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Halo |OT5| Believe, Again

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The thing about that GIF, and many other uses of P-Vision, is that you could glean the same awareness from intelligent use of the motion tracker. Seemed like these guys were really relying on it as a crutch, but if anything, it was distracting them from paying attention to their surroundings and just checking radar.
The thing about that GIF, and many other uses of P-Vision, is that you could glean the same awareness from intelligent use of the motion tracker. Seemed like these guys were really relying on it as a crutch, but if anything, it was distracting them from paying attention to their surroundings and just checking radar.

In this situation I agree with you, dude could have easily used his radar to achieve the same results.


The thing about that GIF, and many other uses of P-Vision, is that you could glean the same awareness from intelligent use of the motion tracker. Seemed like these guys were really relying on it as a crutch, but if anything, it was distracting them from paying attention to their surroundings and just checking radar.
Agree, often I was thinking "the rader does the same thing".


Here it is:

Mix this comment with what the new Grenade Pistol looks like it can do, and it's a safe bet that one of the best weapons Bungie ever created is going to die with Reach. :-(

Yeah, that's really a shame. I do like this new Sticky Detonator in a way, but no way it is a proper replacement for the Pro Pipe. Or even as cool as the Pro Pipe

Hopefully at least Halo 5 will feature the Pro Pipe once again.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
my tweaks and suggestions: cancel this abortion. wait til next xbox comes out. make a good game. 60fps.

So salty.

Yeah, that's really a shame. I do like this new Sticky Detonator in a way, but no way it is a proper replacement for the Pro Pipe. Or even as cool as the Pro Pipe

Hopefully at least Halo 5 will feature the Pro Pipe once again.

The pro pipe has not been confirmed as being not in the game...


Game looks fun to me, I didn't really see many instances where they used PV that I thought, hey that's broken. I felt it actually distracted them more than it helped in most instances, instead of playing the game, they were scanning constantly, and then when they did find someone with it, they were usually right in front of them anyways.


The pro pipe has not been confirmed as being not in the game...

And do you really belive it is in addition to this new Sticky Detonator?
I don't, because both are power weapons. I could belive that both the Carbine and the Needle Rifle are in Halo 4 as those are basic primary weapons.

Game looks fun to me, I didn't really see many instances where they used PV that I thought, hey that's broken. I felt it actually distracted them more than it helped in most instances, instead of playing the game, they were scanning constantly, and then when they did find someone with it, they were usually right in front of them anyways.

Indeed. Too many players are relying on it, too much, it acts as crutch if you overuse it. Me, i try not to rely on AAs, ever.


Oh man, imagine a match where the entire team took autoturret as a specialization.

And now there are 4 turrets scattered on the map. Fun.

edit: Is it known if your turret dies if you die? I would assume it'd be that way.


Oh man, imagine a match where the entire team took autoturret as a specialization.

And now there are 4 turrets scattered on the map. Fun.

edit: Is it known if your turret dies if you die? I would assume it'd be that way.

That actually sounds really interesting for Slayer or Obj games--blockade one entrance to a base and try and funnel them to the rest of your team.


Sticky grenade gun to the side of a turret. Promethean vision to see said turret. Countered. :p

Ah true, that would probably work. Although the rock paper scissors mentality to these AA's is lame.

Lol what if there are 4 of them in a phalanx position? Imagine the trolling!
Game looks fun to me, I didn't really see many instances where they used PV that I thought, hey that's broken. I felt it actually distracted them more than it helped in most instances, instead of playing the game, they were scanning constantly, and then when they did find someone with it, they were usually right in front of them anyways.
I think the pros use it poorly. The video I saw Elamite is hunting someone. He could have located easily his victim if he had used PV.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Ah true, that would probably work. Although the rock paper scissors mentality to these AA's is lame.

Lol what if there are 4 of them in a phalanx position? Imagine the trolling!

In my mind I picture 4 Spartans back to back with turrets pointing out from the flag. Although then a grenade would take out most of them. :p

I am anxious to get to experience the new encounters in the game and figure out ways to beat them.
I've noticed people complaining about the OS, speed powerup, and damage powerup, but how are those any different from powerups in the old game? You don't spawn with them, they still have to be earned. As long as they aren't overpowered I don't see the problem.


No footage of needler use? or Longbow gameplay?

