somehow found myself in a Gold Pro lobby. Should I kill myself now or later?

Thinking Sword Base and Powerhouse are competitive maps, oh god.
We are still on for the game guys dont worry. Just gotta keep myself awake for 2 more hours.

Im 22 now, not a young lad anymore these late nights are going to take their toll on me.


Neo Member
Anyone who wants to ever play halo add me. I'm down for any playlists. I carried Tashi at MLG Orlando last year. GT - Emergenzy
Didn't get to finish the pep on Friday, meaning I didn't get to start the resin. I did get this far though. I just have to attach the side and back now.
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