Saw the Needler in one video for a second, the guy stared using it and the view switched to another player.
No Longbow.

Really wanna see both of these.

I've noticed people complaining about the OS, speed powerup, and damage powerup, but how are those any different from powerups in the old game? You don't spawn with them, they still have to be earned. As long as they aren't overpowered I don't see the problem.

People complain about them because you can choose to have one dropped and they're not static spawns.
Personally i think the powerups should not be in the game at all, or they should be static, not drops.



The replacement for the grenade launcher (not sure if I should call it that)... terrible design at this point. Every time I saw it used, the slow movement made me wonder "why would I use this over a grenade?" It does nothing better than the grenade launcher in Reach in those vids. I don't care if the GL was "objectively underused" the replacement is next to worthless in those videos.

Promethean Vision - absolutely terrible. It confirms what was seen in brief snippets and expressions produced day one. Why even have walls, lets just play octagon and be done... now I can see in real time where everyone is at the press of the button, and there was no counter to it in the game play. Assuming equal skill this will end up slowing the game even more... now people will just sit looking through virtual windows daring the other to step out first... you already saw that between some of the guys in the vids... ugh.

Rockets - slower with smaller blast radius...? they are a power weapon, balance them by the number of times it can be used, location, and frequency of spawn... NOT by making them look like a missile pod.

1v1 interactions looked clunky and imprecise with the BR... I don't know if it's the recoil that we can't experience while we watch, increased capacity to strafe (from Reach), or the BR being 5 shots... but watching people nearly run out of bullets for one kill was painful.

I would prefer to not have anything moving in the reticle... but as long as shots are 100 percent accurate with each trigger pull on precision weapons... I'm happy.

I don't like how busy it looks... medals, points, notes, HUD, weapon spawn icons, grenade indicators - it's like the game is puking pixels all over my monitor.

Hate the grenade throwing noise.


I like the look graphically. It definitely is a sharp looking game.

Movement looks improved from Reach and pretty smooth.

Hit scan weapons with hit markers.

Loving the overall variety in the sandbox with new weapons available.

Like sprint being default.

Like the fidelity of the sound overall and can't wait to hear the final product.


In my mind I picture 4 Spartans back to back with turrets pointing out from the flag. Although then a grenade would take out most of them. :p

I am anxious to get to experience the new encounters in the game and figure out ways to beat them.

Same here. Only thing I'm worried about is how much fun is it going to be having to counter all these AAs after weeks? Months? I just don't want it to go the same way as Reach; The first few weeks were awesome, but over time, the flaws were made apparent and exploited, and combating AAs felt more like work than strategy.

That said, I am still excited quite a bit. Tempering my expectations, though. Still very much hyped for campaign.
Some small criticisms that aren't a big deal:

-Sword no longer lights up environment

-Animations are very similar to Halo Reach (Death, etc)

-Sounds are nice, but could use a little more oomph. Also, I wish there were more sounds for when bullets whizzed by, or smacked off surfaces.

-No distant crackle sound on further away gunfire.


I will say though, this was a very controlled reveal, tons of AAs not present. They still haven't detailed much about perks either. Good first impression for me though.


Some small criticisms that aren't a big deal:

-Sword no longer lights up environment

-Animations are very similar to Halo Reach (Death, etc)

-Sounds are nice, but could use a little more oomph. Also, I wish there were more sounds for when bullets whizzed by, or smacked of surfaces.

-No distant crackle sound on further away gunfire.






Excuse me? I was worried about the framerate because the current Halo game I'm playing runs like ass, including maps approved by your studio for consumer purchase. If I'm the master of hyperbole, you're the master of selective responses. I still have not heard a confirmed locked 30fps from 343.

People call that five months out from release?

I guess I could see CoD makers doing that because they hit ctrl+c. Answered my own question, d'oh.


Some small criticisms that aren't a big deal:

-Sword no longer lights up environment

-Animations are very similar to Halo Reach (Death, etc)

-Sounds are nice, but could use a little more oomph. Also, I wish there were more sounds for when bullets whizzed by, or smacked of surfaces.

-No distant crackle sound on further away gunfire.

Might just not be in the build.

Sounds seem good to me other than the BR seems to sound odd, but like I said before, might be because of lack of bass/compression
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